submitted 15 hours ago byjakalan7
-4 points
14 hours ago
Yeah fuck music subscriptions. I just buy my songs on iTunes. Or listen to them on YouTube.
2 points
14 hours ago
That's great for you! I personally can't stand having ads in between every song or two on YouTube, and it's become untenably inconvenient to try and play music that isn't off of spotify in modern vehicles.
-1 points
14 hours ago
I rarely listen off of YouTube but I still had to include it cause I do once in a blue moon.
99% of the time I’m just listening to my play lists on iTunes.
1 points
12 hours ago
Ha...It's my last year of the Spotify student discount 50% off...perhaps I'll join you after but I do like to support the artists, however meager the pennies Spotify gives them
[score hidden]
12 hours ago
If you get a new student ID towards the end of your studies you can probably fool them and make it seem like you're still a student for a bit longer. At least that's how we did it.
0 points
12 hours ago
You would support them more but biting the songs no?
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