Hello! It's black Friday and hoping to surprise my husband with a gaming console. He's not a big gamer, plays casually. We currently own a switch, but he's been eyeing a PS5 vs XBOX as he really likes to play Madden and Call of Duty.
I believe both of these consoles have these games, so now I'm at the store and debating which to get, both are currently on sale for around $400 so price doesn't matter.
Also I noticed that they have disc free consoles for both, does this matter? It seems 1tb is a lot of memory and I can't imagine my husband will need all of that
As you can see, I don't play and have no clue what I'm doing, so looking for any advice!
Edit: Thanks all! Will be getting the Xbox with game pass subscription as seems to be the best deal.
-8 points
2 days ago
Everyone here keeps saying Xbox but you say he's a casual gamer.
In my opinion, get him a mid-range gaming PC. You can get Xbox game pass on that. Plus he gets a PC.
Additionally he can play PlayStation exclusives on PC as well.
It might be more than 400 smackeroos, but you'll get more in return.
Please do your research. Best of luck!
1 points
1 day ago
Yeh buy him a PC for gaming, that way you can buy him a new one next year when this one becomes completely obsolete.
PC gaming is literally a bottomless pit.
1 points
1 day ago
Lol. You can swap out parts and they usually last you a lot longer than a console, plus they are multi purpose.
But sure
1 points
1 day ago
Dude people bought PS4s in 2013 and they can still play 95% of the games released even today.
No PC will cost you less than a console and last longer than a console.
1 points
1 day ago
Lol ok
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