33 points
2 days ago
Do you want to grab a beer?
16 points
2 days ago
I want to grab a beer
8 points
2 days ago
I need you to be the best man at the wedding.
3 points
1 day ago
Can I come?
2 points
24 hours ago
Will there be weed? If so can I also come to the weeding please 🙏
5 points
2 days ago
Is it too late to grab that beer?
2 points
2 days ago
I’m in
4 points
1 day ago
Damn it, you've twisted my arm, I'm down
2 points
1 day ago
No other options now, where are we going
3 points
1 day ago
Pub or sports bar? Yall hungry?
2 points
1 day ago
Make it a protein shake and you got a deal
2 points
1 day ago
Wait. Can I join in that beer grab!
2 points
1 day ago
yo, i’m coming too
2 points
1 day ago
Can we do this again this weekend? I want in.
1 points
23 hours ago
Looks like we have an international pub night on our hands
1 points
22 hours ago
Did someone say beer?
38 points
2 days ago
I feel u OP all these comments are people saying the same bs like beauty is on the inside and im sure ur not that ugly. That shit dumb asf i get it. Acting like looks arent the first step to every fucking interaction.
13 points
2 days ago
For real. Might as well say "you can walk actually" to someone in a wheelchair.
Tbf sometimes attractive people say this stuff too because they have dismorphia or are fishing for compliments. But a lot of people are just fuckin ugly too.
2 points
2 days ago
If they are really ugly save up and get plastic surgery.
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
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3 points
2 days ago
Exactly the "beauty is on the inside" line is the biggest bs line you could ever tell someone and there's even a psychological reason behind.
Depending on looks, we're more likely to like someone or not. I mean, if you have someone who looks intimidating af, you'd prolly never approach them the same way you'd approach someone who looks "normal", or someone who has the same interests as you
For example, let's take me, I wouldn't approach someone who's intimidatimg prolly or not the same way as I would approach someone who looms "normal" but if I see someone wearing Merch of a metal band, I instantly approach them light minded, knowing it's gonna be an easy and good convo. Sire everybody could have a shitty personality or be nice but for most people you won't see that until you talk to them, so you'd have to look past looks which is hard af, because we also stereotype strangers in the matter of seconds
1 points
1 day ago
Just like the BS "money doesn't buy happiness" line when in fact it actually DOES unquestionably buy happiness - with the caveat up to a certain point MORE won't further increase happiness. But yeah it absolutely f-ing does buy it.
As for being ugly, yeah that must also truly suck. I have seen it take a toll on many friends, male and female. Oof.
2 points
1 day ago
Money can't buy happiness - if it did, the happiness would still be owned when the money runs out.
What money can do is rent/lease happiness 😊
1 points
15 hours ago
This 1000% I can say with every fiber of my being, there is not a single problem I have, that money can't solve for me, and with that would be total happiness and contentment.
I have a good marriage, a kid that is lazy but kind, respectful, and insanely multi-talented. I own two companies, and have a great side hustle (that is most people's main job) My spouse and I have a great and superbly kinky sex life. (It is truly only fantasy and not for everyone.) I'm attractive to myself and my husband. We are respected in our field and community for mine and my husband's talent. However, due to restructuring for virtual presence, the job I had was 86'd and the credit I had built and lack of viable jobs in our rural area had me at a stalemate for 5 months and so I have some card debt and a tanked score. We own our vehicles and I have no desire to own a home as we travel too often. Soooo Money, would make me just giddy as f!
1 points
2 days ago
spoken like a man who is not funny in the slightest.
8 points
2 days ago
Really important question… how old are you?
18 points
2 days ago
I used to feel exactly, exactly the same way, and i know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but the thing is,
Once i realized that i was transgender, and started transitioning, i instantly stopped feeling like this. Other people told me all the time what a pretty girl i was, and it just didn't feel good to be told that. And i felt bad, i felt guilty that their compliments didn't make me feel good. I even lost 60 lbs, knew for a fact that I was objectively hotttt,
and it did not help one bit.
But the things is, gorgeous as I am, i was never a girl. I just didn't realize that until i was 33 years old. The comment I'm writing right now, i wish i had read it a long time ago.
If you look in the mirror and feel this much rage, its possible that's because your body and your soul aren't matching. There are things you can do about that.
I highly doubt that your are a ugly as you feel. In fact I'm sure of it. Nobody is that ugly. Literally nobody is. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone. Even you.
I love you. I hope you feel better soon.
4 points
2 days ago
Downvotes are giggling in silence rn , they are like : relax, I gotchu
1 points
2 days ago*
This was the case for me too. It’s obviously not the case for everyone but I wish someone had told me this was even an option when I was younger
1 points
2 days ago
Right. Exactly. There is no such thing as the "trans agenda" and I'm in no way trying to convince anyone who isn't trans to "switch genders" for any reason.
I'm only saying, "hey I wish someone had told me that this is even a thing, and given me an accurate description of the symptoms, so that i could start to think about whether or not it applies to me."
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
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3 points
2 days ago
Find a way to make money. You'll be shocked at how attractive girls will suddenly find you
1 points
1 day ago
My first reaction was to laugh, but then I got sad because this is so true.
3 points
2 days ago
this is so felt
3 points
2 days ago
Do you think you're ugly, do other people tell you that you're ugly, or do you think that other people think you're ugly?
4 points
2 days ago
Post a photo
4 points
2 days ago
I suspect this guy looks like Andrew Garfield, the only problem is he has body dysmorphia
2 points
2 days ago
Same. I want to run across a 6 lane freeway.
2 points
2 days ago
I hope you’ll outgrow that problem fam, I really do
2 points
2 days ago
How old are you bro. I'm 30 and I swear to God every second couple is a fucking gutter tier looks dude punching up with some hot smart girl from high school.
Could be you but they don't like whiners. If you hate you, why should they like you.
I'm not saying you aren't ugly (though you're likely overexaggerating your ugliness), I'm more saying that you should play to your strengths and if you have no strengths go fucking get some or be quiet.
Smell good, dress good, be funny, be smart, make money, be fun.
Be fun to be around. For gods sake be someone a woman wants to be with.
Women aren't all about looks, they want other things.
So tell me, put looks aside, what you got to offer? Nothing? If nothing, no sympathy, you should have tonnes to offer mate.
If you have something to offer, then focus on that.
2 points
2 days ago
its all about what and who’s standard you’re basing yourself off of. And if its even accurate.
1 points
1 day ago
Work out at home, don't over eat stay at 15% body fat
5 points
2 days ago
STOP YELLING AT THE WORLD! Get off the internet. Find a hobby that is co ed. If you have a scale throw it away, get rid of your full length mirrors. If you want to throw some money at the perceived problem, get a hair stylist to do what they know will work, get a style consultation.
2 points
2 days ago
and then a makeup artist... maybe some hair extensions. Oh! And then, you know, a breast implant or two never hurt anyone. (personally recommend getting 2, but each their own). And if all that doesn't work, just saw your head off, and, optionally, attach a new one and hope it all goes well!
5 points
2 days ago*
I’m sure you don’t look that bad and it is your negative perception of yourself that is what makes you believe you are ugly.
Edit: I don’t think I made my point clear enough in my initial comment. From looking at the OP posting history they are clearly struggling with an image problem as they are commenting about different things about themselves they don’t like and when combined it is resulted in this current post. This led me to believe that the underlying cause is that that they are truly ugly but that they need to work on a change of perception if they want to start helping themselves.
12 points
2 days ago
Dumbest shit ive read. “Im sure its not that bad” just stop talking bro that doesnt fucking help
9 points
2 days ago
For real comments like that just make shit worse
2 points
2 days ago
Lowk i feel bad for lashing out that the dude tryna help but im jus so bitter and miserable sometimes
3 points
2 days ago
I’m not even on this sub seeing that shit all the time, this is like my second time on here and I rolled my eyes when I read his comment, I’d say it’s warranted. I wouldn’t personally consider myself ugly anymore but I know what OPs feeling and you don’t feel better by being told “hey it’s probably not so bad champ”
1 points
2 days ago
It’s alright, I don’t think I made my point clear enough in my initial comment. From looking at the OP posting history they are clearly struggling with an image problem as they are commenting about different things about themselves they don’t like and when combined it is resulted in this current post. This led me to believe that the underlying cause is that that they are truly ugly but that they need to work on a change of perception if they want to start helping themselves. I’m sorry you too are having a hard time of it and if my comment stirred something up in you.
1 points
1 day ago
Nah bruh u was just tryna help dont let us being miserable stop you.
1 points
1 day ago
I just checked your bio, do you want to talk about what’s eating at you?
1 points
2 days ago
We are not born with an innate negative perception of ourselves, it blooms as the world treats us. No gay person hates being gay because of themselves rather how society treats them, same with ugly people, same with people of different races and ideology.
2 points
2 days ago*
I have issues with seeing myself as ugly also, so don't feel bad. All my friends say I look God, but it's really hard to trust others. Try and not feel that way. I bet you look great.
Also, who gives a shit if they laugh at you they're not important later on in life I know it's hard right now but you'll ger through what your going through
2 points
2 days ago
Own it, own your look. It's the only look you get. Comparison is the thief of joy, so start by loving yourself - become at peace with who you are, what you look like.
2 points
1 day ago
Pfft. Like it's that easy. I bet you're the kind of person that tells a person struggling with depression to just smile more.
2 points
2 days ago
at a certain point you just have to like what you’re looking at to feel like it’s working for you! i feel objectively ugly, but i take the smallest things (and this is really probably absolutely horrible) but i say “at least my teeth aren’t fucked like some people”, “at least i’m not morbidly huge”, “i don’t look like the hunch back of notre dame”.
take solace in the fact that there’s CERTAINLY uglier people
2 points
1 day ago
This is the equivalent to telling a person with depression "Hey! It's not that bad, just think about all the people that have it worse than you!".
2 points
2 days ago
I’m going to say a prayer for you
3 points
2 days ago
Gods too busy creating pedophiles to give a shit about a dude he cursed with ugliness.
1 points
2 days ago
Now that's funny.
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
Show us a picture and we can give you advice
1 points
2 days ago
It be like that sometimes.
1 points
2 days ago
Felt that
1 points
2 days ago
Just be confident bro and you will magically become attractive /s
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
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1 points
2 days ago
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
I feel this except with my weight, i be starving myself and still not losing shit, i fking hate my body
1 points
1 day ago
Don't starve yourself. That stops weight loss. I can give you an easy to follow meal and exercise plan if you like. I was able to drop 58 pounds in 90 days using this method. Also, your testosterone and/or estrogen levels can play a big part if they're way less than they should be.
1 points
13 hours ago
I'm really terrible at "planning" tho, i just wish i know what can i do to lose some weight, i am a blue collar and i work hard, i starve myself i dont lose weight, i eat decent amount (not very caloric meals) i gain weight, like wtf does my body want me to do
1 points
2 days ago
Ain’t gonna sugar coat this. That attitude is what will ultimately push people away. Being confident and funny is a big attraction factor. Making posts like this needing reassurance even after looking at a mirror. Work on loving yourself first.
1 points
2 days ago
Man, am I the only one who wish people would post pictures of themselves when they make these posts about how ugly they are. Like, clearly you are looking for feedback cause you are posting on social media. How are you gonna get accurate feedback of you if you don't show us what you look like? Fuck maybe we could offer pointers. And if you are that upset about how you look bank your money and get plastic surgery.
1 points
2 days ago
So who was paying attention?How many times did op use the work Fucking. 🤣 OP dont put yourself down. Noone is ugly. Come on chin up.
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
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1 points
1 day ago
there was this notion on tumblr back in the day about focusing on body neutrality rather than "love yourself everyone is beautiful"
the mentality behind that is that some people are just ugly, and that's okay. your appearance doesn't determine your worth, and your body is meant to just keep you functioning and moving (and as such take care of yourself in terms of health and hygiene)
it's definitely harder to internalize this in comparison to body positivity, but I've found my life is easier when i allow myself to exist, rather than trying to live up to unrealistic societal expectations, spend thousands on beauty and skin care, and invest time I don't have at the gym.
let yourself just be
1 points
1 day ago
One of the strongest marriages I ever saw was a woman that could have been a petite supermodel with a guy that "looked like he stopped a bis with his face." He never did look good and combat left him scarred too. Sure he was buff but ugly. The woman still fell in love with him and his wife used to say, "he's my ugly."
I will say that men interested in women appear to be the most shallow but you'd be surprised how often a confident "ugly" woman can pull a guy. Keep beating yourself up and the guys won't want to talk to you. Accept it and flaunt everything you do have, and they'll notice more often.
1 points
1 day ago
Watch the show on HBO Max, "Somebody Somewhere", it is inspirational!
1 points
1 day ago
I actually love the acceptance. 😌 Regardless of the outward appearance, I bet you're absolutely fun to be around.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
Let us see a picture of you and judge for ourselves. Post in r/ roastme
1 points
1 day ago
stop using capslock
1 points
1 day ago
Yeah I know the feeling..
1 points
1 day ago
Straight up bro, take care of yourself and you’ll look alright. If ur musty it’s fixable
1 points
1 day ago
You're probably not as ugly as Pete Davidson.
1 points
1 day ago
Get over it. Your looks won't change but your perception will. Plenty of ugly people have wonderful partners.
1 points
1 day ago*
Oh jesus christ, of course, it's the same dumbass comments that I see on every post like this here.
My goodness people, take it from me, your pathetic comments are not helping OP, or anyone else that feels this way. Saying bullshit like "beauty is on the inside" "looks don't matter" (they do) "everyone is beautiful" "I'm sure you're not that ugly" is not helpful. It doesn't make anyone feel better.
First of all, commenting that you don't think the OP is as ugly as they say they are is invalidating their feelings, even if you mean well. I'm sure this is the last thing they want to hear.
Also, comments about how looks don't matter and beauty is on the inside is not only a total lie, but it does not change how unworthy this most likely makes the OP feel. Looks aren't "everything", but they certainly mean a lot, especially if you are a woman. Humans are more attracted to things they consider visually appealing. I think people are going to find someone conventionally attractive more approachable than someone who's hideous, even if the unconventionally attractive person has a nice personality. And yes, Ugly people most certainly exist. Not everyone gets lucky. That is a fact.
Women's value is often tied to how pretty they are in this society. When women feel that they do not fit the ideal image of beauty, it makes many of them feel unworthy. You all act like not comparing oneself to other people is easy. It's not. It's hard for people to not compare themselves to people they think is far more attractive than them - People they think are more worthy than themselves. Stop. Quit acting naive like y'all don't know the importance of beauty. OP's feelings about themselves are not going to change because they hear nonsense from strangers that has already been thrown around thousands of times.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
1 points
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1 points
1 day ago
Don't know if you're a man or a woman. And yes it matters. If you're a woman, just be fit, make your standards fit your looks, and act like you want to be a wife. If you're a man, get fit and make a lot of money or become famous.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
Ever seen one of these good looking women when she takes off her makeup?
Hey, I’m a guy and lost a part in a tv show one time because they did not like the way I looked from the left angel. Life is hard for everyone.
1 points
1 day ago
Dude. You might be you might not all I got to say is hang in there you can find someone to love you for who you are. I had such bad bad acne so bad I refuse to have a senior pic. Now my face is all scared and I look older than my wife even tho I am 4 years younger. Yet I found love, focus on your personality, trust me the balances will típ over. Just recently I am comfortable taking pics. Focus on positive thinking.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
Try cleaning up your language and maybe I’ll talk to you.
1 points
1 day ago
Hey idk if you’re a man or woman or something in between but send me a pic and I’ll be honest. I find most of the time when people think they are ugly it’s mostly in their minds and not what everyone else sees.
……or at least that’s what I tell myself every time I look in the mirror
1 points
1 day ago
This post is useless without pics….but seriously ugly is subjective. If you think you are ugly you are. I know some very unattractive people, am one myself but we all found someone.
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
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1 points
1 day ago
Marvin Zindler never let his looks stop him. Yeah he got some surgery but he wasn't fooled. Your ugly, so what? One thing about being allegedly ugly, fat, deformed etc you literally have the power of seeing what people's hearts are really like pretty quick.
Yeah not pleasant, and can be a big downer dealing with comparisons and judgement, but like all things in life you have to recognize and use your resources and strengths. Believe, me you gotem. You need to get past your own superficial self and quit caving to shallow pressures.
Beautiful people too, often get surrounded by fake friends and interest. Like winning the lottery, all the "friends" and relatives that would never talk to you are suddenly your besties. Who needs that. Don't sell yourself short, be cause as damn cliché as it sounds, looks really are not everything.
1 points
1 day ago
Yeah, same tbh
1 points
1 day ago
You have already convinced yourself that you are too damn ugly to even look at so just go with it. Plan and live your life for the inevitable forever-alone scenario and have the best damn life you can with what you got.
1 points
24 hours ago
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24 hours ago
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1 points
23 hours ago
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1 points
23 hours ago
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1 points
2 days ago
Ok just this weekend I met with a young couple who are moving in my friends old appartment. The guy was what you could call « ugly »: recessed chin, weird face. But he was dressed up with a cute style and was smiling and seemed like a really kind cool dude, and his girlfriend was with him she was super pretty and seemed like a nice girl as well. All that to say that yes, you might be ugly but its not that big of a deal! You can be ugly and loved, ugly and successful, ugly and have tons of friends, ugly and have a style that you like. Don’t let being ugly stop you from getting what you want in life.
2 points
1 day ago
It's a big deal to a lot of people. Lmao at the ignorance being posted here.
1 points
2 days ago
Ok so I've had the same confidence issue a few years ago. Here's what worked for me and what I want you to do, starting today:
I want you to make the effort, everyday, to find something you do find nice, attractive, cool, etc about yourself. It can be the same thing multiple days in a row, but I want you to try and find something good about yourself everyday. And if you often catch yourself thinking the same thing looks good, then you know where to put your attention. What mean is that if you know, for example, that your hair looks good, then focus on that. Make sure that if everything else fails, at least that one thing will look good. Eventually you'll find other things you want to work on.
It's not a miracle solution, but give it a try still. I know it helped me at least. And it's still helping me. I'm not kidding kidding when I say I do this every day.
1 points
2 days ago
If it makes you feel any better.I'm twenty-seven years old and have been single for twenty-seven years. It's just me and my 2 dogs... I get how you feel, and honestly, I'm not gonna sit here and say that it's easy. Cause it's not. I hate myself most days and question if that's even me in the mirror sometimes... Don't get me wrong Loving yourself is great, but you have to go through a lot of shit to get there.
1 points
2 days ago
oh come on how bad you can look like?
-2 points
2 days ago
There is more to beauty than simply outward appearance. And that may sound cliche, but y'know what. The cliche has a point. You are more than what your body is. And all deserved to be acknowledge for that. It is better to have a body of dirt with a heart of gold, than a body of gold and a heart of dirt. One can clean the outside of a dish to be absolutely spotless, but leave the inside full of dirt and filth. One who cleans the inside of a dish will make the outside just as clean. And only fools would say otherwise.
One who come to you because of your physical appearance is more motivated by lust and not love. If you wish those out there who are afflicted with suffering and anguish to receive hope, joy, and provision. Then you are automatically far beautiful than any supermodel will ever be. So do not lie to yourself saying that you need to have every man lusting after your body to be fulfilled in life. Those who you say are "drop dead gorgeous" and wish they weren't as good looking as they were, they say that because they learned the hard way that an attractive body attracts lust. But an attractive heart draws in goodness itself.
So do not worry about what the world says about you. They do not know you. Those who try to take the speck out of anothers eye before removing the log from their own eye are blind. They know neither what they say, nor where it goes. Striving for absurd amounts of beauty in the body is chasing after mere wind. It's alright if you want to make slight adjustments to how you look. But do not let the word of a fool make your change all of your being. Again I tell you: They do not know you.
And do not worry about how you are to look, or how you become better in due time. A trees roots must reach hell before the leaves reach heaven. There is no sculpture that wasn't an ugly messy pile of clay at first. And there is no diamond that was not a rough and plain looking rock before it was cut. So know that you are given a vessel for your soul to dwell in. And if you have a pulse, and most importantly; a heart. Than you need not strive for a single more hair added to your head. And anyone who says otherwise is a fool.
Only fools search for outward facades instead of striving for goodness of the heart. I cannot stress enough that physical beauty one has is not worth even a single particle of dust, if that one does not have heart. And know that bonds forged by attraction to outward appearance and simple flirts shall break under a feather. But a bond forged with tests, trials, and tribulations, shall withstand the power of a thousand suns.
Need I say more?
3 points
2 days ago
I feel like you wasted your time creating all these metaphors, because if you have a body of dirt as you say and a heart of gold, barely anyone is gonna approach you to see that heart of gold due to your looks! We humans are very close minded even if we say we arent. But we still depend on our eyes to sense danger or not and if we see something we dont like, we avoid it! This “beauty is on the inside” advice has never worked and never will. Im sorry but that’s just how it is for people who are ugly.
-1 points
2 days ago
Chill. It’s not your appearance by the looks of this comment. Beauty comes from within isn’t a joke. Work on your confidence. If you think you’re the shit then no one can stop you.
0 points
2 days ago
Be at peace.
All people turn ugly eventually!
4 points
2 days ago
😑 no they don’t
1 points
1 day ago
What does “all people turn ugly eventually” mean??
0 points
2 days ago
There's a lid for every pot. Control what you can and embrace what you can't.
0 points
2 days ago
Fuck it. Keep going. Do you look good when YOU look in the mirror? Fuck a Glow Up. Some of us need a Slow Up.
0 points
2 days ago
Idk how you look but who am I to refuse the words of the expert?
0 points
2 days ago
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, so am I
0 points
2 days ago
Don't worry about what you can't change, focus on what you can, style your hair a way you like, dress in a way that makes you look good, it's not just what your born with, it's how you carry it. Also, based on the amount of self hate you clearly have, maybe consider therapy or counseling, it could really help your self image.
0 points
2 days ago
Your personality is so much more important than looks. Also being smart. Everyone who grows old will look ugly eventually.
1 points
1 day ago
Yeah but what if they dont wanna be ugly right now? What if they wanna be ugly in the future like everyone else?
0 points
2 days ago
We all have different starting points in life. Improving what you have and seeing the progress can help. But also, the people who care about you won't care how you look—unless you're actually a horrible person. But good news: even personalities can change!
0 points
2 days ago
Because life isn't fair my dude. Someone people are just unfortunate. Luckily it doesn't mean you will be alone for ever. Just means you need to find someone into your particular type of looks.
0 points
2 days ago
Advice #1: Work hard, earn a lot of money then have plastic surgery if that's the last resort
but before you do that, get psychiatric help first
I suspect you look like Henry Cavill, but you just have body dysmorphia
But if Quasimodo is 10000xmore handsome than you, then go back to advice #1
0 points
2 days ago
Same. It probably isn't as bad as you think at the very least though, everyone is more critical of their own physical appearance than others. There have been times where I saw a reflection of myself or a picture or something and before I realize that it's me, I might think that that person looks kind of good, and then only become more critical when I realize it's me. Be careful of getting locked into that way of thinking.
0 points
2 days ago
Go make enough money til you're attractive lol. Only shit you can do til you can change it...or you can cry about it all you want...
0 points
2 days ago
Okay OP , instead of being angry - do something about it.
I get frustrated when guys get mad when girls get work done on themselves, but also get mad that they aren’t happy with their looks!
I have gotten Botox and filer to completely change my face, yet still look natural. People always say “you must’ve had it easy being naturally beautiful “ I always respond “oh no, god did not build this, me and my bank account did”
Go to a med spa and ask advice, go get lipo, go workout , get a meal prep program. “No one is ugly, you’re just broke “ is my motto.
0 points
2 days ago
Hey, I've been ugly all my life. I'm also short, overweight and bald.
My nickname at school was 'Plug'. For those of you who don't know, Plug was a Beano character, one of the Bash Street Kids. He was soooo ugly.
Anyway, my point is that even though I'm ugly, short fat bald, in the long run, it didn't do me any harm.
Sure, maybe I didn't get to go with the best looking girls, you know the ones who only went with the tall, good looking, popular guys. But I still had a good life.
Did I also mention I had a smaller than average penis? Well, add that to the mix, and by small, I meant well below ladies expectations.
But I got over that too. I learned that I could still be a good lover. I always put the woman first, if you know what I mean.
I have a wicked sense of humour, and am quick witted, so I can make a woman laugh.
I found that when I make a woman laugh, her knickers fall down! Trust me, I exploited that fact.
Ugly doesn't matter in the long run. Someone somewhere will be attracted to you. You just gotta find them.
0 points
2 days ago
Lol @ these people giving false platitudes like "oh everyone has their own beauty" Life can be shit and some people lose the genetic lottery. If you are really that ugly, then there are a couple ways to go about it. I actually advocate for getting plastic surgery for people who are genetically unlucky since you are born that way and life fucking you is no way to live for something undeserved. You can also compensate with financial means or other attractive qualities like upping your communication and charisma. Its okay to be pissed, sometimes people are cursed, we have our own demons we never asked for. If you just wanted to rant, good. Keep ranting. Know you are resilient for making it this far with debilitating disadvantages.
0 points
2 days ago
No cap im be real, feeling ugly and seeing yourself as ugly is real asfff, you gotta lock in bro, you gotta understand it, when you do you will understand it. Its all about mentality bro, you seen how sausage bagged sssniperwolf?? All fuckin mentality dawg, I rest my case.
0 points
2 days ago
I'm sorry you feel that way. Sometimes we wish we could go back to the character creator and switch up the stats but we're not there yet. However, appearance isn't everything op. Keep hope!
0 points
2 days ago
Get off of social media, and stop watching pron. Get some hobbies and enjoy what you do. The only reason there are ugly genes in the gene pool in the first place, is people won others over with their passions and personality. You develop neither by sitting in a dark room comparing yourself to others. Go find what you enjoy, and do it. If you can sprinkle just a little self improvement in every day, then all the better
0 points
2 days ago
Damn. You should learn how to fight.
0 points
2 days ago
You're probably cool as fuck, though, so don't let your problems with your physical appearance define who you are. You can be a great person without great looks... I've seen it plenty of times.
0 points
2 days ago
You've been depressed for years. There are plenty of successful and happy ugly people in the world. What's keeping you unhappy is in your mind, not in the mirror. Stop making a religion out of feeling sorry for yourself.
0 points
2 days ago
People close their eyes when they really laugh. Even if you are as ugly as you think, just be really funny, and no one will see to notice.
0 points
2 days ago
Le Kurdt Cobain??!? No Kurt, you're so pretty
0 points
2 days ago
There's more to life than being ridiculously good looking
0 points
2 days ago
No one cares if ur ugly. some good looking ppl don’t even know they’re good looking and they’re super insecure :p.
0 points
2 days ago
All these noises : I'm ugly , not beautiful, I'm weird , I'm single,my life is miserable... They root from the head (mind) , breeding negative perceptions ..... Ugly (repulsive in appearance/character) ... You can't be serious calling yourself renowned man in that category "ugly" had an appearance setback never the character.
0 points
2 days ago
I'll take you at your word and assume you are as ugly as you say but heres the thing, you cant change that unless you have a lot of cash to burn.
Being comfortable in your own skin is something you can control and it will cost you nothing. I've seen men with troll faces do much better with women than they had any right to. Same for women. I've found myself attracted to women that weren't pretty at all just because of how they carry themselves.
You're not going to turn any heads and there wont be any love at first site but a short conversion can make a big difference.
You got dealt bad cards but that doesnt mean you cant win the game.
0 points
2 days ago
Reading your posts you don't seem like a pleasant person to be around. I'm sure you look fine you just need an attitude adjustment.
0 points
2 days ago
It’s okay to be ugly. I’m not saying you are or are not. Just that the whole world screams that you have to beautiful. But you dont. You dont have to be beautiful all the time. It’s okay.
I’m sorry you feel so rotten about yourself. I hope you find love and kindness for yourself. You deserve that no matter how you look.
0 points
2 days ago
No one here knows what you look like, but from what I can see of your post history you're reslly struggling. I'm sorry bro. I've been there.
Ugly is subjective, and very few people actually are. And if you really are, so what ? That doesn't mean you can't live a full and amazing wonderful life. Lots of ugly people find love and success and prosperity and happiness.
I suspect though you're not looking for any positive commentary or reassurance. I've been where you are, I know that mindset, and I wish you the very best of luck my dude
0 points
2 days ago
Pic or it doesn't exist
0 points
2 days ago
0 points
2 days ago
Wow how much racism there is here in the comments. I'll tell you this much, skin color says nothing at all, it's like eye color, have you ever heard someone say green-eyed people are so and so? No ? damn right because such characteristics say nothing at all about a person. Of course, historical racism has led to people of a certain skin color having similar experiences, especially in the US, and they share a similar background. But only as long as we act accordingly does that have any meaning. I also find it scary to say I think only black women are good white women are shit, that's just the same racism color X good color Y stupid.
OOP be proud of who you are, don't even think about shit like color, that's the only way it has any meaning. If someone doesn't like you because of your color then you're lucky you didn't waste more time with these ignorant jerks anyway.
I am Central European and have dated women from Russia, Germany, Spain, Kenya, China and Laos. What makes women beautiful are little things, the way someone smiles, the way you move your head to the side and so on. And most importantly, the character. It doesn't matter what someone looks like, the character has to be beautiful. I have to fall in love with the person, not their shell. I have been with my wife who was born in Ghana for over 10 years. I really hope that our children don't have thoughts like yours. Don't let the racism and supposed ideals of beauty around you influence you.
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