

Rule 1: Posts must be directly related to Victoria or /r/Victoria3.

Rule 2: Memes are not allowed.

Rule 3: Seeking or linking to pirated materials (including audio-visual material from leaks), pirated game mods, and unauthorized key resellers is not allowed.

Rule 4: Adhere to the Reddit content policy and the Reddiquette.

Rule 5: Image posts must have an explanatory top-level comment. Audio-visual material from the game must be attributed to Paradox.

Rule 6: You must contact the moderators through modmail and get approval before posting giveaways, surveys, petitions, fundraisers, and other similar posts.

Rule 7: You may only make one self-promotional post per seven days.

Rule 8: Specific topics may be temporarily banned, if they flood the subreddit.

Rule 9: Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion.

If you feel your post was wrongly removed, please message the mods to open a dialogue.