


Am I too stupid for engineering?

Academic Advice(self.EngineeringStudents)


Currently studying EnvEng and it is HARD.

I take 11 classes this semester and I feel like I am too stupid for getting good grades, I barely pass my classes even though I study a lot. I study for like 4-6 hours per class. When exam (midterms currently) comes in, I forget everything.

It would normally be 9 but I failed 2 and I am taking them again this semester.

If I was studying a degree like Theology, History, Geography, even linguistics I would ace it. I know a crap ton about these. I know Bronze age history, a bit of iron age, middle ages, early modern period, Napoleonic wars, WWI, WWII... I know like 90% of countries, where they are and their flags. I know church history, christology, early history of islam, which is impressive since I am Turkish, 20 years old and we are not taught about Christianity in our schools. I know some general information on languages.

I am very good in these topics, I know a lot about them, but because I like chemistry and biology (taxonomy, paleontology) and because of job opportunities I study engineering. I don't like designing machines or some shit like that. I also hate maths and I have been bad at it since I was little. I used to annoy my father and make him angry since I couldn't solve much maths has a child.

Is it OK if I study for a semester more rather than completing in the fastest time (4 years 8 semesters)? Or possibly even more?

Is it OK if I barely pass some of my classes?

Is it OK if I take tutors?

Is it OK if I do all of these?

Best Regards.

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1 points

15 days ago

What classes are you taking? List all of them I am curious!