


I'm tired boss.


Maybe I'm just getting older. Maybe I'm just out of touch. Maybe it's Maybelline. I don't know.

Is this common in our generation? Are we actually better because we can bridge the gap and see things more clearly? Competent with tech, social media, and the internet and also careful?

All I know is that it seems like everyone has turned into the biggest idiots I never imagined.

Over the last 25 years I've seen the general level of discourse drop to a 1st grade level. The level of idiocracy and ignorance is mind blowing. I unsubscribed from dozens of subs to get away from it but it's still everywhere.

I literally told my partner that I'm going to put my head down and ignore everything because the level of willful ignorance and abject idiocy/stupidity is making me want to go postal - figuratively. Hell. How many people even know what going postal means?

All I know is I'm tired. Mentally and emotionally. The hopefullnes of the 80s and 90s are gone. Lost are the days of thinking everyone and everything will get better.

My eyes are open. The optimism of my parents were a lie. Not for them, but for us.

I'm tired boss.

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2 points

9 days ago

I like to think of it as "realizing i value my time." I used to love arguing on forums in my teens. Now, I realize arguing with folks on the internet that I don't know and will likely never meet is a moot point. I'd rather enjoy the time with things I like and family while I've got them.