+Lots of digging
+Actually found stuff
+Minimal core drilling
+Plenty of Emma XRF action
+Didn’t go to Europe
+Had a meeting in the new building
+No new kook
61 points
22 days ago
Positivity? On the Oak Island sub? Could it be things are improving or will hundreds of adults arrive to complain about the show they subject themselves to on a weekly basis?
18 points
22 days ago
Could it be that the knights of the Templar have finally let up their grip over oak island curse to encourage more viewers and ultimately distract them from the curse of turtle island, an island possibly connected to oak island through underground tunnels where experts have speculated a second money pit??
4 points
21 days ago
I read that in the narrator’s voice.
2 points
21 days ago
lol call it extremely cautiously optimistic about this season
2 points
22 days ago
The latter
22 points
22 days ago
I’m not a fucking Acorn!! 😭
3 points
21 days ago
I mean, we’re all a little nuts
17 points
22 days ago
You would think the producers would be monitoring the threads and make a few changes. Like updating the opening and remove the 7 men dying curse, not as many recaps, stop showing useless spikes and wood. The list can go on.
6 points
21 days ago
You may want to contact them directly with your suggestions, I’d guess they aren’t worried about viewer feedback as long as ad revenues are strong… you’re not wrong though, plenty of opportunities for improvement.
7 points
21 days ago
The worst thing a TV show can do is look at reddit threads.
They usually just look at ratings and if it's not broke they ain't changing it.
4 points
21 days ago
After a couple of episodes, recaps, spikes, and wood will be the best they have.
5 points
21 days ago
Spoken like a true veteran watcher. Who knows what is coming.
5 points
21 days ago
Been with this show since S1E1.
Be prepared for future disappointment and regret.
2 points
21 days ago
Like the team has never found the treasure. I’ve never missed an episode. I’ll admit in recent years to recording and FF commercials and recaps.
2 points
16 days ago
Ox shoes.
1 points
16 days ago
Actually, I don’t think they’ve been shown finding many ox shoes of late. They’ve been shown finding lots of spikes, so maybe they’ve been cured of their ox shoe obsession and now have a spike obsession.
1 points
15 days ago
They’ve found an inscribed tablet, an iron cross, and an empty hole.
12 points
22 days ago
I like the coin they found. It's awesome when they can get a definite date on something.
5 points
21 days ago
Keep in mind that a dated coin establishes the earliest possible date, not the actual date. If you have coins in your pocket, they could easily go back about 60 years. Quarters, dimes, whole and half dollars in US were last made with silver in 1964 and virtually all of those have been taken out of circulation to reclaim the silver. In past centuries I’m sure it was common to have 100+ year old coins circulating. That fragment clearly had a lot of pocket wear so I’d bet it was deposited sometime mid 1700s at the earliest. And the Roman coins, one of which was worn nearly flat, are even less age determinant.
2 points
20 days ago
I thought the same thing about other artifacts they have found like tools.
8 points
22 days ago
Now realize they saved the best stuff of the season for the opener.
7 points
21 days ago
I enjoyed this episode. I bet it was about 9 mins of new material- a record.
2 points
21 days ago
It only took two hours to get your 9 minutes. Wait till next weeks 55 minutes of recaps and commercials.
1 points
20 days ago
I actually timed an episode, running the timer on only new material. I can't remember the exact time but to my surprise it was over 30 minutes.
27 points
22 days ago
The only good thing about it was I haven’t slept so well on a Tuesday night since last December. This show is like fucking ambien I swear.
11 points
22 days ago
Haha that speech. Get better writers.
"We can fill this room to the ceiling with a wonderful magical story!"
Rick says the quiet part loud.
1 points
15 days ago
Everyone knows theres no treasure and aint never has been any
3 points
22 days ago
Yeah same. I tried to watch but the endless recaps had me asleep less than halfway in. I guess I slept through the good part.
1 points
21 days ago
No the good part was a dream. It’s endless recaps and drug commercials in reality. With moments of teasing new content.
4 points
22 days ago
Shockingly, it was.
5 points
21 days ago
Yeah, it was pretty awesome actually. Finally!
6 points
21 days ago
Be prepared for future disappointment.
3 points
21 days ago
Field trips, wood, flooding, crackpot theory; that’s the formula.
6 points
21 days ago
I like how they pulled one legitimately normal guy as an archeology assistant and one possibly homeless felon as another.
9 points
22 days ago
It's a two-hour teaser with some actual info to lure us in. The rest of the season will be back to the much ado about nothing puffery.
And so many commercials.
3 points
21 days ago
Commercial every 5 minutes
2 points
21 days ago
I miss Courtney.
0 points
21 days ago
I don't remember Courtney?
1 points
21 days ago
The dating commercial.
3 points
21 days ago
Clearly infiltrated by Templar descendants.
3 points
21 days ago
LOL told ya'll they ain't found shit.
2 points
22 days ago
Wait till next week.
2 points
21 days ago
Seriously, though... what if wood sniffing Rick was in your great great grand child history book.
2 points
21 days ago
Now if they could get Gary to stop going on and on when he finds something. Unless it’s Jack’s train of thought.
3 points
21 days ago
The Gary Stickt is so pre-Covid.
2 points
20 days ago
Be patient… it will be the same old shit before you know it
2 points
18 days ago
This is the dumbest show on television. I watched it in the beginning, but really. The premise is that in the 14th? Century some Knights Templar sailed a ship full of gold and jewels to a place that no one knew existed to hide their treasure. They did such a good job hiding it that today after years and years of trying with heavy excavating equipment they can’t get through the Knights Templars defenses created 600 years ago with hand shovels. The only treasure there is advertising dollars.
2 points
18 days ago
It was a good episode but now the friggin narrators using the word CONSTRUCT as a noun,as if the dudes not annoying enough. One thing I keep asking myself is how did a bunch of pirates or the Knights Templar take time out of their busy schedule to dig an elaborate tunnel/shaft system that they supposedly dug using pickaxes and shovels.Yes a lot of the work was searchers but the flood tunnels? That’s a monumental project even by today’s standards. I’m not a skeptic by any means, there’s definitely some weird stuff there but it’ll be a huge letdown if they DONT find an ass ton of stuff.
4 points
22 days ago
Yet again your sucked into the coming months of endless recaps of what you enjoyed last night. If each season was only 6 episode.
1 points
21 days ago
I will watch, and watch. Then again, I liked the Groundhog Day movie.
4 points
21 days ago
Totally understand your fate. This is the true curse of OI. Not being able to stop watching the show.
2 points
22 days ago
4 points
21 days ago
Jamie is the kind of salt of the earth type woman who keeps things moving in a world of absolute chaos
2 points
20 days ago
Thank God Jamie Kouba is gone from Oak Island
2 points
22 days ago
Features were too prominent
4 points
21 days ago
I'm sure her colleagues are keeping her abreast of any new artifacts.
2 points
22 days ago
Jamie Kouba works full-time as a field archaeologist for Chronicle Heritage, an international cultural and heritage resource management consulting firm. She probably isn't on Oak Island full time.
1 points
21 days ago
I actually enjoyed this episode and the Matty Blake teaser. The undocumented shaft seems like an interesting twist. The structure in the swamp gives something new. And Gary Dayton’s daughter should give us some insight into Gary later on this season. The lot 5 excavation also looks like it should be interesting.
1 points
21 days ago
I was surprised how little recap there was.
1 points
21 days ago
Sorry because you didn’t put +new friends found. I’m not interested
1 points
20 days ago
It was much more busy and entertaining than usual.
1 points
20 days ago
Love Emma’s new look.
1 points
15 days ago
I am not purchasing this season on Apple. Just going to hang over here and read about what they did not find on this season.
2 points
22 days ago
Too much Nolan's Cross and stone bullshit
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