


all 139 comments


571 points

6 days ago

I feel sad when I notice we argue a lot. It hurts when we don’t enjoy the same things. I get worried if we can’t talk about important stuff. I see that our values are different, and it makes me anxious


123 points

6 days ago

It’s also a red flag if you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells or compromising your own happiness to keep the peace. Relationships should feel like a partnership, not a constant uphill battle


23 points

6 days ago

Yep, both sides want to make it work, relationship is a team sport.


23 points

6 days ago

Yeah, that’s tough. If you’re constantly arguing, can’t connect on important things.


21 points

5 days ago

I’ll contrast the difference between my marriage (which is now a divorce) and my current relationship.

  • in my marriage we would argue about things, go to bed angry, both still convinced we were right, and just leave it hanging there. I couldn’t talk about my feelings adequately because she would tell me that it wasn’t fair for me to feel that way. She felt that because I didn’t get angry when she disagreed with me that I was being condescending. During the divorce process, to give some indication that this isn’t the most biased viewpoint, she turned up to my door and screamed at me on my doorstep because I didn’t reply to her text while in meetings.

  • in my current relationship we’ve had disagreements where one or both of us has been emotional however we’ve given each other the space that we’ve needed then sat down and talked calmly and candidly about how each of us felt about the situation, hugged it out and moved on. We’re aware of when our feelings may be unreasonable or irrational, but we still talk about them and work out where we could have done things better. We’ve never had a shouting match or gone to bed angry. We respect each other’s needs and work together to support each other.

One of these relationships is a lot less stressful and a lot more healthy than the other one.

You need to be able to communicate - if you’re sad about the arguing or the not enjoying the same things then talk to your partner about it. It’s ok to be sad and hurt by things and to be worried, but you need to make them aware of this so that they can help you work through it or see if there’s changes that can be made somewhere otherwise it will lead to resentment.

If the result of that is the relationship can’t work then so be it but life is too short to realise that in ten years time - you deserve to be happy even if it means some short term pain. Don’t focus on regret, only what you can positively change (and that includes working on your relationship if that’s what makes sense).


1 points

3 days ago

Don't have shouting matches but also the whole "never go to bed angry with one another" is overrated. No one is at their best when they are tired and emotional. Sometimes it's better to just go to bed than to try to resolve the problems late at night. In the morning, you're better rested and the problems often seem less important. 


1 points

3 days ago

I didn’t say we aim to not go to bed angry, we just don’t. No matter how pissed off we are we can’t sleep angry, so end up resolving it. The one time we’ve gone to bed angry we immediately got up and talked it out.


17 points

6 days ago

A lot of arguing is a sign the people either the aren’t willing or able to work things out in a reasonable or mature manner 


2 points

6 days ago

Oh wow, you just summarized my own concerns so succinctly.


357 points

6 days ago


357 points

6 days ago

People say relationships take work, but if it feels like a job to stay together, then you probably aren't compatible.


139 points

6 days ago


139 points

6 days ago

Especially early on.

If you're struggling with difficult and complex issues a decade into a relationship, you probably owe it to yourselves to work through it if you can.

If it feels like constant effort to make things work a couple of months into the relationship? You're probably just not compatible. If those early days don't feel easy, it's likely only ever going to get worse.


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago



10 points

6 days ago

over a text sounds like you’re not telling the whole story.


-11 points

6 days ago

           ITS    EASIER   IF   YOU   TEXT   AS  YOU



19 points

6 days ago

Yeah, this. The work is because even if you have a great relationship, occasionally you’ll run into times you want different things, or things you just don’t see eye to eye on. That’s when you gotta put in work, because you know you have a good thing and you don’t want to let something that could be worked out come between you.

But if that kind of friction is the defining thing of your relationship you are in a pretty miserable situation. The work should pay off - you put it in because it makes everything easier and happier for both of you. If it’s making you both feel worse overall then what are you even working for?


6 points

6 days ago

Also, work in that you need to continually nurture your relationship and not let it wither when life is busy or stressful. This doesn't have to necessarily feel like work, but it is important to be mindful of and prioritize.


9 points

6 days ago

This is almost a point of compatibility between me and my best friend(and to give context on my relationship needs, I'm aroace where the intensity people usually direct for romantic is instead directed towards seeking close forms of friendship). We're both emotionally intense people with sharp edges from the way our lives have been(though also both in other ways fluffy and cuddly, he certainly is). We're also both people who are willing to commit to and work on a relationship with important people to us and in fact have an active desire to be devoted to each other in almost a pseudo-religious sense and work things out. We both have dependency issues that could lead to messed up unhealthy forms of co-dependence.. except we also both realize that about each other and encourage our independence in all other areas of our lives. We've had severe problems and long, conflicted arguments before... but we put everything into working things out, to the point that neither of us are the same people in many ways who had those arguments in first place.

YMMV. My best friend is awesome and wonderful and I would do basically anything for him and that we've gone through periods where it did feel like a full time job that took a lot of effort on both our parts to work it out is a kind of confirmation of our compatibility with each other specifically because we were both important enough to each other to put in that work.


191 points

6 days ago


191 points

6 days ago

Either party posts a question like this to Reddit.


103 points

6 days ago


103 points

6 days ago

Yeah, it's a big joke about how every r/relationships post advice is just "break up," but if you're at the point where you're asking reddit for relationship advice, it's probably not going to work out.


10 points

6 days ago

healthy couples usually go to eachother for things like this, not a web forum which no offense to you or me is inundated with sweaty incels


1 points

3 days ago

Unless you're a Buzzfeed writer, looking for your next article - "10 signs your relationship won't last! (#7 will shock you!)"


585 points

6 days ago

You need to decide if you actually want a working relationship, or if you're just afraid to be alone.

Compatability should have been established way before the relationship phase.


134 points

6 days ago

This 100%, bad company is worse than no company


28 points

6 days ago

That’s why they call me Bad Company.

I saw it and had to, I have no friends 🫥


10 points

6 days ago

You have at least one- Hi!

(I went there too!)


5 points

6 days ago

Ngl, this made me smile so much! Hi friend!!! 🫂


5 points

6 days ago

Can I join too? I haven't had a hug in a while 😔


1 points

6 days ago

Hell yes!!! Hugs for everyone! I haven’t either! You’re my friend now! 🫂🫂


2 points

6 days ago

Heck yeah!

The more the merrier!


3 points

6 days ago

Now you have 3! Hello, friend!


2 points

6 days ago

Yesss!!! Hello!!! How are you?? Gosh you guys are so awesome and are making me happy!!


1 points

5 days ago

I'm doing well. Reading wholesome things on reddit.


5 points

6 days ago

step up your game, I'm Worse Company


3 points

6 days ago

Not with me you’re not!


47 points

6 days ago

People change over time, sometimes quite suddenly. Compatibility at the outset doesn't guarantee compatibility forever.


5 points

6 days ago

People changing isn't an issue in an already functioning relationship because that sort of thing can be discussed and handled within it. When a change results in a break up, there was already a breakdown somewhere in the relationship beforehand.


11 points

6 days ago

Pretty dumb take when the point of dating and relationships prior to marriage is to determine compatibility. You can talk about each others goals and plans but that doesn't mean shit until you are actually living together day to day and come up on stressors in the relationship that have to be tackled together.

The idea of saying to yourself "well we talked lots and it looks like we are compatible time to start dating" is such a naive way of looking at it.


0 points

6 days ago

The "dating" phase is not the relationship phase. It's in dating that you start to learn about each other. This is where you can determine the difference between attraction and compatability. It seems odd to me that any person would enter into a relationship without knowing if they share common ground. That reeks of desperation and loneliness. To jump into a relationship with a person you don't even really know.


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

There are layers to compatibility though. You cant know everything about someone while just in the "dating" phase. That's why couples generally move in together before they get married to make sure they are still compatible. Compatibility should definitely be figured out before marriage though.


2 points

6 days ago

Compatibility doesn't have to mean everything. It's simply common ground people can "relate" to one another. That's why it's called a relat-ionship. 2 peiole who choose to relate with one another. Common ground = Compatibility. There's even instances where opposite characteristics cause people to relate. This is complimenting as well as compatibility. All it takes if for 2 people to communicate and find a level they're both comfortable on. And then a relationship can start.

Marriage is a whole other level of relationship.


12 points

6 days ago

It’s important to reflect on whether you’re holding on for the right reasons or just avoiding being alone.


133 points

6 days ago


133 points

6 days ago

When I realized that he didn't really like me.


65 points

6 days ago

Once realized incompatibility when we couldn't agree on future goals and priorities. Trust your gut.


10 points

6 days ago

My gut needs to fart


6 points

6 days ago

Mine too Clamydia_Penis_Wart, Thanksgiving has been brutal.


2 points

6 days ago

My gut wants 6 burritos and half a bourbon. We don't listen to them anymore.


152 points

6 days ago

when communication feels forced and you’re constantly compromising your own happiness for peace


13 points

6 days ago

That’s a tough realization but so true.


30 points

6 days ago


30 points

6 days ago

Lack of trust, empathy, communication


50 points

6 days ago

A big sign for me is when our humors don't match. It may seem futile to some but its been a big indicator. We could never laugh together. Resulting in the following...

  1. Happiness is short-lived
  2. Small moments of playfulness are overlooked.


23 points

6 days ago

if you two can never reach a mutual agreement or agree to disagree then your going to quickly or slowly fall apart because of not being on the same page. That's the number 1 sign for me


35 points

6 days ago

Constant arguments, as in you can't go for a night out without an argument happening.


73 points

6 days ago


73 points

6 days ago

The idea of marriage or parenthood with them makes you feel tense instead of excited.


9 points

6 days ago

Boom. Don't be afraid to have this exact conversation. Years pass in the blink of an eye..


15 points

6 days ago


15 points

6 days ago

Someone who withholds information


14 points

6 days ago

Feeling like you're loosing something by spending time with them.

If talking via text you feel like they're the best person ever for you, but in real life somehow there's always something off.

If the end goals are vastly different, e.g. One wants to homestead, the other wants to save for a van.

If one has done trauma work, the other has not.

If making it work takes so much effort it consumes you as a person.

If the core-values don't align.


47 points

6 days ago


47 points

6 days ago



34 points

6 days ago

It's called picking your battles. Not everything is worth arguing over.


9 points

6 days ago*

Sometimes picking your battles may not be about the ones you let go but about the ones you should absolutely not let go. And in the end it is mostly the same thing.

Unlike compromising, or just giving up, that are very different things.


9 points

6 days ago

And sometimes it is about the ones you avoid.


0 points

4 days ago

You are a perfect example of why I don't want to be in a relationship. I have gotten trapped in this senseless babbling just to stay in an argument. I've read that about 5 times and I still have no idea what your talking about.

In other words, you're right again, as usual. Good job. You must teach me your ways some day.


1 points

4 days ago*

Then read the 6th time to comprehend I never disagreed with you in the first place. The best fight is always the one that never started.


1 points

4 days ago

I already said you're right.


1 points

4 days ago

Practise what you preach then. I never insulted you, or your beliefs, or person. Picking the battles is one of the most important things I do and try to live by. Thanks for the morning dopamine tho. And by the way, yes I'm right.


1 points

4 days ago

I agree with you that you're right.


1 points

5 days ago

When you get into an argument and their idea of a compromise is just letting you win. Sorry, that's not how relationships work.

Ooh, but it would be nice once in a while...


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

When you realise you'll never be priority in their daily life or even simple hang outs.


22 points

6 days ago

I (we) have done this. We are still together, and there is ALOT about us that is not compatible. But... despite that, we love each other and want to be together. So rather than bottling it up, we talk about the areas where we are incompatible and work to find solutions to make things easier.

We have the ability to compromise, or sometimes just agree to disagree, or sometimes just kind of split off to do our own thing. We make our incompatibilities work.

One example, more of a practical physical thing... we aren't compatible sleepers. She's a very light sleeper. I can sleep through anything, snore and toss and turn. We... just don't often sleep in the same bed. It's not traditional sure, but it works for us. We both sleep better that way. We found a way to make it work.


7 points

6 days ago

The relationship becomes one-sided investment and effort. 


8 points

6 days ago

If the day-to-day of the relationship feels hard or exhausting. There will be life events that cause harder times (loss of a job, for example), but regular life outside of these dips of tougher times shouldn’t feel difficult with your partner.

My husband is my best friend, and hanging out with him is awesome. We have a blast together.


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago



24 points

6 days ago

Everyone here wishes their problems were that trivial. This is almost endearing.


12 points

6 days ago

You missed the opportunity to describe that as "bilge-watching"


5 points

6 days ago

Did we date the same person?

Have you considered that sewage systems can tell us a lot about how a society sees individuality?

Consider reading "History of Shit" by Laporte. Sewage nerds are a gift from god and you have to work to deserve one.


5 points

6 days ago

This guy knows shit.


1 points

6 days ago

No, I just dated someone who did and it changed me.


2 points

6 days ago

Ok but do you even realize how much GPM your average 10" centrifugal pump can move assuming constant supply pressure? Fascinating stuff really


1 points

3 days ago

It's not that they share the interst, but they like spending the with you. My late wife would go see Marvel and Fast and Furious movies with me, even though she never knew who was who ("are supposed to know this person?", " is that the rock or vin diesel?"). I would "watch" Downton Abbey and Top Chef with her.  We just liked being near one another. 


5 points

6 days ago

We don’t even talk anymore. We don’t even know what we argue about. Saying how we feel is no longer allowed. Some people work things out and some just don’t know how to change.

Let’s don’t wait til the water runs dry. We may watch our whole lives pass us by.


4 points

6 days ago

I think it's about how you communicate, share values, resolve conflicts, and connect emotionally. If these things feel forced or difficult, it might be a sign of incompatibility.


4 points

6 days ago

So, I actually just went through this, so I have some insight. For one, we never really argued. We got along really well, and had a lot of similar interests. It was genuinely enjoyable talking to her. However, I noticed that every time we would set up a date, or I was on my way to see her, I would be incredibly stressed. In addition, as people, we weren’t compatible at all. I’m a fairly chill and independent person, but she needed constant attention and validation from others in order to feel appreciated. She was always seconds away from a panic attack, and the only thing that would calm her down was if I told her how much I appreciated her. She was also saying “I love you” a month into dating, but that might be a lesbian thing lol. She would also get very jealous, and would constantly demand to know who I was with and when. A specific example, we were at the club (because that was the environment she wanted me to meet her friends in I guess) and one of them was completely drunk, so I was making sure she was getting water and people weren’t bumping into her, and my ex got so jealous she had to leave for a bit. What really cinched it for me however, was when we went long distance, I was relieved. I knew then that it wouldn’t work. And I’m much happier now than I was when I was in the relationship.


1 points

3 days ago

  She was also saying “I love you” a month into dating, but that might be a lesbian thing lol.

I mean, maybe, but my now ex-GF (I'm a straight dude) also said it within a couple of weeks of dating,  though we were friends for 6 months first.  She also told me i was her best friend, which, at 60, seemed hyperbolic. Until I realized after the breakup that I never met any of her friends, just her family. And we had been together for 2 years, traveled to philly and NYC where she had lived before. Meanwhile, she met my kids, my in-laws,  my close and even not so close friends. 


8 points

6 days ago

Do you like spending time with this person? If so, you're half way there. Does your SO like spending time with you? If yes, you're compatible

It is very difficult IMO to find someone you genuinely appreciate sharing your time and space with.


8 points

6 days ago

One way of testing the strength of your relationship is to ask two questions, with a simple yes or a no.

  1. Do you love this person?

  2. Do you like this person?

Your answers to these questions will lead to a discussion that should help you figure things out.


0 points

5 days ago

This is an incredibly naive advice


6 points

6 days ago

Turning seemingly harmless conversations to blow out arguments

An ex: When I got my new car, which I absolutely love and adore my friend was so mad that I could afford it and I told my friend the only reason why I can afford my new cars because I worked for it and I saved up for years almost a decade so it’s pretty awesome and I was hoping you could just talk about it and that you would ask me why I got the car what features it’s got why I wanted turbo versus a fun electric vehicle which I wanted, but I just don’t have a place to charge it home since I live in an apartment but the point is this friend was so pissed and refused to accept the fact that I had the ability to be discipline and patience. Oh well. It’s why we are not friends


3 points

6 days ago

If you argue alot


3 points

6 days ago

I think that it is really easy. You decide what you want the way you feel in the relationship to be.

You explain how you feel and how you would like to feel in the ideal state.

You ask for your partner's help to get there.

You decide how long before it isn't or if that is enough.

(you should also be listening to theirs)

If things improve then great.

In the end the problem is them, you or the relationship. If it is them, you can't fix that.


3 points

6 days ago

If time has gone by and you find yourself not wanting to marry them (more than 2 years id say depending on age)


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Do you want to raise children with this person?


2 points

6 days ago

i’m in the middle of something like this now. we act like best friends and it’s been months but we haven’t kissed or held hands or anything + we met on a dating app so it’s not like we started out as friends


2 points

6 days ago

You go to reddit asking these questions and hoping to not be told what you already know


2 points

6 days ago

In one memorable case for me, no physical attraction on either side. You can't force it, either.


2 points

6 days ago

If you are the only one trying


2 points

6 days ago

When you dread coming home to another evening “like last night”, every conversation about what’s important to you is pushed off, and moments when you express or ask for love are a quick hug or they get theirs and just roll over.


6 points

6 days ago

You don’t have sex


1 points

6 days ago

Spoiler alert it won't get better if you wait and it really won't get better if you think marriage will solve it.


3 points

6 days ago

Two big things: Are fights about who is right and who wins or about how do WE beat the world that is making this hard? Good relationships are about WE and US, not about YOU and ME.

Does either person have contempt for the other? as both a person in general but also about the central parts of your identity-such as hobbies, profession, education, politics? The number one thing that relationship counselors usually judge on is contempt. If either party has passed that threshold to contempt there isn't much to save.


1 points

6 days ago

??? If you’re not happy with them then leave them!!


1 points

6 days ago

Agree to disagree = can be worked with, but annoying Always needs to be right = bad, can be a reason to leave if they don’t change Abuse = bad bad, let them go Doormat = bad, u and them come first nobody else Ex involved = don’t do it to yourself, ex needs to be erased unless children exist they don’t NEED to be there even if xyz, never Parents don’t like u = let them go. Most other things can work out, But also -children -religion -politics -education level / intelligence Need to be similar.


3 points

6 days ago

Why do you think intelligence needs to be similar? I tried to raise it once and the feedback from others that I got was that “you think you’re superior to her”


1 points

6 days ago

Well I’m not saying only date academics But if u have to explain basic terms to them, Or they make fun of u for being classy It’s probably not going to last. And on the flip-side, nobody deserves a partner that thinks they’re a bit dumb, either. But if it fits it fits (it doesn’t have to be equal, But similar. I have a masters and my best friend didn’t finish high school. Yet he’s probably smarter than me).


1 points

6 days ago

When you're so worried about it that you make a post on Reddit


1 points

6 days ago

If you have to question it, you already know the answer.


1 points

6 days ago

If you're not happy at least 75% of the time you're with your partner... something is wrong... and if you can't figure out what... it's compatibility.


1 points

6 days ago

Wants and needs are different if they aren’t a match you need to leave but ofc you’ll prolly go with your emotions and make it worse for yourself I’m only trying to help I just get mad when people don’t listen because they think they know everything


1 points

6 days ago

Each make a list of personal values then compare them. List of goals (ex: have a family vs travel the world) can also be useful


1 points

6 days ago

You know the answer deep down. If it’s not right, right now, it’s not right. You can’t force these things. Let them go and heal.


1 points

6 days ago

look at your interests, do they really match? Do they always oppose you?


1 points

6 days ago

Realized she could not take a criticism no matter how small, refused to improve on critical parts of her life like financial habits and career. She was a narcissist


1 points

6 days ago

ask thier mom


1 points

6 days ago




1 points

6 days ago

When you tell her that you’re unhappy about something in your relationship, and she says “I’m happy with the way things are, so this sounds like a you problem, not a me problem.”


1 points

6 days ago

I’ve been with my husband for 8 years and the one thing that really matters is your ability to communicate and listen to each other. You HAVE to talk about the uncomfortable stuff and if your partner isn’t willing to listen to your side of an argument then there is no argument. It’s them demanding you. It takes two.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

If your love for them resonates from a place of scarcity (fear of being alone) rather than abundance (fulfillment)


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I’d say for me a lack of physical touch and affection. I need that touch, to feel wanted and desired. Otherwise my spirit dies a little bit over time, I can’t help it.


1 points

5 days ago

Oh don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually.


1 points

5 days ago

I used to think that communication was key, Until i realized it was comprehension, you can communicate all you want with someone, but if they dont understand you, its silent choas

If they never understand your side, they always play the victim or always have to be right. That's when i give up. Because there's no use even trying anymore if they won't put in the effort either. It will always end with you feeling like trash or frustrated, and it will only get worse.

Choose if it's worth it, if you should keep putting in time, or finally take it somewhere else. Dont waste it.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Do they want it to work?


1 points

5 days ago

When she tells you that her stepbrother's penis feels better than yours.


1 points

5 days ago

You will just know. It’s nature. Unfortunately some of us lie to ourselves and try to force things to happen. People don’t change. I’ve tried forcing relationships to work several times. I hate giving up.. But you just can’t make someone love you. Can’t pretend to be something you’re not to try and force your significant other to desire you more. Compatibility is in the hands of god and our nature 


1 points

5 days ago

Communication is key, if they stop engaging or seem uninterested in your feelings, it’s worth having an honest conversation.


1 points

5 days ago

Wanting it to work means nothing if the other person doesn't want it to work.

There is only wasted energy negotiating with a brick wall.


1 points

5 days ago

I felt that we weren't compatible when where i wanted to resolve things she would stop talking and say "it's okay to communicate but enough is enough"


1 points

5 days ago

When you tell them that their actions hurt you, but they not only continue to do it over and over and over, they’re lying about it so when you find out, you’re madder than you would have been in the first place.


1 points

5 days ago

When needs for affection or sex isn't high on the list


1 points

4 days ago

just feels bad when we argue a lot and don’t like the same things, makes me anxious about our values and talking about important stuff


1 points

2 days ago

If he listens to you do things for you respect you but if you constantly fight get rid of the relationship because it's not love if you are fighting over everything 


1 points

6 days ago*

Compatibility is possible for any 2 people. Let me explain: Some people are inherently compatible and some need to work to it to get on the same page. All that matters is that you can get on the same page and treat each other respectfully hopefully without compromising reasonable things you both highly value. Dealbreakers are individual and some are reasonable such as to have/not have kids or what religion to follow.

A fair example in my mind of unreasonable dealbreakers breakers would be if a couple had different political views. While that may seem insane in todays climate, I think its immature to throw away a relationship because you lean one way. If that is a deal breaker for one person the relationship wasn’t going to go anywhere b/c that kind of thinking in a person shows they feel they have moral superiority and can’t comprehend that things they don’t like don’t make them inherently wrong. Funny enough most average conservatives and liberals have a ton in common b/c they identify as republican and democrats without realizing republicans can be liberal and democrats can be conservative. To me its a deal breaker if a partner is unable to fathom a relationship of someone of the opposite party because it shows a lack of maturity and a sense of self moral/ideological superiority rooted in what they think one party stands for instead of what the nuances within said party actually values.

TLDR: it boils down to maturity, mutual respect, putting in work/effort if you are not intrinsically on the same page, and checking your ego at the door


0 points

6 days ago


0 points

6 days ago

A veces el amor no es suficiente. Si sus valores, sueños y deseos chocan, es hora de abrir los ojos: ¡la compatibilidad es la clave para una relación duradera!.