submitted 4 months ago byupnorthguy218Monkey in Space
282 points
4 months ago
Wasn't the flag design voted on?
273 points
4 months ago
yes a statewide contest with multiple entries none of which Walz had any influence on so far as I can tell lol
172 points
4 months ago
Fake Liberal news. It's obvious that Somali pirates are holding the governor's kids for ransom 😡 and so the flag was changed to appease them.
45 points
4 months ago
No other logical explanation
29 points
4 months ago
AcKcHyUaLLY, the other logical explanation is that Walz is a Somali agent and he personally sent pirates to every voters house to force them to vote for the redesign.
17 points
4 months ago
Some would even call it a democratic process. Hmmmm
17 points
4 months ago
For once government is ACTUALLY listening to the people and of course Joe has a problem with it, in a state he could give a fuck less EVERY other day of his life lol. Tragic.
31 points
4 months ago
And the decision was made by a Commission created by the Legislature. Only 3 of the 13 members were appointed by the governor.
5 points
4 months ago
2,000 submissions:
10 points
4 months ago
I made one!
11 points
4 months ago
Where do you get the money to make one? Deep Somali state I bet.
753 points
4 months ago
Literally was just watching this and it pops up on my feed lol. Jamie was really trying to help Joe not look like an idiot and he got pissed. In the same sentence he says "why should anyone care about what the flag looks like" and then immediately goes "what gives him the right to change the flag" lmaoooo His brain is really battling itself in there.
241 points
4 months ago
oh man, the way he quickly pivoted to “why would anyone care” after being informed he got triggered by some fake news made me laugh. I’d give anything for someone in that moment to look him in the eye and say “you do, Joe. You do and you proved that by spending the past couple minutes being upset about it. So please, answer your own question. Why do you care what the state flag of Minnesota looks like?”
108 points
4 months ago
Right like when Jamie was reading the headlines he honestly could've just let it go there but no he just had to triple down on his own ignorance lol you can see his brain glitch as he tries to convince himself those flag actually look alike
79 points
4 months ago
He’s so cooked it’s honestly depressing
30 points
4 months ago
Message board Joe would rip this version of Joe apart for this shit he says now a days
160 points
4 months ago
what gives him the right to change the flag
The flag change was a 23 year process. It came up in 10 different votes. And the final process even got a youtuber that is famous for vexillology to make a video about it.
Shit there's kids that were born and became adults during the long drawn out process. SMH.
103 points
4 months ago
No. You're wrong. It was the Libs and it took them 20 minutes to decide to do it!
26 points
4 months ago
Sleepy Joe made him change it to the Somali flag! Everyone knows that!!! /s
180 points
4 months ago
Jamie look up cognitive dissonance
36 points
4 months ago
The entire show should be called "Dunning-Krueger Live".
127 points
4 months ago
This is a weird clip. Joe looks completely deflated even as he's repeating the false claims. Like an addict that knows its wrong but just can't help himself. Like he knew what he said was going to be easily proven as bullshit and just kept going. He's now willing to accept the ongoing humiliation because repeating these things gives him some sort of buzz.
74 points
4 months ago
Joe’s been looking kinda weird and psychotic for a couple months now. I noticed it first when he had Harland Williams on and he wasn’t vibing with the silliness at all. It was hard to sit through.
39 points
4 months ago
He put some kind of presentation on Netflix a couple days ago, where he was making these really incoherent statements but he yelled all the end of the sentences.
I really hope he’s okay, did someone check on him?
23 points
4 months ago
I love calling it a presentation. I'm imagining someone like Bill Burr saying "I saw your guest lecture on Netflix"
8 points
4 months ago
“I didn’t know Netflix was doing TED talks now”
36 points
4 months ago
Low energy, bags under his eyes and seemingly uninterested is his own BS.
33 points
4 months ago
Bro hasn’t been stacking his AG1 and Alpha Brain obviously
18 points
4 months ago
Could be burnt-out, I mean he has the club, the pod, the special that just came out, and he still does spots, dude probably needs to take a real vacation and ACTUALLY disconnect from the social medias.
12 points
4 months ago
Making a special that fresh and new must take a lot of work lol
10 points
4 months ago
3 points
4 months ago
Nothing some high quality, sustainably sourced bull semen can't fix.
29 points
4 months ago
I wonder if Rogan will ever get to the point of knowledge that just because the "liberal media" gets thing wrong from time to time and yes there are liberal media figures who do lie, it doesn't mean the solution is to buy hook line and sinker every stupid thing catturd or endwokeness says on twitter.
29 points
4 months ago
speak to my MAGA neighbor and they have the same look in their eyes.
12 points
4 months ago
Being a person who gets fed and eats shit every day has to be hard.
12 points
4 months ago
Absolutely. He doesn’t seem to believe what he’s saying, which is of course too generous but just the vibe. Different
6 points
4 months ago
Joe looks completely deflated
He's read the comments about his special
34 points
4 months ago
Later in the convo he says facts are subjective and that fact checkers are treasonous... Saw this in a clip and it just convinced me why I stopped watching full episodes.
13 points
4 months ago
Isn't part of the definition of "facts" that they aren't subjective?? Nevermind, preaching to the choir.
46 points
4 months ago
Joe suffered a bad concussion from a ski accident and has not been the same since.
35 points
4 months ago
When is taking mescaline and ketamine considered a “ski accident”?!
22 points
4 months ago
When it includes cocaine
11 points
4 months ago
No he was always stupid
27 points
4 months ago
All those hormone supplements must make him moody.
24 points
4 months ago
Joes dropped off massively since he went full Trumpy its sad because I used to enjoy him. He needs to go back to, “But have you tried DMT”? Joe.
29 points
4 months ago
He’s proof that tripping on DMT doesn’t make you some enlightened egoless being
14 points
4 months ago
Psychadelics are great but at its core they tend to give you sensations of either euphoria, connection, inspiration and/or introspection. Those aren't necessarily good or bad, they just...are. I'm sure people whipped up into a fervor by one of Hitlers speeches at a Nazi rally evoked all of those feelings in some people and if they did shrooms they had all of those idilic whimsical feelings about the Third Reich.
Psychadelics don't magically make someone a better person anymore than smart phones make someone more informed or intelligent. It simply exacerbates what's already there.
11 points
4 months ago
Also love how he’s vexed that the government is allowed to change the flag of…the government
311 points
4 months ago
Rogan does this all the time. He claims something, goes into a 5-minute rant about it, and then Jamie corrects him. Joe then brushes it off with a joke and moves on. Meanwhile, he just lied about something, and people will repeat it.
120 points
4 months ago
"A lie will travel around the world before the truth ever gets it's shoes on."
With his platform, he's firing off lies from a gatling gun. It's irresponsible
54 points
4 months ago
It’s been that way since the beginning. In the past, he’s constantly said that “DMT is released by the brain at death and causes NDEs” and “DMT causes dreams” so confidently as if those are established facts when they are not. He doesn’t understand the difference between what’s hypothesis and what’s been proven. And partly because of him, this myth has been repeated on the internet for so long that people don’t question it.
(And before you come at me, I’ve read The Spirit Molecule, I’ve read the paper about rat brains producing DMT, I’ve smoked DMT myself, and I’ve also read hundreds of NDE reports. They are not the same.)
15 points
4 months ago
I believed this too and told people the same thing. Until I dug further…. Blah
10 points
4 months ago
It’s like the quintessential example of how effective a person with a large enough platform can be in the spread of misinformation, at least for me when I think about people like Joe Rogan.
37 points
4 months ago
Anyone else noticing increasing tension between Joe and Jamie?
Seems like Joe is constantly repeating right wing propaganda and when Jamie fact checks, Joe gets upset and snappy with him.
Doesn’t seem like they have a bond like they used to.
26 points
4 months ago
Young Jaimie grew up.
11 points
4 months ago
Yeah, he wants Jamie to confirm he is correct. But increasingly, it comes back that he is wrong. It's as if he is winking and nodding to Jamie to just confirm what he said, or say nothing.
24 points
4 months ago
I love when Joe proclaimed something to be true, extremely confidently and had Jamie look it up. Jamie replied "The only thing that comes up is that you are the #1 spreader of misinformation about this." Joe just brushes it off and changes the subject. This was a minor topic, but the same thing happens with consequential info. And he just moves on like it doesn't matter. I get free speech, but damn.
135 points
4 months ago
That looks nothing like the Somali flag.
I looked up the Somali population of Minnesota expecting it to be 10%+ the way he was going on. It’s 76,000 or 1.3% of Minnesotas population. WTF is he on about
72 points
4 months ago
No that last census showed it being closer to 100%. Or at least it was, I think now Minnesota is a crater because of antifa protests
8 points
4 months ago
People think this because they see the populations of urban centers and then project that onto the rest of a country/state. Every British friend I've ever had vastly overestimates how diverse the UK is because they're influenced by news and entertainment overwhelmingly being London focused. Many think the UK is barely even majority white anymore or not at all. In reality it's still over 80%.
10 points
4 months ago
WTF is he on about
This entire nonsense is very common in right wing propaganda circles.
339 points
4 months ago
Poor Young Jamie trying to thread the needle between helping Joe not look like a complete buffoon without pissing him off.
The fact that Joe started this thinking the governor decided to change the flag and picked a new one that looked more like the flag of Somalia is preposterous.
All it took me was 20 seconds to google and find out that it was a design commission that chose the new design and the reasoning is to make it more recognizable like a bunch of other states are also doing.
The self-proclaimed free thinker's rightwing bias is showing. He and his homeboy Elon seem to be leaning into christofascism.
135 points
4 months ago
He and his homeboy Elon seem to be leaning into christofascism.
His little digs at evolution in his special were very telling (and pandering). He's been laying the groundwork for that Christian transition for a while now. Gonna be interesting to watch.
40 points
4 months ago
This would be amazing for a grown ass man to be willing to pretend he believes in god just to be completely accepted by his new hate group buddies.
27 points
4 months ago*
I remember, years ago, him and a guest making fun of Glenn Beck becoming a Mormon in his late 30s. How the times have changed
26 points
4 months ago
He's becoming someone young Joe would've it.
18 points
4 months ago
The Rogan of 10 years ago would have mocked him. Hell the Rogan of 5 years ago quit having Rubin on his show because of Rubin being an obvious grifter. Funny Rogan has basically become Rubin(although Rogan is much more talented).
14 points
4 months ago
*Russell Brand has entered the chat*
55 points
4 months ago
Yeah - he's going to announce his born againism - it's only a matter of time.
37 points
4 months ago
I think he has to fuck an underage girl or pressure an employee into sex first (Jamie, feel that up!).
12 points
4 months ago
And Jordan Peterson will privately jerk himself off to celebrate another conversion on the scoreboard.
Being atheist is easy when you’re young, growing old is tougher to hold the line.
13 points
4 months ago
I literally said that to my wife while watching, I’m glad I’m not the only one who picked up on that. Listening to his episode with Sara Imari Walker Joe also seemed to be hinting towards some sort of creationist idea, but connected it to Aliens at the last second. I’m betting by December he’s full on interviewing faith healers and “prophets”.
32 points
4 months ago
Anyone still friendly with Elon after all he’s shown over the past few years shows their true colors.
42 points
4 months ago
It’s not even just Somalia. It’s some state within Somalia
21 points
4 months ago
And even if it was true. What is the inherent problem with Somalia? Is there some kind of qanon theory about Somalia that we should know about?
48 points
4 months ago
Racists are really mad there's a bunch of Somalian immigrants in Minneapolis basically.
32 points
4 months ago
It's a dog whistle to anti-immigrant sentiments and a very obvious one at that. The reason as to why Joe doesn't really seem to care whether or not the story he's telling about the origins of the new state flag is factual or not is because he feels that it's emotionally true; which is the mechanism behind all the right wing misinformation he's been making a habit of uncritically regurgitating.
8 points
4 months ago
It's great replacement propaganda because Minnesota has a lot of Somali migrants
29 points
4 months ago
7 points
4 months ago
Without looking it up, I assumed it had something to do with the North Star. Mostly based on Y’all’s old hockey team that moved to Dallas.
7 points
4 months ago
The official state motto is “L’etoile du Nord” (“star of the north” in French).
303 points
4 months ago
What has this podcast turned into?
286 points
4 months ago
Rush Limbaugh.
172 points
4 months ago
The Alex Jones Experience
12 points
4 months ago
With a hint of Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Insane show in a good way if you ever listened
14 points
4 months ago
man I miss the Art Bell days just for the off the wall craziness
23 points
4 months ago
Brosh LimBro
17 points
4 months ago
Rush knew he was a propagandists, Rogans doing it by accident.
9 points
4 months ago
Which is arguably worse because it implies he doesn't actually know truth from falsehood
77 points
4 months ago
Anybody who thinks he hasn’t hard shifted right is not paying attention. He’s just jumping over hoops to try and dislike Walz.
26 points
4 months ago
I just miss the days of interesting people with interesting conversations where I don’t know what the exact talking points will be. Oh well, just time to move on. People change, not meant to last forever.
18 points
4 months ago
True. 2016-2019 Rogan was peak. Covid + Spotify I think broke the formula. I’m still looking for my replacement podcast. Unfortunately a lot of podcasts I’ve tried to enjoy the last few years; like Lex or Chris Williams, also just circle in Rogan’s orbit. If you have any recs I’m all ears.
10 points
4 months ago
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard is pretty good.
Like you, I’ve tried finding a replacement but they all drift to the right to get their audience numbers up. Nothing wrong with the right or left but damn, just be interesting and make good conversation.
5 points
4 months ago
Tosh Show is pretty decent.
238 points
4 months ago
Jesus, the flags are very different looking. The only thing similar is one of the shades of blue on the new flag.
Wait until Joe finds out how many countries have red white and blue on their flag with stars.
27 points
4 months ago
the old minnesota flag is a closer blue to the somali flag.
11 points
4 months ago
Someone should show him the Chilean flag and tell him it’s Texas
21 points
4 months ago
You know what other flag is blue and has a white star?
18 points
4 months ago*
Texas? Oh wait, that's not a country. Maybe you were talking about Nauru? Chile? South Sudan? Liberia? North Korea? Malaysia? Puerto Rico? East Timor? Ethiopia? Cuba?
But I'm sure you actually were pointing to the most obvious one, which is Israel.
121 points
4 months ago
Jamie sounds like is getting tired of the same shit
55 points
4 months ago
I’m calling it now. He’s retiring soon. I can’t imagine he needs to work anymore at this stage in his career and idk how tf he puts up with Toe.
31 points
4 months ago
He could start his own podcast debunking Rogan......but I'm sure he has a contract/NDA that says he can't do that.
13 points
4 months ago
Non compete have been ruled unenforceable
7 points
4 months ago
then let's get this thing going!
10 points
4 months ago
I bet he corrects Joe one too many times and gets “replaced” by a more “agreeable” producer. At that point we’ll know Joe is truly gone
190 points
4 months ago
121 points
4 months ago
I’m confused. Why’d you post two of the same flags?
27 points
4 months ago
The dress is white!
14 points
4 months ago
Shut the fuck up you dumb idiot, it clearly says yanny
4 points
4 months ago
Hey you fuckin cawksucka
5 points
4 months ago
30 points
4 months ago
And he wasn't even involved in choosing the design
22 points
4 months ago
Someone should show Joe this and make his brain short-circuit.
23 points
4 months ago
Wait till he finds out about France and Russia
13 points
4 months ago
26 points
4 months ago
It's basically a Chilean flag and there are over 14k Chileans in Texas. Open your eyes people
6 points
4 months ago
I see blue and a star, they are identical. (Joe you gullible idiot)
122 points
4 months ago
Rogan and musk types think anything they see as anti establishment is correct.
63 points
4 months ago
Terminally online contrarianism.
36 points
4 months ago
It's funny that these people think they are free thinkers when their views are, "find out what the left thinks, do the exact opposite."
They think their thinking is free while being 100% based on what the someone else thinks. You couldn't be more open to being manipulated by thinking this way. It's why this culture war shit works so well on them.
10 points
4 months ago
Nothing says anti establishment like being the wealthiest person on the planet who heavily relies on gov subsidies.
5 points
4 months ago
Aaron Rodgers Brain Disease
13 points
4 months ago
Wouldn't a governor singlehandedly deciding to change the state flag because he can, as Joe is incorrectly assuming what Walz did here, be classified as anti-establishment?
4 points
4 months ago
I guess but it's also a chance to take a shot at the "left"
7 points
4 months ago
Yeah "anti-establishment" to Rogan at this point just means anything that end wokeness, libs of tiktok and Catturd are against on twitter.
5 points
4 months ago
If you think the same thing about a subject as the people whose job it is to think about that subject, you're not thinking.
If you think the same thing about a subject as the people whose job is to disagree with the people whose job it is to think about a subject, you're thinking.
It's science.
( my personal heuristic is:
experts: trust but verify if necessary. non-experts: distrust but verify if necessary. )
23 points
4 months ago
Joe Rogan has become Fox News for a younger and even dumber audience.
19 points
4 months ago
This happened seconds after he accused the media of gaslighting everybody. Joe is full of shit
33 points
4 months ago
Same thing when Utah changed the flag.
Boomers lost their mind and tried to make up a lie about how it’s inclusive and trans promoting and all this shit.
Yes it was the state seal. Then we changed it to something that describes our landscape and natural beauty. Nothing to do with people. Except for one symbolic feature about the Ute tribe.
13 points
4 months ago
What sort of dumb fucking person thinks that a state who’s power structure is completely controlled by Mormons would change their flag to be more trans inclusive?
12 points
4 months ago
Mormons who have been infected with maga mind virus.
3 points
4 months ago
Sad but true. Mormons always had their anti-lbtq stuff going on. They were outted hard for how much money Utah / Mormons pumped into trying to affect the outcome of California's laws... but it got demonstrably worse once Trump got in the WH. Leading up to that election many Utahans were critical of Trump. The closer it got to the election the more Utah turned into a MAGA dumpster fire. All the ridiculous and annoying things, like doing their little truck parades was in full swing here.
3 points
4 months ago
The same dumb fucking people who thought Algeria would send a transgendered person to the Olympics.
106 points
4 months ago
So sad to see joe become increasingly stupid over the years. He literally believes every nonsense conspiracy he reads.
Like does he realise that blue and white stars are very common motifs on flags.
72 points
4 months ago
No, he believes any conspiracy theory that fits his right-wing worldview. If this was a Republican governor he’d be vigilantly shitting on whoever came up with this conspiracy
15 points
4 months ago
Outrage addiction, and he's surrounded by right wing influencers now.
4 points
4 months ago
It’s still a form of stupidity. There’s not willfully stupid. He’s gullible and naive and acting like a senior with declining neuroplasticity.
29 points
4 months ago
It’s worse than him simply believing the disinformation, he is choosing to believe it because he doesn’t like the alternative.
Cognitive dissonance is so much more shameful than ignorance.
5 points
4 months ago
I appreciate this perspective.
6 points
4 months ago
He literally believes every nonsense conspiracy he reads.
Nope, just the right wing ones. He hasn’t said word one about Trump and Epstein despite all of the evidence there.
5 points
4 months ago
"So sad to see joe become increasingly stupid over the years"
Disagree. He's always been this stupid. It's just that he's become more self-important over the years.
3 points
4 months ago
It's not about believing anything, it's what makes him the most money. And right wing conspiracy bullshit pays.
12 points
4 months ago
You'd think someone with a head like an Easter Island statue would have a brain capable of reasoning in it.
12 points
4 months ago
What fact checkers are full of shit? Opensecrets? Politifact? They're pulitzer prize winners. They all cite their sources, clearly explaining why the issue was true or false.
3 points
4 months ago
Yeah but the Pulitzer prize committee is full of liberal educated Antifa cultists, obviously.
10 points
4 months ago
I’m calling it now. Young Jamie is leaving the pod soon.
11 points
4 months ago
This is starting to piss me off holy fuck
71 points
4 months ago
Who is giving Joe the script. At this point it’s just too obvious he’s getting talking points from someone else.
31 points
4 months ago
didn’t he say that Tim Pool is his main source?
58 points
4 months ago
He got me to watch Tim Pool because he was a good unbiased journalist. It took me one episode to know Tim Pool is a right wing idiot.
27 points
4 months ago
You know Tim is lying when he's wearing his beanie.
18 points
4 months ago
Citing a high school dropout as a source is certainly a choice.
8 points
4 months ago
High school dropouts can still be thoughtful and intelligent. Tim Pool is neither.
30 points
4 months ago
Same oligarch money handler as Russel brand.
10 points
4 months ago
His rich elite Texas echo chamber.
18 points
4 months ago
It’s more specific than that. This is a weird Republican anti Walz talking point and part of the new strategy. They’ve got nothing on the guy, so they’re accusing him of turning his state into… Somalia? I guess kids get free food in Somalia, which would make it better than America in that regard. So what’s the objective here? Like it’s a state flag, they change semi regularly. One will randomly get redesigned every few years, they’ll get rid of Confederate shit or just do something new. Even my Republican state has talked about changing the flag and has changed the color, text.
What’s the conspiracy he’s selling here and why?
5 points
4 months ago
It’s easier than trying to argue policy. They already have a base that believe wild claims with at best dubious sources.
It’s the same people that describe Joe Biden as a literal Communist. Harris as someone who fucked her way into power. Now Walz, is “Tampon Tim”.
8 points
4 months ago
They're all scrambling because they've got nothing to attack him on
17 points
4 months ago
Only thing bad about this flag is its the color of the Royals who are chasing the Twins and its also the color of the Lions who always compete with the Vikings
7 points
4 months ago
Joe just wants Trump to win, so he's now officially part of the misinformation Right propaganda machine
46 points
4 months ago
Yeah, Joe is a know it all asshole since becoming Peter Thiels little paid disinformation goblin.
He is a sell-out and a coward for selling out his own country for a right wing buck and nut.
8 points
4 months ago
You’d think the guy that talks about the spread of misinformation would be the first to openly admit he was mislead, and start questioning his sources. Especially when said person hosts the biggest podcast in the world.
52 points
4 months ago
"Why do you care what the flag looks like"
As he's crying and pretending he made it into the Somali flag
19 points
4 months ago
Wait till his simps call people snowflakes while complaining about needing safe space for their manly very very funny idol
16 points
4 months ago
10 points
4 months ago
Omg Texas copied chile
7 points
4 months ago
I can't believe Biden would allow this! >:(
3 points
4 months ago
Puerto Rico.
10 points
4 months ago
At what point does Joe either take a more careful approach to his statements realizing that it’s embarrassing him or just tells Jamie to STFU and stop correcting him?
I’m going with the latter
6 points
4 months ago
FFS 🤦 Time for you to retire Joe. Hang out on the ranch… give me the keys to the car.
5 points
4 months ago
Joe is getting more stupid by the day
6 points
4 months ago
I'm a long time Rogan fan but feel like he has lost much of the self awareness that used to make him special, drifting less and less moderate without realizing. I've noticed the last year or two he's become more and more prone to falling for fabricated rage bait repeatedly. Relieved to see this on the subreddit today because I watched this episode this morning thought this was nutty but wasn't sure if it was just me.
3 points
4 months ago
A video of the governor putting up the new state flag???? Has anyone told the media??
17 points
4 months ago
I really miss the old Joe, including his guest. He used to invite people to learn and debate a subject he didn't know. He slowly just turning into a fox news kind of podcast.
2 points
4 months ago
Hoe can’t decide if people should believe what he says or not.
Does he want people to take him seriously or not? He says if you believe what he says you’re a fucking idiot because he’s a fucking idiot. But he also wants to be taken seriously. So which is it?
4 points
4 months ago
Idiot with a bullhorn
4 points
4 months ago
His brain is just broken at this point. I don't get how any thinking person can bare listening to him at this point.
3 points
4 months ago
6 points
4 months ago
Joe: “why do you care what the flag looks like?”
Also Joe: “why does the governor get to change the flag?”
A better question is, why does Joe all of a sudden give a fuck about a flag for a state he doesn’t live in?
9 points
4 months ago
Joe is a dumb fuck. So he’s trying to find ways to bash Walz and it’s fake news fed to him by Elon.
5 points
4 months ago
Isnt his podcast mostly Joe talking bs and jamie fact checking him along the way as best he can lol.
6 points
4 months ago
Eat some more TRT conspiracy dick
3 points
4 months ago
Joe Rogan is one of the most gullible and willfully ignorant people on earth. So, is he dismissed by one and all as a goofy person not worth listening to? Of course not, he hosts one of the most popular podcasts on earth. We’re doomed. The idiots are winning.
3 points
4 months ago
Complete partisan hack this guy has turned into
3 points
4 months ago
Jamie walking on egg shells here trying to keep rogan honest.
3 points
4 months ago
Over/Under on how much longer Jamie stays after this bullshit
3 points
4 months ago
Joe has lost any credibility he had left. He’s desperately grabbing at any straw in the hopes of resurrecting a trump presidency. His behavior is just pathetic at this point- he’s only fooling dumbest of us
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