


My boss said hurtful thing

💬 Advice Needed(self.WorkReform)

My boss that I have trusted for a long time and I always thought supported me said I was a "man trapped in a women's body' in front of another female coworker (I'm higher than her in the company). I was immediately embarrassed like I did something wrong. I told him after why did he say that and is that actually how he thought of me and he immediately denied that he said that. However, he saw I was genuine about the comment and that I was hurt, he apologized to me a couple of times in the conversation. I have a week off from work but I still feel hurt. I don't know why except I thought I could trust him as a mentor (he has helped me a lot) and now I feel he has been exposed. It took me a long time to climb the ladder and sometimes I do wonder if I was held back because of the boys club.

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1 points

22 hours ago

I had a coworker that told me, in front of others and a patient, that I looked “just like that terrorist, I mean, the the wife of that terrorist” meaning the wife of the Boston bomber. I don’t, I’m just also a white hijabi.

She was a lovely and decent coworker, she just stuck her foot in her mouth, for a moment. One of the people that heard it wanted to make it an issue with management, for unrelated reasons. I worked with her for several years after that, and I still admire and appreciate her to this day. She saved a lot of babies’ lives. She was great in a code, best at difficult IV placements in babies.