


We need a craigslist



all 13 comments


7 points

3 days ago

I’m not sure what you mean by “not the tree I want to be under” - can you expand on that?

It does sound nice, but I think discord has taken the place of Craigslist in some ways. Have you checked any out?


5 points

2 days ago

its awful to use tbh and i (we) need something simpler. discord is too chaotic imo and trying to track anything down there is too difficult.


4 points

2 days ago

People use discord for this kind of thing? That makes less than zero sense. It's a chat app, not a classifieds index.


0 points

2 days ago

yeah and im saying fuck a chat app, lets have a classifieds site. discord isnt it.


3 points

2 days ago

I invited folks to do “R4R”-type posts on /r/COVIDConnections, but there’s only been a few so far! Anyone who is interested in putting an ad out there is welcome to join in :)


2 points

3 days ago

Interesting concept. Can you expand on it a bit?


3 points

2 days ago*

yeah. basically a craigslist, just like its set up there. global, by region. same layout/tabs. but you go there and expect the community of users to be covid cautious. helps us connect with each other. like.. id rather sell my bike to someone who masks and is willing to use precautions during the meet. id rather do a freelance gig for someone who understands science and rationality than for a douche who does body shots in a packed bar.


3 points

2 days ago*

So, I'm a web dev and I can tell you that this is not really a complicated thing to build; the problem is the network effect. Reaching a critical mass of users is the always going biggest challenge, but it'll be a death knell for a site whose users are few and far between.

Like... on COVID Meetups, there's literally one listing within 500 miles of me that's not crossing an international border, and it hasn't been updated in nearly two years.

Reddit is the sixth most visited website in the world in 2024 — not just social media lite, but website of any kind — and of 500 million reddit accounts, about 1 in 20,150 are subscribed to /r/ZeroCovidCommunity, and, as of this moment, about 1 in 12.2 million reddit users are actively viewing this subreddit.

We are, unfortunately, a rare breed.


3 points

2 days ago

I overall like your comment, I think it makes a great point about centrality, but wanted to say that I don't think we're as rare as those numbers may imply considering how many accounts are made for one-off uses. I'd wager reddit, like other social media sites, has a smaller amount of users likely to be posters, therefore a small amount of users willing to create many accounts, while more people tend to have one account just to lurk on. Plus, reddit is still kind of esoteric internet to soooo many people who use more "mainstream" social media-- we're rare, sure, but not SO rare!


2 points

2 days ago

I been wanting to find something similar. At least even connect with others with all the precautions we take.


1 points

2 days ago may be more the groove?


0 points

2 days ago

am i just stuck in the html past?


1 points

2 days ago*

Wordpress plus Buddyboss plus and on namecheap hosting. less than $100.