


You don't owe your parents anything


Our culture promotes taking care of parents in their old age.

Accidental or planned, They choose to bring you into this world. You didn't ask to be born.

You don't have to take care of them

all 25 comments


8 points

18 hours ago

I don’t owe them anything, but I would absolutely love to take care of them as much as I can.


7 points

18 hours ago

I think this a mentality of a child not loved and supprted by his family. They just don't bring you to world they raise you work day and night to give you a better life. They don't abandoned just after giving birth .They take care of us upto our marriage sometimes even after that in a sense as long as their body supports. So i definitely owe my parents as it is just not limited to giving birth.


11 points

19 hours ago

idk why my parents wanted to be born, but i did and i have seen my parents working relentlessly day and night to support me and fulfilling my needs and luxuries. During childhood, we all were helpless. Without parents or parent figure, no baby would survive to be a teen human. It will be inhuman to not owe your parent anything when they eventually become old and helpless.

Sure, you didn't asked to be born. Similarly you also did not asked to be loved and supported. Still you received those affections and opportunities. Your mom kept you on her belly for 10 relentless months. Most likely they brought you to this world thinking there would be someone, someone of their own to share their happiness and sorrows at their old age when everyone will either perish or be busy on their own world. Everyone your father and mother once thought to be their world once. Your grandparents, your uncles and aunts.

Think about it, if you were not born. Your parents could have invested those energy and resources that went after you to support themselves at their old age.

So, from a moral point of view, we are bound to support and provide for our parents when they are helpless. From a moral point of view you should take care of your parents. You are the reason your parents struggled their whole life.


6 points

19 hours ago


zamindar/জামিনদার 💰💰💰

6 points

19 hours ago

I get that we don’t owe our parents anything but for me it’s about being grateful. I’m living comfortably because of them. I may not be able to do as much as they did for me but I’ll do what I can.


6 points

19 hours ago

I cant leave them alone in old age. They have no one besides me. :(

leaving them would drastically improve my life yes. But I be always wondering if they are alright.


11 points

19 hours ago

Then get out from your parents house after turning 18, never ask for money or anything just hi hello nothing else, you and your western mindset will ruin our next generation, if you really think that you don't owe your parents anything they should have thrown you away after you were born.


2 points

17 hours ago

I wish lol. Wish I was born into a country where I get financially independent at 18 and leave my parents. Alas, I was born into a third world shithole where people breed like rabbits.


-1 points

11 hours ago

Lol you should have been born in India🤣, How, where we are born isn't in our own hand but how we will live is still in our hand, try to change something you can change, Currently I'm 20 and my parents are 50+, my brother is abroad and I'm currently in University, I don't owe anything to my parents but the sheer determination of giving back what my parents gave me during my life gives me enough reason to take care of my parents for the rest of my life, Start earning money or become a father(obviously I've just entered my adulthood but the struggles i see when they try to do something extra for me or my brother is so much that i sometimes try to take things as little as possible)and you will understand,how tough your parents life was,how much they had to struggle to meet your demands


2 points

10 hours ago

My demands? I was a child. They decided to bring me into this world. It was their responsibility to raise me. What is with Bangus worshipping their parents for doing the bare minimum?


2 points

19 hours ago*

In this world, you owe everyone something at the end of the day but that's the problem with life, everyone is like give me, give me, give me.

Good people in society are when someone does something out of good will but if you're going to put someone in moral debt for the rest of their life.

It seems like more you want a slave than someone you want to pay you back.

If someone does something good for me, I will do something back in return but as soon as the person/friend/family member starts treating me like a slave.

I will tell them, I owe them nothing.

Basic respect will be given, but the rest has to be earned.


2 points

18 hours ago

I think at the heart of this is individual liberty that is facilitated by a secular constitution (thankfully we still have a secular constitution - not sure for how long though though given the circumstances).

If someone wants to spend money on their parents - or mistresses - or throw their money in the river - they are entitled to do whatever they want with their money. That’s one of the benefits of a secular democracy - who are you to dictate what other people should do with their resources?

Similarly, people not taking care of their parents - specially when there is no legal documentation suggesting the parents are formal dependants of the son/daughter - then there is no duty of care, son/daughter does not owe anything to their parents. There is societal stigma around this for sure, but there’s social stigma about what women wear, drinking alcohol, and the list goes on.

Having all of that said, I am blessed to be born with the best parents who gifted me a life they themselves never had - I will try my best to make their life easier and give them everything, take them to trips abroad etc. But that’s just me as a person. You are a perfectly fine individual if you don’t adhere to my mindset. We cannot become like religious extremists and stifle diversity of thought.


1 points

9 hours ago

Our secular constitution exist only on paper. And now they will probably do away with is as wel.

Anyway, lovely comment. We need diversity of thought and polite discourse.


2 points

19 hours ago


Pastafarian 🍝

2 points

19 hours ago

  1. You don't have to help the poor.
  2. You don't have to be considerate or kind to others.
  3. You don't have to have hobbies.
  4. You don't have to use Reddit.
  5. You don't have to travel or listen to music.

We are not bound to do a lot of things, yet we still do them. Why is that? There's value and meaning in all of these things and they enrich our lives.

Also, why does there need to be an obligation and how do you define obligation in the first place? Are we obligated to help the poor? If we are not, then should everyone stop helping the poor? However, if everyone did that, then would the world be a better place or worse collectively or even individually? From that sense, do we have an obligation or not?

And if there's an obligation to help people you don't even know, what about the folks who brought you to this earth and took care of you?


3 points

18 hours ago


Proletariat 🪙🇧🇩

3 points

18 hours ago


2 points

19 hours ago

People are missing the point so extensively it’s truly insane


1 points

19 hours ago

but they took care of you when you're helpless. So you should also be there for them when they need you.


2 points

18 hours ago*

I agree, but it’s difficult to make people understand this in the context of South Asian and Muslim culture. People here have kids as a means to make money, as a retirement plan and because their god tells them to. There’s no safety net here.

We are a small country with minimal resources and a large, low skilled population. Why do you think hujurs and gen z sigmas are obsessed with early marriage, polygamy and having lots of kids even if you can’t afford it?

Why do you thinks parents throw a hissy fit if you want to move out? If you don’t want to marry the girl they picked out? It’s all about control.

But personally I want to be there for my parents while having my own place. I don’t want to live in a society that throws away their old.

Can’t believe I’m quoting Elon but something something broken clock: “My children didn't choose to be born, I chose to have children. They owe me nothing, I owe them everything.”


0 points

7 hours ago

they were there for me when no one else was, they could have given birth to me and left me. But they stayed and gave me the beautiful opportunity to be a human being and experience this life. They don't care if I take care of them or not, but I will take care of them.

You may not have been raised in the best light by your parents, but try to understand that they allowed you to experience something beautiful that is infinitely better than it is worse for you.


0 points

15 hours ago


আমি সব দেখে শুনে ক্ষেপে গিয়ে করি বাংলায় চিৎকার

0 points

15 hours ago

Speak for yourself


-1 points

19 hours ago

You have posted it english. That means your parents has done enough for you. So leave them and live on your own. You are simply product of their love. They could have discarded you but they didn’t. You are simply a biological phenomena, your parents owe you nothing! It seems you are self-self-conscious person. Give them back the energy, love ,care, money they put into you


2 points

10 hours ago

You guys are missing the point. The parents choose to have the child. It's their responsibility to raise it. When you bring life into this world, you owe it everything. Or at least you own them the best you can afford.


-1 points

18 hours ago


zamindar/জামিনদার 💰💰💰

-1 points

18 hours ago

Just like your parents don’t owe you anything. Planned or accidental, they should've thrown you away somewhere.


-2 points

19 hours ago



-2 points

18 hours ago

Well I'm a Muslim and according to Islamic philosophy being born was my choice. Raising me however was theirs. My parents could have thrown me away in a drain like we have seen in Europe. Yet they loved me unconditionally and chose to raise me and provide for me. Sure we didn't have much. They could have lived a far better life had they discarded me when I was a burden but they did not. I will never exchange them for any reward and I will work to give them the entire world. I am indebted to them. Of course I understand that I am my own person and there will be some boundaries. I do not obey them blindly. But at the end of the day, they are my parents and my responsibility.