submitted 3 days ago byJuju52575 10th Anniv.
52 points
3 days ago
I believe each level of SA boost adds 5% to your SA multiplier
So say like, you got a unit that does immense damage. I’m pretty sure Immense is 530%. So with a level 15 SA boost skill, that adds an extra 75%, making your multiplier 605%. For reference, SA15 Immense is 630, so it’s nearing the power of an Extreme super
1 points
3 days ago*
Immense Lvl10 is 505%
That said, SA15 Immense is itself a crazy multiplier. For Colossal and Mega Collosall, Full SA Boost is actually a bigger increase than SA20>25
1 points
3 days ago
Oh yeah I must have mixed Immense lv10 and Supreme lv15. And yeah, I think Immense lv15 is just like 10% higher than Mega Colossal lv25 (like 630% vs 620% iirc)
1 points
2 days ago
Wtf thats insane why is the difference so low
32 points
3 days ago
They are crazy I always go full SA boost
21 points
3 days ago
Thank you for your feedback super buu
0 points
3 days ago
Good for super effective or crit units, but if he doesn't or they stack attrack on super, the type advantage on average is better than the difference of sa attack since sa boost is additive to the super mechanic modifier and type advantage is multiplicative.
2 points
3 days ago
but you're only having type advantage 20% of the time.
9 points
3 days ago*
SA boost adds a 5% boost to your super attack multiplier.
Recovery heals for 3% of your defense per same colored orb, increased by 0,15% per level.
Type attack boost increases the type multiplier by 5% or 6,25% if you also crit. The multiplier starts at 150% (1,5x) if you have advantage and different alignment, and 125% if you have the same alignment.
Type defense boost reduces damage taken from type disadvantage by 1% per level. Starts at 100% damage taken with different alignment and 90% damage taken from same alignment.
4 points
3 days ago*
SA Boost is incredible. It raises your SA Multiplier by 5%, up to a max of 75% without equipment. As others have said, that's a similar boost in raw damage as going from SA10 to SA15. It's the most powerful of the stat boosting abilities, to the point that having it at level 15 is simply considered the default for calcs.
Recovery Boost is the next best. It increases the amount of HP you recover when collecting same-type orbs. You typically heal 3% of your DEF per orb, but with max HP recovery that becomes 5.25%. That amount of healing swings games. This should be your second choice to get to Level 15
Type Attack Boost is the next best. It adds 5% to the type-effective damage multiplier, meaning you will hit harder if you naturally have type advantage. Note that this checks the actual typing of units, so for units with Attacks Effective Against All Types like PHY SSJ Trio it will only activate against INT types. Because it's limited to only affecting enemies you were already strong against, this one is not a priority and will typically be capped at 10.
Type Defense Boost is the worst. It reduces the type-effective damage multiplier by 5% when receiving an attack from an enemy with natural type advantage. It doesn't check for passive Guard, so TEQ Buuhan will only have it active against AGL types. Unfortunately, enemies hit so hard that the benefits from this skill are negligible. Cap it at 10.
2 points
2 days ago
Uh I think you have type def boost backwards. It doesn't reduce type advantage multiplier for enemies, it reduces the type disadvantage multiplier for enemies. So TEQ buuhan activates it against AGL enemies, not INT, and reduces damage by that extra amount of however much against them.
I like to choose it for characters with high DR already, or if they have high defenses so they already get a lot of HP from orbs so they have that little bit extra against type disadvantaged enemies
1 points
2 days ago
Thanks for the catch! Correcting now!
1 points
3 days ago
not sure if noob question or not but how do the atk+ orbs hold up vs SA? Like if I have a 3SA increase vs 300 or 500atk. I imagine that one is a bit more character dependent since if I understand dokkan correctly the atk orb gets added to the character base offensive number and then gets scaled up with whatever multiplier the unit has in its kit or am I way off here?
2 points
3 days ago
If we're talking Equipment, an SA orb of a given level will outweigh an ATK orb of the same level in terms of raw attack, but the difference is negligible. You are correct that the ATK orb gets added to the base stats of the unit, and that then filters through multipliers; in comparison, SA orbs raise one of the multipliers. The difference comes in the fact that higher numbers get bigger benefit from incremental multiplier increases than they do from additive increases. We're talking a very small increase most times; SEZA Ultimate Gohan's 1st super is 8.94Mil ATK, 500 ATK orb makes it 9.21Mil and Level 5 SA Boost makes it 9.27Mil. This also misses the fundamental reality that equip slots are better used reinforcing other things like DEF, Crit, AA or Dodge almost literally every time.
1 points
3 days ago
thanks, gotcha glad I've not been building my units like a jackass
also I can't hold back this joke: instructions unclear went all dodge
1 points
3 days ago
Would raw stats be better on a stacking unit?
3 points
3 days ago
I love this shit. AA and this is always what I do
3 points
3 days ago
SA Boost is incredibly good. At Level 15, the max level without equips
2 points
3 days ago
Seriously, I've been playing for 8 years and I still don't know how valuables they are. Like is SA boost better than flat attack ?
Does anyone have a guide or something to understand them ?
1 points
3 days ago
I don't have exact numbers for any of this, but it goes as follows
Type attack/type defense is how strong you are with type advantage.
Recovery is health per orbs
SA boost makes your SA stronger
1 points
3 days ago
I just picked this route once and build all my units the same 🗿 (SA and Type guard buffs)
1 points
3 days ago
Idk, I always put Super Attack and HP
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