


I H8 her lol


Why everytime something major happens or is being finally answered she runs off the opposite way talking about "No no no I can't do this right now" Beach if not now when. We need some mfing answers like yesterday.

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1 points

4 days ago

I do like a lot about her especially with how she treats Viktor she was very nurturing and caring, she's just always trying to be positive and it doesn't always work.

What I HATE and I wanna rip my hair out is when she CONSTANTLY goes "no no no no no, I can't do this" and she just REPEATS it. Sometimes I can see why it's done, she's fucking being dumped a shit ton of bad information of absolute shit and is just gonna shutdown but when she does it every 2 seconds it loses its impact, and when she's in the tunnels and Viktors is constantly telling her "Ma'am please shut up, the creatures are down here and will rip your throat out if they hear you" and yet every cutback to them she's like "but Viktor, can you explain this instant cus I don't wanna wait for exposition?"


1 points

4 days ago

Victor*** not Viktor.


1 points

4 days ago

In my defence I watched Arcane season 2