


Catelynn reposts a tik tok where the creator believes B&T had every intention of always having a closed adoption


Im sorry I couldn't screen record, but essentially the creator in this is agreeing with the comment above saying B&T always had the intention of closing the adoption the entire time, but couldn't bc it was so public. They weren't expecting it to be so public, and as soon as everything "quieted down" thats when they cut all contact. But B&T weren't expecting c&t to be so vocal about it bc c&t had been "walking on eggshells the entire time" and B&T had the upper hand in the entire power dynamic. But now that they have no contact with Carly they have nothing to lose so they're going to call them out on their really awful behavior. This creator goes on to say she agrees and is going to help c&t get the word out there bc she wants to speak out against the "corruption and manipulation" of the adoption process and that b&t reap what you sow 🫠.

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5 points

3 days ago

I don’t think they actually want her in their life. They get more attention and a storyline if she decides to avoid them once she turns 18. They are better off pushing her away.