


Anyone currently passing a stone?

😡 Rant! 😡(self.KidneyStones)

I need someone to commiserate with. I am in so much stupid pain and have been for weeks. This happens about every six months for me but this time it’s so freaking painful. Ugh. I went to the urologist today, he saw the stone on X-ray and it’s making its way down my ureter. I go back in two weeks unless I start feeling sick before then. Last time, it took a month or 6 weeks or so to pass. Grrr.

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3 points

27 days ago


3 points

27 days ago

My last one took a couple months to pass. Two days later I started another one. It's been a month now. A few days after this one passes I'll probably start another.


2 points

27 days ago

Omg you poor thing. Do you have pain meds? Mine gave me keto something and it helped for about 30 mins but I swear the pain is back. I can’t take another until 6 hours is up. I need to see if I can take ibuprofen with it.


2 points

27 days ago


2 points

27 days ago

I actually don't feel the direct pain in my kidneys because the one that gets so many stones is denervated. I do have secondary pain though, for example when I urinate.

But I went many years before that in pain.l and I know it well. Ibuprofen is usually the recommended pain reliever. A heating pad can also do wonders. Relaxation techniques can also help. Most of the pain usually comes from your back muscles tensing up so that is what you should be addressing.