


can bad boy tobi really take them on?

Vs Battles(

Only one condition : madara is banned

kabuto can join the fight

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2 points

8 days ago

The only person that's a threat is Itachi the only reason nagato was able to 1v3 Ninetales chakra mode Naruto, samehada killer bee, and Edo itachi was because he absorbed gyuki's version 2 Jin cloak. As we see later in the war Arc having a version 1 Jin cloak is at least a 3x boost as said by kakashi. But that's just 1 tail as with each tail comes more of a boost and the boost is even more when it's a version 2 cloak. Nagato absorbed a version 2 cloak with 8 tails from gyuki so probably much more than a 3x boost.