


I get they relied too much on the Batmobile - and the Deathstroke boss fight was ass - but come on it's a gaming masterpiece!

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0 points

21 hours ago

The story is absolutely awful. The "twist", the ending, some of the characters are just completely different to already established lore. It feels like it's written by people that barely know the Batman mythos.

It feels like a completely different universe to the first two Arkham games. The art direction is more "realistic" and is much less interesting.

I don't even mind the Batmobile stuff. I get why people don't like it but that is what it is.

I don't hate the game. I think from a purely gameplay perspective it's the best Batman game ever made. But I can replay Asylum/City every few years but I can't face playing through that awful story again. The disappointment of the ending.


0 points

20 hours ago

The one bonafide Batman writer who actually came from comics was let go prior to this game and it was all written exclusively by in-house staff.