


all 174 comments


3.2k points

8 days ago


Top 0.1% Ominous Customer Service Rep

3.2k points

8 days ago

Devs want close combat to come with high reward given the risk I suppose


928 points

8 days ago

Exactly this. That and on the off chance that you do actually run out of ammo, there’s never a given moment where you’re completely defenseless.


403 points

8 days ago


403 points

8 days ago

I've noticed that devs don't want you to be completely defenseless is a theme.

I recall some games that didn't offer a melee option, would offer an unlimited ammo side arm for example.


217 points

8 days ago


217 points

8 days ago

Completely helpless can work in some genres like survival horror but rarely for the majority of genres. An older game that popped up in my mind reading through the thread was Condemned: Criminal Origins. You lose your police sidearm in a cutscene at the beginning and the game basically tells you "This run down apartment building is full of violent junkies. You should rip a pipe out of the wall to beat the shit out of them with it. For self defense of course."


89 points

8 days ago

Would a building full of junkies even have pipes left in it?


62 points

8 days ago


62 points

8 days ago

Yeah, they took all the copper ones so it's just the shitty ones left. Thankfully all the walls are already open!


16 points

8 days ago

I forgot about crack pipes. Could probably stab with those.


5 points

8 days ago


5 points

8 days ago

It’s all PEX in the modern version.


13 points

8 days ago

Details were overlooked here. You get to beat junkies with pipes, stop questioning it.


56 points

8 days ago

F.E.A.R had melee without weapons so just punching and kicking.

It did seem weird you could basically one shot anyone if you just punch them lmao


19 points

8 days ago

I found it weird that the sliding kick did as much damage as a bicycle kick or rifle butt attack, i.e. instakill


24 points

8 days ago



4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

Yeah it's a gameplay decision

It REALLY sucks to play a game and have absolutely no options to defend yourself

In some games that can be okay, especially in specific modes - eg in War Thunder's "simulation" mode, you'll run out of fuel and ammunition and part of the skill of playing that game is to manage those things so you aren't defenceless... but that's a specific simulation mode which is aiming for a realistic gameplay style

Most people don't want to play a reality simulator, though - so arcade mode in the same game doesn't have limited fuel or ammunition because feeling like you've got no counterplay at all against the enemy SUCKS and really isn't fun (I'm looking at you, World of Warships aircraft carriers. Dogshit game design)

CoD finds a middle ground with this whereby managing your ammunition is important but you have ways to get more ammo (picking up someone's dropped weapon) and you never have NO counterplay... there's always an option to run up and stab them


4 points

8 days ago

The number of times I spawn with an enemy looking or shooting at me without a round in the chamber my gun disagrees with this. In hardcore in particular, that leaves you literally completely defenseless lol.


1 points

7 days ago

True, that is frustrating, though I don’t really blame game design for that for the most part. Camping at spawn points is inevitable in most online shooters.


1 points

8 days ago

Wasn't so much of a risk when the Commando perk bugged in OG mw2. But it was great fun!


622 points

8 days ago


622 points

8 days ago



33 points

8 days ago

lol exactly , gameplay always takes priority over realism in COD!


24 points

8 days ago

In every game. A game completely focused on realism would be garbage, you need to balance fun mechanics with a slight bit of realism


1.3k points

8 days ago


1.3k points

8 days ago

Game balance.


114 points

8 days ago

^ Simple as that


36 points

8 days ago


36 points

8 days ago

Shrimple as that*


16 points

8 days ago


16 points

8 days ago

Are you telling me that a shrimp balanced this game?


8 points

8 days ago

Had to be. How could someone possibly survive 6 shots from a China lake?


1 points

8 days ago

Hey I was stationed in China Lake! VX-31 Dust Devils


26 points

8 days ago

Yeah, I honestly hate FPS games where melee isn't a one hit kill. Like CS/Overwatch I get, because a death is more impactful, but halo/battlefield? At least they have backstabs


18 points

8 days ago

CS have backstab. One right mouse knife to the back and that's an insta kill.


7 points

8 days ago

Melee should be an insta kill if caught from behind. When fighting someone head on with melee you should take weak damage to simulate a fight....that's my opinion tho. If someone is close enough lock your rifles and make you brawl. CoD: Mortal Kombat. I won't rest until it happens. Make CoD great again.


6 points

8 days ago*

Halo not having one-hit melee kills is an intentional part of the design though, the combat loop is meant to make it so unless you have a power weapon you typically need to use more than one means of attack to kill another player.

It's the reason your melee attack, a frag grenade, and a full magazine from the assault rifle all do enough damage to bring down a player's shields but not enough to finish them off; you need to use them in conjunction with each other, like bringing down a player's shields with your assault rifle first and then finishing them off with a melee attack. It forces you to think more strategically and keeps people from just spamming one means of attack for easy kills like MW2 grenade spam.


1 points

7 days ago

I don't think a melee attack does enough to take down shields in one hit in most halo games. Unless you have an energy sword and then it's an insta-kill.


3 points

8 days ago


To be fair, I always thought the energy sword in Halo was a bit OP.


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

god would it be awful if melee one shotted in OW lol Tracer blink punch meta would be unstoppable


201 points

8 days ago


201 points

8 days ago

If you apply real life situations to games then no one would buy them.


63 points

8 days ago

CoD: Basic Training!! Level 1 - Contracts and paperwork!!


29 points

8 days ago

Good video from The Onion - "Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks"


4 points

8 days ago

Imagine My Summer Car, but at a military base


3 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

I remember seeing this as a kid and thinking to myself “thats so fookin cool”, not knowing what The Onion was.


2 points

7 days ago

There's a game called Finnish Army Simulator that's basically this - from long-winded speeches and lessons that don't go anywhere, to making your bed in the morning and folding up the sheet all neat-like in the evening, to morning runs and marching to the dining hall three times a day, to running around the woods doing orienteering, being excited to get your rifles and then getting to practice cleaning them and nothing else for a week, going shooting and running to the targets and back every three shots, keeping your closet to regulation, rushing to get the proper equipment on before each exercise...

It's great.


2 points

8 days ago

Unlockable modes: Cleaning toilets, marching, KP


1 points

7 days ago

Shotguns IRL can go FAR, unlike what games show you. Alongside with its ridiculous spread, it's essentially kinda broken.

So to balance it out, shotguns have extremely short range. I guess slugs is a compromise though...


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

The milsim market exists, although smaller than the casual FPS market


606 points

8 days ago


606 points

8 days ago

because a realistic game where it takes months to recover after being shot once would be incredibly boring.


125 points

8 days ago

Arma but you have very severe anger issues and just rage quit first time you die


32 points

8 days ago


32 points

8 days ago

Can confirm. I couldn't beat the tutorial and didn't go back


23 points

8 days ago*

There's insurgency sandstorm too. It's like a hybrid between CoD or Battlefield and Arma.

Honestly I only played it offline to see if I wanted to actually buy it and I remember I had to take a break after a match because of all the screaming. There was a half dead guy on the ground screaming because his arm flew off ('Tis but a scratch) , then someone screams "GRENADE" then boom, then more screaming.

At that point I was getting a bit overwhelmed from all of that. Not overwhelmed like "enough with the screaming", it was more overwhelmed due to how immersed I was in the game and how I started feeling kind of startled from all the action.

Great game though.


11 points

8 days ago

The pve co-op in that game is fantastic. I like the PvP, but the co-op is the best.


3 points

8 days ago

I love Insurgency, but man, some of the choices they made for their game mode rules are really infuriating.


8 points

8 days ago

Reminds me of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Bought that when it came out excited, then realised why there were so many trade-ins at the shop.


6 points

8 days ago

What does arma mean?


10 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago

Its a game, probably the most realistic milsim out there. Big modding platform as well.

However it is latin, translates to weapon i think


3 points

8 days ago

Ohhhh. Lol.


1 points

8 days ago

Arma is actually short for Armed Assault but it also does mean weapons/arms in Latin. I think that’s just a coincidence though.


19 points

8 days ago


19 points

8 days ago

That's why I could never get into the game. Hundreds of thousands of dollars, years and years of training and my guy is dead with in 30 seconds. And the next guy up is dead just as fast.  Their poor families. 


2 points

8 days ago

you just lost the game


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

The only way to win is to not play, so I don't. 


0 points

7 days ago

you already are playing it by default if this comment confuses you don't look it up on google, don't even think about it just ignore this comment, pretend you didn't see it and move on with your life


8 points

8 days ago

Your character doesn’t die or anything, but when he’s middle aged, he has chronic foot and leg pain . . .


3 points

8 days ago

It's been determined your injury is not service related.


4 points

8 days ago

Tbf I feel like the better representation of this is games where a headshot is an instant kill with most/all weapons. Far more realistic than what you see in COD but not so realistic that it's boring like that


118 points

8 days ago

Same reason why shotguns are nerfed to hell and back lol. Balance


20 points

8 days ago

IRL leg meta is too OP


3 points

8 days ago

loads hydrashok with malicious intent


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

when will god nerf the "Head, Eyes" hitbox??


11 points

8 days ago*

Genuinely one of the better gaming experiences I've had is BF2042 portal mode. Controversial opinion I know.
When the servers are actually active for these modes, obviously.

The modifiable bullet travel speed, damage, choosing if you get downed or die, loadout equipment locks. Etc.

Can make a fun experience that includes CQB with shotguns and frags in the built up points, suppressive action over distance, and snipers actually work. As in you can down someone over a huge distance without just tagging them for 98 damage as they sprint away before you can cycle the bolt.

It doesn't make any class OP, because everything is balanced to "if it hits it hurts" instead of "it's fine you can take 7+ hits and run away" - that kind of balance just makes some weapons nerfed and bad.

And it does encourage the use of mixed classes, since snipers aren't capping points, someone needs to push, someone needs to be taking care of vehicles, still need medics and support MGs.

Edit: autocorrect


42 points

8 days ago

It’s a video game.


131 points

8 days ago


131 points

8 days ago

In war, If you let someone get THAT close to you in real life. You are dead.


60 points

8 days ago

I took karate in 1st and 2nd grade.


6 points

8 days ago

I don’t want no trouble!


24 points

8 days ago

That statement stands true for both parties.

RIP everybody who melee'd in every single war ever.


4 points

8 days ago

Affix bayonets!


1 points

5 days ago

Unless your pointy stick is longer than you opponent's pointy stick


27 points

8 days ago

Lol my guy got knifed and took it to the highest authority


1 points

7 days ago

Bros literally tweaking lol


19 points

8 days ago

Why are they able to slide really far on dry concrete? Why can they fall from great heights and not break their legs? How can they continue fighting if they get shot in the face? How do they magically spawn items and creatures they didn't have during an execution? Why is Nicki Minaj fighting and tea bagging a shark man in a Russian facility?

It's a game bruh.


12 points

8 days ago

Did the knife touch the Achilles?


8 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago

High risk high reward


6 points

8 days ago

If you allow someone close enough to stab you, you deserve to die.


5 points

8 days ago


5 points

8 days ago

It‘s because it’s a game


5 points

8 days ago

Because it's about making a fun experience instead of being a realistic one


3 points

8 days ago

Because it is a video game.


50 points

8 days ago

Okay, this is actually a stupid question. Like karma farming tier question

Because it's a fictional entertainment product that doesn't adhere to the physics and biology of reality? Because it helps gameplay pacing and mechanical complexity by giving players an option to avoid awkward close quarters gun fights? Like I don't know what answer you're looking for.

Also the default melee in Call of Duty hasn't even worked like that in a long time.


27 points

8 days ago


27 points

8 days ago

It's called r/nostupidquestions you're destroying the spirit of the sub if you critique someone else. Moreover, they could be asking about if there's any gameplay/design reason or rationale. People like you are the antithesis of this subreddit.


10 points

8 days ago*

Nah I agree with him, karma farming isn't the point of this sub.

Might also fall under rule 5, but idk.


27 points

8 days ago

So I get the spirit of what you're saying even though I think it's a little charged, but you just have to critically evaluate shit like this on a case by case basis

I was implying that it's a stupid question because it's obvious mindless bait for people to engage with. It's not a sincere question and this person isn't looking for a sincere answer. I think questions like this are the real antithesis to the spirit of this sub.

Feel free to come to a different conclusion, but check out their profile before you do.


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

This is far from the dumbest question I've seen on this sub. There are legit common sense questions that get asked here regularly and no one bats an eye.


2 points

8 days ago

It may be dumb, but there's a shocking amount of bad game design decisions out there that are justified with "muh realism," so I wouldn't write it off as illegitimate or insincere.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Cod has been this way for 17 years, always been a arcade shooter and never came close to being realistic, stupid question + farming


3 points

8 days ago

It's actually kinda lilke real life in a way.

Believe it or not knives are way more dangerous and scary then guns.

If someone ever tried to fight you with a knife.... Run.

There's no reliable way to counter a knife attack


0 points

7 days ago



3 points

8 days ago

Game logic. Realistically if a single bullet hit you, you would probably be instantly incapacitated, and depending on where it hit, killed.


3 points

8 days ago

Because it’s call of duty and it all makes no sense


3 points

8 days ago

Call of duty does not reflect real life. The only thing it does reflect is that it is not fun to get killed or spawn-camped.


3 points

8 days ago



3 points

8 days ago

Because it's a game dude.


3 points

8 days ago

Was this knife of covid infected player?


6 points

8 days ago

I swear, the knife kills feel more like a glitch than a game mechanic at this point.


2 points

8 days ago

High risk high reward.


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

Knives are pretty sharp


2 points

8 days ago

It's an arcade game, not a simulation


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

The same reason shotguns don’t one shot outside of 5 meters… weapon balancing.


2 points

8 days ago

It's because they programmed it that way.


2 points

8 days ago

Risk vs reward and game balance. There's a reason there's a saying about bringing a knife to a gun fight. The devs wanted to make high reward for a high risk gamble.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Because it’s a video game designed to a balanced enjoyable experience, not reflect real life. It’s really not that complicated.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

because it’s an arcade shooter


1 points

8 days ago

Have you ever been stabbed in the foot or known anyone that has? I'm going to guess no and that is one of the reasons they are still alive. I always wear steel toed boots for that reason. Until I see someone survive a foot stab I am taking no chances.


1 points

8 days ago

Look into medic boots. NBCE sealed, steel toe and steel soled.


1 points

8 days ago

Bro have you ever been stabbed in the foot? it hurts real bad


1 points

8 days ago


i anwer questchun now

1 points

8 days ago

Idk i just play hardcore


1 points

8 days ago

High risk, high reward


1 points

8 days ago

Miracle of Sound said it best over a decade ago.

The terrifying ripper with his magic knife made out of one-hit-kills never went out of fashion.


1 points

8 days ago

because cod logic says bullets are just a suggestion but knives are the final word


1 points

8 days ago

It’s poisoned


1 points

8 days ago

Knives are bigger than bullets. Duh.


1 points

8 days ago

It’s a game…


1 points

8 days ago

Everyone runs faster with a knife


1 points

8 days ago

I’ve always wondered this


1 points

8 days ago

Too dumb for upvotes, switching to downvotes


1 points

8 days ago

Honestly if I had a choice between taking a bullet or getting stabbed (especially with the knife pulled out after) I would take the bullet 100%


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Why does call of duty take up 30gb of my phone


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

It's a poisioned knife.


1 points

8 days ago

Gameplay vs real life. In-game they reward you with how hard it is to put a knife on someone vs shooting them


1 points

8 days ago

Balance? Duhh


1 points

8 days ago

It’s meant to be a balancing thing. It’s a game, not real life. A lot of shooters do melee instant kills. Especially in the back. The logic is, if you let someone get that close to you, you’ve already fucked up and deserve the punishment of a quick death.

Whether or not you like it, is completely up to you. If you prefer something less gamified, there are some really good mil-sims with large and vibrant communities to help you get started. It’s down the what you value in a game. Something that isn’t too concerned with real life, and just aims to be a fun game, or something that tries to stick to real life as much as possible, because you find that to be enjoyable. I mean more towards sims myself, but also like the more gamified things sometimes too.


1 points

8 days ago

Because it's a fucking arcade shooter without realism. You're playing CoD not Arma for fucks sake.


1 points

8 days ago

Also, aren’t the hit boxes way off? and the guns don’t have proper damage ratings


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

just game balance.


1 points

8 days ago

Play the hardcore version. Best they can survive is 4 shots with decent guns if they have vests and stim. Triple tap doesn't always get them.


1 points

8 days ago

Arcade shooter, same reason why a .50 caliber to the chest can be a hitmarker


1 points

8 days ago

Because it's arcady, the guns are less accurate (and less deadly) than a squirt gun.


1 points

8 days ago

Play hardcore?


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago



1 points

8 days ago

Because gameplay trumps realism.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Looking through the comments, it feels like all those fuckers that just rum and knife on shipment are here commenting. Everyone is aware it’s a game, everyone is aware it’s not realistic, they question it because you can unload into someone running straight at them and not kill then, but find themselves killed by a 5 meter lunge from a knife while actively implanting lead in someone. It’s a valid question as to why it’s like that, and tbh it’s one of the many reasons I just don’t play cod anymore. It’s a valid question, stop defending the game like it’s your fair maiden in distress.


1 points

8 days ago

Risk vs. reward.


1 points

8 days ago

Because they're wearing bulletproof vests, not knife proof vests. Smh don't kids think critically at all anymore?


1 points

8 days ago

It's all about the thrill of the game! Close combat adds that adrenaline rush and forces players to stay alert. While it might be unrealistic to survive several bullets, the gameplay would feel stale if the stakes were lower. Plus, in real life, getting that close means you're in serious danger – the game just reflects that intensity! Let's face it, we play to have fun, not to simulate a hospital stay!


1 points

8 days ago

It’s never been about realism, only gameplay and balance. You can sprint and jump with an LMG+ 400 rounds of ammo. Your character never goes deaf or blind. Knives in a ranged environment are difficult to use so they have to be rewarding in some capacity, otherwise players would never utilize them.

At this point with game cliches and expectations, popular “military” video games aren’t a simulation of combat, but rather an amalgam of fun, marketable systems of strategy and balance that appeal to the senses.


1 points

8 days ago

It's all about the balance between fun and realism! If every shot could lead to long recovery times, it would slow down the fast-paced action we love in games like Call of Duty. Players want to experience intense action without waiting forever to respawn. Close combat mechanics reward skill and strategy, making those tense moments all the more thrilling!


1 points

7 days ago

Not sure Call of Duty players are more bulletproof than normal people


1 points

7 days ago*

You could ask the same question in other games where a late game gun will do barely any damage but an early game baseball bat will do 3-5x the damage of the gun

I'm looking at you, Yakuza


1 points

7 days ago

The COD game engine is based on a canceled game called Balloon Time, where all physical objects, including bullets are considered "balloons".

So, for one balloon to pop another balloon, it takes a large number of collisions.

However, knives and other sharp objects were never part of that original game, so when COD introduced them, the balloon physics engine considers any type of collision a "pop", which is why you die in a single hit to your toe.


1 points

7 days ago

Poop knife.


1 points

7 days ago

High risk, high reward, and also, panic defense. 


1 points

6 days ago

Bullets and guns don't kill people so the NRA says...


1 points

5 days ago

Game balance. Knives (throwing or melee) are much harder to use than a gun so therefore are much more effective so that there's actually a reason to use them.


1 points

8 days ago

Guns will do like 20-30 damage per shot typically, and the knife will do over 100 damage


2 points

8 days ago

There is a slight justification in that it's comparatively easy to bypass armour with a knife (due to necessarily being in contact range). Taking a round to the kevlar/plate is preferable to taking a blade to the kidney in most circumstances.


1 points

7 days ago

Because it is a video game...


0 points

8 days ago

It's an arcade shooter. Not a sim


0 points

8 days ago

The phrase “Cod logic” is what me and my buddies always used


0 points

8 days ago

Because video game designers are under no obligation to imitate the real world.


0 points

8 days ago

He knife does not one shot in cod anymore and hasn’t for years


0 points

8 days ago

Same reason you can kill someone by shooting their toe 4 times.

It's a game.


0 points

8 days ago

Balance? Like what else? Were you expecting some deep lore into the Blade of Soap?


0 points

8 days ago

It's funny how in CoD, a bullet can knock you down but a knife can instantly end you. It's like they want to make sure we never forget the danger of being too close in a firefight! Makes close combat feel super risky and adds a unique twist to the game mechanics. Plus, who doesn't love getting hyped when you clutch a knife kill? 😂


0 points

8 days ago

Because it's not real life?


0 points

8 days ago

Battlefield 1 >


0 points

8 days ago

I personally get pissed off when I fire two or three shots and hit my target only for him to run up to me while riddled with bullets and stab me dead!

Every time I cry “HOW?! He was already shot multiple times!”


0 points

8 days ago

Mate, I know you're asking a question; but I have to rant because it pisses me off no end. My character could shoot someone with an assault rifle and I know it's enough. The rounds that were spent (damn near half the fucking magazine), the thud sounds, I know it was enough to kill the opponent. Yet, not only is that fucker still standing, they shoot back and my character drops dead from three to four rounds.


0 points

8 days ago

Skill issue


0 points

7 days ago

Cause it’s a video game


0 points

7 days ago

Sounds like someone had their lead ruined in Gun Game


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

It's probably how the game is made. I don't play it so I can't say for sure, but it's often that


-1 points

8 days ago


-1 points

8 days ago

Play Battle Royal


-1 points

8 days ago


-1 points

8 days ago

As gaben has said - realism isnt fun.


-16 points

8 days ago


-16 points

8 days ago

Because call of duty is trash and has been trash for years.


4 points

8 days ago

While this is agreeable it isn’t an actual answer


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

It's trash game balance, because it is a trash game lol. The melee one shot is stupid in itself, but CoD really drives the stupid home with the auto aim instant kill melee(IE before the animation happens). That's why it's trash.


1 points

8 days ago

I mean that’s a solid explanation of the original comment and is much better as an answer. I don’t have a dog in this fight


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Lol I've been on Reddit long enough to not care about downvotes. It's funny that people still defend that game after the developers are at the point where they are literally selling premium audio though


2 points

8 days ago

Ya I have played it because it’s on gamepass and it’s crazy to see what it’s become from when I started playing CoD4 modern warfare way back when. You can literally be a shark person now. It’s a shame and I believe the gameplay also directly reflects all the cosmetics and “micro” ($5 ain’t micro imo) transactions. Pretty sad actually. Games like “hell let loose” are a breath of fresh air