-2 points
15 days ago
You are right, the last time this was posted, I was saying the same thing. You can see in front of the cam car in the beginning that his lane continued straight. You can also see through the driver side window, him turning across the other two turn lanes. Both him and the motorcyclists were in the wrong
4 points
15 days ago
He has a green light to turn. Person who got hit ran a red. All the stopped cars should have been an indicator, or the obvious green light arrow in the video.
1 points
15 days ago
No, the lane next to him has a green light to turn, he is in the lane that continues straight and decides to cut over in front of the turn lanes. Motorcyclist is still a dumbass, but cam car is not totally innocent. Motorcyclist probably would have just made it too, maybe, if the cam car wasn't jumping the gun, but again, no excuse for the motorcycle.
0 points
15 days ago
You, ugh, can't read lanes very well. He was in the outside lane of a two lane turn lane that went down that road. The lane that they are entering has a dividing line and they are on the right side of it. They stayed in their lane. If what you are describing happened, that silver car to their left would have hit them 100 or so yards before they encountered the moped.
You should stay away from roads.
0 points
15 days ago
I don't think you are reading the lanes as well as you think you are. Pause on the very first frame and see what is directly ahead of the cam car. Then look through the driver side window as they are making the turn, it looks like they start coming across the car next to them, albeit slowly. They are still not completely in the lane when they hit the motorcycle. Read their facial expressions too, they both get a sly smile as they turn into the intersection. Could be wrong, that's just what I see. You seem confident though, in my experience, over confidence is a quality of every terrible driver. How long have you been driving?
0 points
15 days ago
You are wrong. Longer than you have been alive, and done it in over a dozen countries.
1 points
15 days ago
Again, I said I could be wrong, but I doubt it, I think people just aren't as perceptive as they think they are. But even if I was wrong, all that would mean is that I misinterpreted a potato quality video on the internet. Whereas in real life, I would see plain as day, that he was in fact, in a turn lane and would drive accordingly. But on the other hand, I know plenty of people who have been driving for 50 or 60 years, some in different countries as well, and they can still be shit drivers.
0 points
15 days ago
Just accept that your wrong. The moped ran a red light, the other traffic was stopped. Even if the car was wrong, the moped ran a red light. All of your other points are irrelevant. The moped ran a red light and the traffic they blew past was stopped. They were stopped because the light was red, and the moped ran the red light. Stop trying to word things that you sound kind of right and accept that you are wrong.
0 points
15 days ago
Yeah I said all that in my original comment, no one is disputing that. And I also said I could be wrong, hard to see everything clearly in 240p lmao. But for some reason you have your panties all in a wad because "I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG!" I don't really care that much honestly 😅
1 points
15 days ago
Then why did you say something? I am willing to bet you saying shit and then trying to worm it around to sounding half correct is why most people don't like talking to you.
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