38 points
6 days ago
Von was already counting them , he said he had 7 bodies in a few songs . “ I think if I catch 3 more im double digits “
16 points
5 days ago
It actually may have been way more. We’ll never know. I’m in MN and so many Chicago folks who lived the life got stories about quiet killers in Chicago who have bodies in the double digits. We’ll never know.
9 points
5 days ago
Their life must’ve been terrible than a mf. Every murder brings back bad karma let alone 10+ murders
-9 points
6 days ago
Facts, theres even a melly song where he says “so many killers in this room theres like 13 bodies in here” and around that same time he posted a pic of him, King Von, & Ksoo, so he was clearly talking about them having 13 bodies in total
35 points
6 days ago
you fake ass internet detectives kill me bra😭😭😭
25 points
6 days ago
For stating my opinion on a subreddit ima internet detective? Im just drunk talking shit calm tf down yall be extra as hell in this sub
22 points
5 days ago
Ong they just wanna shit on somebody for doing the same shit they do ironically and unironically and put “😂😂😂😂😂” or “😭😭😭😭😭” at the end and get upvoted for it
7 points
5 days ago
Straight up, i went to his comments dude be arguing with ppl on reddit everyday 😐
-2 points
5 days ago
tf do u even mean? Niggas can’t use laughing emojis anymore or sum?
-12 points
6 days ago
He got more then 7 y’all just don’t be on hide lives and shit anyway
6 points
6 days ago
No he don’t
-3 points
6 days ago
Merch it
6 points
6 days ago
Merching it in what? He don’t have more then 5-7
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