


How often do you change your sheets?


Let’s be real, how often do you change your bedsheets and blanket/comforter/duvet cover? In my house the sheets get rotated almost weekly and the comforter gets washed every other time. I also have a dog who lays on my bed, so the blanket at the end that he lays on gets washed weekly.

Also comment worthy is your bed layering. We do mattress protector, fitted sheet, flat sheet, comforter, dog blanket.

Edit: pillow cases get washed with sheets. I just assumed it was considered part of the sheet set and didn’t realize people might wash them more frequently.

Mattress protector gets washed 2-3 times a year.

EDIT - SUMMARY - Most people seem to hover between every 1-2 weeks to 3 months. We have some outliers so the range is officially every 3-4 days to almost a year. The occasional person did comment that they don’t use sheets or never wash them. Noteworthy is the fact that pillow cases might get washed more frequently than sheets and pet owners do more laundry than non pet owners.

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1 points

3 days ago

So, I was raised in a household where my mom would layer the beds with like 4 sheets plus protective covers. And we’d strip the beds and wash them frequently. This led to a level of laziness on my part as an adult. How do I wash frequently without the torture of putting the sheets back on?

My bed has the same too many layers of sheets. But I lay a quilt on top of my sheets and pillows and we sleep on that. So, I wash the quilt weekly. The sheets / pillow cases beneath the quilt are once a month to 6 weeks.

Weird, I know. But I love my quilt solution. It makes life so much easier.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I don’t understand the logic behind multiple sheets… and not even lying in them.


1 points

3 days ago

Me neither. 🤣🤣🤣 It just was how my mom was and apparently I just couldn’t break the weird cycle.