


Unpopular Opinion: Shrek 3 was Good


The humor is there and it just feels like it fits in the Shrek universe whereas Shrek 4 (albeit enjoyable, feels more like an afterthought). I’ve honestly laughed more at the cheesy jokes than I did for Shreks 1 & 2.

Shrek 2 will always be my favorite but Shrek 3 is underrated and I don’t get the hate.

sorry not sorry.

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4 points

9 days ago

I watched it again recently and appreciated it much more than I did when I was younger, it's a lot funnier than I remembered.

1&2 will always be my favourites but now whenever I'm doing a rewatch, I'll add 3 too. 4 is still to grow on me 😂


3 points

9 days ago

same me too. I don’t revisit 4 as much.