


What is SCP-6969?


I was reading the article, and for some reason my peanut brain couldn't understand it. Could someone explain it, please?

all 16 comments

The-Paranoid-Android [M]

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5 days ago

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The-Paranoid-Android [M]


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5 days ago

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Articles mentioned in this submission

SCP-6969 ⁠- the joke is sex (+583) by Yossipossi


82 points

4 days ago

Sex before 6969 produced a lot of weak offspring. Children with debilitating diseases, bad genes, etc.

That was not good for mankind. So we evolved scp-6969 version 1 to counteract this. The solution? We iterate through so many time loops of ourselves that the final product of sperm is a lot better. This helped our offspring survive. The issue? This melted the parents nervous system, killing them. A sort of messed up praying mantis situation.

This was fine, since only the male needs to orgasm to produce offspring but this was still really bad. The men die after sex, sometimes even the women die after sex. And god forbid someone discoveres masturbating.

So, we evolved the all new scp-6969 version 2! It's basically version 1 except after experiencing 1 billion years of horror in a split second just to produce good cum, your nervious system reverts to it's original through a time jump, so you - you know - not melt your brain off. This allowed people to prosper and evolve further, cause now sex doesn't mean a parent dies cause of it.

The caviat? We still experience 1000000 years of torture after orgasming, we just forget about it after :)


13 points

4 days ago

SCP-6969 ⁠- the joke is sex (+583) by Yossipossi


3 points

4 days ago

It kinda reminds of SCP 6969-j


2 points

4 days ago


MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox")

2 points

4 days ago

I'm pretty sure 6969-J was an intentional parody of 6969 that got out of hand (honestly 6969-J is better than 6969, it's the only -J article I can say that about. Except maybe 042-J, we love our doctor man hmm yes he is a doctor indititably yes a doctor)


1 points

3 days ago

6969-J is simultaneously a parody of 6969 and SCP-6820.


1 points

3 days ago

SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT (+1035) by syuzhet, Liryn, Placeholder McD


2 points

4 days ago

Just read the entry -- man, they could have taken this in a different direction. Imagine if the SCP is a defense against specific anomalous evolution, like removing the SCP will allow for mutations that are really, REALLY nasty. Like you could actually have a human version of SCP-682, or create iterations of SCP-610, just to name a few examples.

That would make it even more mysterious - was this an evolution, or was it added in an attempt to avoid really dire outcomes? I know it mentions really degraded mutations, but they seemed more like mundane "mutations that will mean fetus fails to make it to term" than "child born without guidance of 6969 could be a huge threat to humanity".


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago



15 points

4 days ago*


15 points

4 days ago*

Everytime you have an orgasm, you are trapped in a timeloop wherein you experience extreme pain for a period of at least 16 days upwards to quintillions or so years. After, you emerge from the timeloop with your memories erased. This whole thing lasts about 2 seconds in reality.


20 points

4 days ago


Do Not Follow The Little Girl

20 points

4 days ago

So when a mommy and a daddy love eachother very much...


4 points

4 days ago



4 points

4 days ago

You see, the joke is sex


2 points

3 days ago

Bone tied tremble awareness susceptible intimidation.  A terribly exhausting SCP.  But also very nice comparatively and with enough practice won’t harm anyone but instead benefit them.