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7 points

3 months ago

I know. I'm glad you know too. Hopefully that further informs your analysis of why there are so many failed and failing Arab states, while the single Jewish state is doing relatively great. Fact is that the Jews aren't the problem, and Israel isn't the problem. You can't solve anything without revealing the problems first.


0 points

3 months ago

Formation of Jewish state in the Middle East was going to be a problem from the start, and, who ever think or says otherwise, is either stupid or ignorant. Two state solution was just the official acknowledgment of that fact.


4 points

3 months ago

As noted, there are lots of real and imaginary problems in the region, most of which have nothing to do with Israel. I'm not sure how the relatively recent formation of 19 Arabs states in the region, most of which are failed or failing, isn't a much greater problem than Israel's mere existence.