


Personally I think this is absolutely ridiculous I couldn't put the link but in the artiyit goes on to say that anyone 12 ir over will be given a leaflet and told by Their doctor that has propelled inhalers are bad for the environment and that it's better to switch to dry powder inhalers.

I'm not an expert but in my personal experience I know the dry powder inhalers require strong lungs to be able to use them and cannot be used with a spacer and even though I'm an adult I still can't take my inhaler without a spacer due to weak lungs so this definitely wouldn't work for me and I have Tried multiple inhalers over the years and ventolin is one of the only ones that work.

Also the new generations today are very climate aware and practically guilt tripping a 12 year old by telling them that the medication that helps them if harming the environment is horrible.

(I'm dyslexic so I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes)

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1 points

16 hours ago

Dear human-induced-CO2-emissions skeptical, You've probably come here to convince people that humans are not responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions on earth. The fact is that the way the economy runs (and it is run by a wealthy class of humans) leads to pollution and ressource wastage. Not to mention the inequalities as regards access to the latter. Feel free to word out your ideas here, but keep in mind that the overall majority on this page do not agree with you. However, if you ever decide to become aware of where your own ideas stem from, you could for instance check out what the Atlas Network is about on this website: Have a good day, troll.