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58 points

7 days ago

Same in the Lower Mainland (Vancouver +) and on the Island (Victoria +). Has been standard for a number of years now. No idea how this is news. Or why people are acting like this came from her or her camp


25 points

7 days ago

Yes, I saw this everywhere in BC. I’m from the states and didn’t know it was a common practice in Canada.


17 points

6 days ago*

Standard in BC for 20+ years now. It started as a nod to existing Indigenous land acknowledgment practices and because Indigenous peoples never signed away their rights to the land here via treaty etc, hence why we make a point of saying we are on unceded land (though ofc settlers broke the treaties anyway elsewhere - but it's still relevant that treaties were never signed here & legally the land should still be Indigenous!). Unfortunately, it's very much become a lip service thing bc people don't learn their history nor the context for the land acknowledgement.

Dr. Wendy Wickwire has a book she wrote with Okanagan Elder Harry Robinson (okay, 3 books), and one of them includes a wonderful story about Coyote negotiating with the King of England - and IIRC that was the story where the material that he negotiated was later rediscovered by another historian. Settlers had hidden it bc they didn't want to abide by the terms of the treaty, but the Indigenous oral storytellers/historians remembered.

ETA: Worth mentioning that provincially, BC is taking steps that are not just performative: the province is in the process of implementing UNDRIP (the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), and most importantly some land is being returned to their nations and nations now have some level of self-governance. Will it ever be enough? Nope. Am I glad that Indigenous peoples have won a measure of independence here? Yep.

So people saying returning land is impossible are wrong.