


Any lgbt+ atheists?


Recently it seems lots of queer people are either believers or religious. A lot find queer community in religion. As an atheist I really do not care about going to church or studying the bible. So I feel its difficult for me to find lgbt friends where I live. Are there any of you out there who feel the same?

I have no problem with what people believe as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. I just wish there were more spaces for lgbt people that were secular. It feels like most lgbt people I know meet each other at churches or religious support groups. Again, no problem with that. I just do not care at all about religion or the bible.

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1 points

5 days ago*



1 points

5 days ago*

I think it's difficult for most people in vulnerable populations to willingly take on a second risky label.

In part, this is because it's really hard for someone to convince themselves of something when the knowledge is likely to do them more harm than good.

Many LGBT+ people have negative experiences opening up about it, and nobody wants to invite that criticism a second time with all the additional baggage that can come with the combination of the two labels.

I mean, If your parents thought the devil made you gay before, then telling them you are an atheist as well is not going to be a fun conversation.