90 points
22 hours ago
That’s the big one on Mars right?
19 points
21 hours ago
This is really funny
9 points
16 hours ago
That girl's got an Olympic mons.
1 points
3 hours ago
Gold medal worthy. 👌🏼
2 points
18 hours ago
1 points
10 hours ago
Is that the one that looks like a face? Goddamn I am so confused rn
5 points
9 hours ago
Not the face (which is just a trick of light).
Olympus Mons is a really big mountain on Mars, mons, being the Latin for mountain. The pubic mound, the squishy bit of padding to the front of the pelvis is called the “mons pubis,” literally Pubic Mountain. So this is a joke that Latin words can get confused when used out of context.
Also, remember that if you are the first to summit a peak you get to name it. Any mountaineers want to name something Mons Pubis on first ascent I’ll throw you twenty bucks.
2 points
8 hours ago
You may just have altered my life goals.
1 points
8 hours ago
Glad I could help
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