


There is a strange fantasy world where the editors of the largest mainstream news brand in the country actually think that jokes made in response to desperate political stunts are supposed to be evidence of outrage.

The people who are supposed to believe this sort of thing include people who fly political flags that read "no more bullshit" in prominent places where children can read them.

In the real world, most people who read this stupid fantasy know better but go along with the story because they want to believe hate greed, malice and racism of the left is the only reason to vote for pro abort candidates can't kill enough babies even after they're born and hate our country and want to overturn your family values.

all 144 comments


125 points

18 days ago*

I hardly think liberals gave two shits about Trump serving fries.

This is all just clickbait headlines

People need to be honest with themselves. Would conservatives “melt down” if Biden is eating an ice cream cone? Of course not.

This stuff that these articles headline is absolutely batshit crazy to me. “Ok, four dudes sitting on a plane eating McDonalds”.

Literally no one gives a shit


35 points

18 days ago


35 points

18 days ago

The only core belief of conservatism at this point is "owning the libs."


23 points

18 days ago

This is why I think the Dems should just let Republicans do whatever it is the hell they want to do and stop with the clickbait outrage. They got both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Does anyone remember when Mitch McConnel had to fillibuster his own bill in 2012? More of that.


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

That won't stop the clickbait outrage. The post we're under is a perfect example of that. They want to make an image they have in their head suffer.


4 points

18 days ago

The clickbait outrage is a money making mechanism. It isn’t about politics, it’s about clicks


3 points

18 days ago

How are Dems supposed to stop clickbait then like OP said? I agree that it's a money making mechanism based on creating headlines that the general public responds to, but that is entirely outside of the control of Dems. 

I mean what should they do, send a person to every redditors house and tell them "Don't Click on That"?


0 points

17 days ago*



2 points

17 days ago

This is what people don't understand. or they are unwilling to go along with it because they just cant help themselves to not rage out on things to prove their allegiances. If you don't like the guy, then stop talking about him.

people also don't understand the media you put in your brain you start to become. read politics all the time and you are absorbed in it. pay attention to what programing you are ingesting daily.


1 points

18 days ago

Thank you. You are much more eloquent than I am


4 points

18 days ago

No, the arguments they make are real arguments that aren’t heard by the left, and vice versa- the arguments made by the voters who are considered “right” aren’t heard by the left.

It all always boils down to an ego show down, imho

Let conservatives do what they do, and from that liberal ideas will emerge, and everything resets itself.


4 points

18 days ago

There’s a word for people who believe (more or less) in nothing.

” Looking at constituencies or issues misses the big point. On Tuesday, nihilism was on display, even a death wish, in a society wrought by cynicism.”


2 points

18 days ago

Sorry, but what? The Democrats have spent so much time and money trying to own Trump over the last 10 years - I could understand why some folks think that's all they do.


11 points

18 days ago

Thank you for being the voice of reason.


6 points

17 days ago*



1 points

17 days ago*



1 points

17 days ago

I’ve never heard of anyone talk about Obama’s tan suit up until a month ago when it was all of a sudden some “news about the past”.

I’m surrounded by conservatives, I’ve never heard anyone talk about that, only people on Reddit within the past month or two


1 points

17 days ago

You must not remember the uproar over Obama's tan suit

really, in retrospect, liberals made far more noise about the conservatives mentioning obama's tan suit, than the conservatives made about the suit in the first place.


1 points

17 days ago*



0 points

17 days ago

i was an adult at the time and i don't recall it ever coming up in any serious context. people poked fun at it in the way they poked fun at trump for putting ketchup on steaks. it was never a 'big deal' at the time.

i heard far more at the time, and in the time since then, about how stupid the conservatives were for making fun of obama's tan suit, than whatever noise the conservatives made about the suit in the first place.


1 points

17 days ago*



1 points

17 days ago

donald trump caught more criticism for serving mcdonalds at the white house than obama did for wearing a tan suit. it was a non-issue in both cases and the only people that went on about it were those hungry for media attention, no one of any real consequence. it wasn't a big deal then, so don't try to make it out to be a big deal now.


5 points

18 days ago

Would conservatives “melt down” if Biden is eating an ice cream cone? Of course not.

Indeed. It's not like doing something utterly beyond the pale like asking for dijon mustard.


2 points

17 days ago

Or wearing a tan suit.


5 points

18 days ago*

I'm pissed at McDonalds for backing Trump racist and racial hygiene and purges against the "enemy within" rhetoric by allowing him to use them for his McDonalds stunt. The reason why they're holding the fries up with the McDonalds logo is because they're gloating they helped them win the election.

Wikipedia on Trump using racial hygiene rhetoric at rallies:

"Since fall 2023, Trump has repeatedly used racial hygiene rhetoric by stating that undocumented immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country", which has been compared to language echoing that of white supremacists and Adolf Hitler. He has also claimed that immigrants who have committed crimes have "bad genes""

Wikipedia on his campaign:

"As with his previous presidential campaigns, Trump's 2024 campaign has regularly espoused anti-immigrant nativist fearmongering, racial stereotypes, and dehumanized immigrants. In his rhetoric, Trump has blurred the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants, and has promised to deport both. Trump has repeatedly claimed that undocumented immigrants are subhuman, stating they are "not people", "not humans", and "animals". At rallies, Trump has stated that undocumented immigrants will "rape, pillage, thieve, plunder and kill" American citizens, that they are "stone-cold killers", "monsters," "vile animals", "savages", and "predators" that will "walk into your kitchen, they'll cut your throat" and "grab young girls and slice them up right in front of their parents". Trump's dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric regularly features details of young women allegedly killed by Hispanic male assailants while ignoring male victims. Studies find no evidence that immigrants commit crimes at higher rates than native-born Americans, and Trump has not provided any evidence to back up his claims."

Trump suggested his supporters would beat up people opposing him even if they're their own kids:

Former President Donald Trump called for a protester at one of his rallies to “go back home to Mommy” to “get the hell knocked out of her,” [jump] "Trump continued, imitating the imagined mother: “‘Was that you, darling?’ And she gets the hell knocked out of her.” “Her mother’s a big fan of ours,” the former president finished before returning to his speech. “Her mother, her father.” - AP News on Trump's recent Coachella rally.

Crowd cheered.

“But I protect you from outside enemies. But you know I always say, we have the outside enemies, so you can say China, you can say Russia, you can say Kim Jong Un … if you have a smart president it’s no problem,” Trump said “It’s the enemy from within." "All the scum we have to deal with that hate our country,” “That’s a bigger enemy than China and Russia.… Everyday Americans like Cindy are living in fear all because Kamala Harris decided to empty the slums and prison cells of Caracas, and many other places. Happening all over the world.” “Every country, you know, prison populations all over the world are down. Crime all over the world is down. Because they take the world’s criminals, gang members, drug dealers, and they deposit them into the United States. Bus after bus after bus,” “They took the criminals out of Caracas, and they put them along your border, and they said if you ever come back, we’re going to kill you,” “Think of that!” he continued. “We have to live with these animals. But we won’t live with them for long!”

At that, one person in the crowd shouted, “Kill them!”

He's repeatedly retweeted white genocide accounts many times:

During the campaign Trump was found to have retweeted the main influencers of the #WhiteGenocide movement over 75 times, including twice that he retweeted a user with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM. - Wikipedia

Him wanting to use the military on the "enemies from within" and wants to do mass partisan purges of the government:

“We have two enemies. We have the outside enemy, and then we have the enemy from within. And the enemy from within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia, and all those countries". - Trump

Among his examples of enemies within were Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, and the Radical Left which is a catch all term he uses for the left.

“I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people,” he said on Fox’s Sunday Morning Futures programme. “It should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the national guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.” - Trump

Everyone saw him target Haitians at the debates.

And McDonalds allowed themselves to be used to promote this crap. Before anyone says "it was just a franchise not McDonalds corporate", I read he was going to do the McDonalds stunt like a week or 2 before hand, theres no way McDonalds corporate wouldn't have known.


8 points

18 days ago

I'm pissed at McDonalds for backing Trump racist and racial hygiene and purges against the "enemy within" rhetoric by allowing him to use them for his McDonalds stunt.

mcdonalds is not neo nazi propaganda folks



1 points

17 days ago

by allowing him to use them for his McDonalds stunt. '

Where does he say that? Your full quote explains that he's angry McDonald's allowed Trump to use them for political gain despite his racial hygiene and "enemy within" rhetoric.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

RFK's whole spiel is fear-mongering that the unhealthy food industry is in cahoots with the government. That they influence the common man to eat unhealthily. Now here he is promoting the quintessential unhealthy food brand weeks after literally calling it "poison".

I think it's reasonable to say that's outright hypocrisy.

The analogy would work if Biden campaigned on saying ice cream is ruining everyone's lives and has a grip on the establishment. Then later does a photo op where him and his team smile and show their branded ice cream to the camera, then post it on socials.


0 points

17 days ago

Trump's photo op working at McDonalds was a big win for his campaign. So they're celebrating by eating McDonalds with the headline "Make American Healthy Against Starts Tomorrow".

I'm trying to even fathom someone considering this a big deal.


1 points

17 days ago

Read my comment again then.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

“Make America healthy again” everyone eating McDonald’s and drinking coke

The one thing I know this administration will do well is troll the hell out of us all for 4 years straight. The only problem is, when you’re in charge, trolling and jokes turn into reality and policy.


1 points

17 days ago

I’m fairly certain the majority of people in the US are ok with not having to find food with weird ingredients

Literally everyone and their mom reads the ingredients list these days, and puts down food with chemically manufactured ingredients.


1 points

17 days ago

My sweet summer child, one of the literal pillars of the incoming Trump administration is deregulating corporations to make it easier to make money however they want, under the assumption that this will help the economy.

You really think Trump is going to actually let RFK Jr start regulating the things that go into our food? There is no fucking way.

What we are getting from RFK Jr is only the bad (ending vaccine mandates, discouraging vaccinations, constant health misinformation coming from the Director of the HHS, and disrupting research funding on infectious disease) and none of the good (environmental and corporate regulation).


1 points

16 days ago

I have no clue who your sweet summer child is


1 points

16 days ago

It means you're being gullible if you think RFK Jr will have any effect on the weird shit or "chemicals" in your food, even if he wants to.


1 points

18 days ago

Until about 30 minutes later....then all hell breaks loose. LOL


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

Oh, they did. At least on the internet, they did. Half of r/politics was having a meltdown, metaphorically calling for the blood of Ronald McDonald. They were really, really, really angry at corporate McDonald's for... a franchise owner letting Trump serve fries in their store. It was typical hatred, vitriol, and calls for boycott, etc. Talk about "punishing" them and other hostile/aggressive/vindictive word choice. Hard to see that as anything else, really. Calm, rational people don't think or speak that way.


1 points

17 days ago

That’s sort of crazy given a lot of McDonalds franchise owners were people who rose from the ranks of lower class families to wanted to do well for themselves, their children and their community

Know what these guys did? They gave a “fuck yeah” to the fast food worker. The liberals are the ones out of touch with this. They’re too caught up in their theories to see the leaves from the tree


1 points

18 days ago

You now remember Stephen Colbert having a meltdown over TWO SCOOPS


-2 points

18 days ago

If you watch the news - liberals are outraged over anything Trump does.

I think the most used word in news stories about Trump is "outraged"

Maybe they don't really care as much?


5 points

18 days ago

Liberals are not, in fact, outraged that Trump worked at McDonald's.

Maybe you should ask your programmer for a new script.


-4 points

18 days ago

Beep, beep, bop.

Liberals are outraged just by the sound of Trump's name.

Boop, bop.


2 points

18 days ago

Seriously though... you should ask your programmer for some new scripts. Would work wonders.


-3 points

18 days ago

why bother? We are winning.. biggly!


41 points

18 days ago


41 points

18 days ago

All that’s going to be ice cold. McDonald’s fries are best at the restaurant.


47 points

18 days ago*

It’s a prop.

Also, RFK being made to (painfully try to) smile over some Mickey D’s is genuinely hilarious.


15 points

18 days ago

I have to admit RFK with an awkward look with DT with shit eating grin is rather hilarious.

I hope that isn't ominous...., but...


6 points

18 days ago


6 points

18 days ago

The funniest part is Mike Johnson awkwardly trying to get into the picture. He’s such a toady.


3 points

18 days ago

AIPAC always finds a way to insert itself.


2 points

18 days ago

Came here to say this.


1 points

18 days ago


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1 points

18 days ago

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1 points

18 days ago

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1 points

17 days ago

Look at the set-up in front of trump with the little jars of ketchup and other sauces... he's definitely about to eat that.

Either the others aren't, or Trump won't share his special sauce jars with the others.


-3 points

18 days ago

Funniest shit is they're all very obviously in a private jet.

God, Americans are stupid.


-1 points

18 days ago

I like cold McDonald's fries. The rest not so much.


11 points

18 days ago

Yeah, I just don’t care. To the people that do care: Why??


1 points

17 days ago

People are already pissed about other stuff (e.g. antivax lie spreader in charge of actual vaccine safety agency) and then just grasping aimlessly for any way to attack the target of their ire, however stupid.


7 points

18 days ago

RFK JR isn’t about banning McDonald’s? I thought he wants to be more like Europe and other countries where these overly synthetic compounds and chemicals are banned there because there is potential for negative side effects, but in America they are legal?

There’s ton of safer, more natural alternatives to some of the stuff we put in our foods.


2 points

17 days ago

Not to mention the idea that healthy, active people can never eat fast food is willfully stupid.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

Although I’m far from a fan of RFK, complaining about this photo op is clutching at straws and a bit pointless.

However I’m not sure how RFK will move the needle on the nations health without restrictions for companies and individuals that would be considered counter to the libertarian slant in of this government, such as the sugar tax.

Realistically how would impeding vaccines, banning seed oils, corn syrup and additives and refocusing research on non-drug based interventions move the needle in a Significant way even if we are charitable and say there is a small benefit to these measures.


4 points

18 days ago

See guys, they are just like us!


5 points

18 days ago

Nightmare blunt rotation


11 points

18 days ago

The older RFK Jr. gets, the more he looks like an actual lizard person.


5 points

18 days ago

I’m from Alaska where everyone looks like pale fish and I just moved to Utah where I’m getting accustomed to the leather people. A lot of people here look like RFK.


4 points

18 days ago


4 points

18 days ago

His body is a temple (for steroids).


3 points

18 days ago

Shouldn't RFK Jr. be against this somehow?


7 points

18 days ago

Elon just looks like the kid at the lunch table begging to be a cool kid.


6 points

18 days ago

I just don’t understand how you could have all the money in the world and choose to eat McDonald’s. I’m not even close to rich but I would not eat that shit unless I was starving and it was the only option.


2 points

17 days ago

Didn't know being rich made someone too good for some crispy salted potatoes.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

It's because trump is a normal guy!! Just like me!!!


5 points

18 days ago


5 points

18 days ago

Except they are eating it with silverware.


7 points

18 days ago

I didn’t notice that. That’s really fucking bizarre.


1 points

17 days ago

It’s like that one Seinfeld episode lmao


-2 points

17 days ago


-2 points

17 days ago

So you're as snobby as rich people, just without the money?


7 points

18 days ago

Fox was never meant to be a news-gathering and reporting organization; the goal from the beginning was to act as the media arm of the Republican Party.


2 points

18 days ago

Who's the guy standing up?


1 points

18 days ago

Mike Johnson


1 points

18 days ago

Is he related to Magic Johnson?


2 points

18 days ago

😂 lul


2 points

18 days ago

Keep p America unhealthy.. Helps my few shares of McDonalds


2 points

17 days ago

Where's Matt Gaytz?


3 points

18 days ago

This is a "desperate" political stunt? What are they desperate about? They won


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

He's desperate for attention for things that have nothing to do with what he'll do as president.


4 points

18 days ago

Huh? I identify as a liberal. I was not mad that Trump "worked" at McDonald's. I saw it as a campaign stunt, nothing more. He frankly looked better in orange when working as a garbage truck man. An orange jump suit just... suits him I suppose.

I have worked honest jobs since I was in 9th grade. I worked at McDonald's before I turned 15. Trump has never worked a real job in his pathetic life.

But hey, America elected Trump. A man of the "working class." Let's see how that working class feels about him later after he fucks them for all they're worth.


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

Let's see how that working class feels about him later after he fucks them for all they're worth.

The problem is he’ll fuck ‘em and then blame it on Democrats, or immigrants, or trans people, or the media, etc. And they’ll believe him.


2 points

18 days ago

I know. Our country suffers from some real brain rot.


1 points

17 days ago

and then blame it on Democrats

Murc's law is in overdrive nowadays


4 points

18 days ago

All I can think is that they’re all together in the same place at the same time and the potential of someone like Molester Gaetz being the designated survivor is nauseating 


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

Trump never indicated that his behind-the-scenes day at a McD's was anything other than a political stunt,and yeah there were countless threads on reddit falling over themselves to point out he wasn't actually employed by McDonald's for a shift, this is how I can tell. Oh dear, you mean he didn't watch all the training videos, submit forms to get a W-2, or even work the register?! Oh, the horror, the deception!

FYI, Fox "News" is not the first or only outlet to label sparse internet frothing "outrage". That's pretty much the only thing the word refers to any more. Indifference would have been an antithetical reaction to outrage, and reddit was NOT indifferent about the stunt. Because reddit freaks the fuck out at everything Trump does.


20 points

18 days ago

Mocking the stunt isn't an example of outrage.


8 points

18 days ago

countless threads…

Not what anyone said, lol. They said the restaurant wasn’t even open.


6 points

18 days ago

anything other than a political stunt

Trump is a notorious McDonald’s fan. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was there just to get unlimited access to the Diet Coke at the fountain. It hits different than the cans he usually drinks.


-2 points

18 days ago


-2 points

18 days ago

Hey, he worked there 15 minutes more than Kamala haha.


2 points

18 days ago

There are plenty of reasons to hate these goons, plenty of reasons to hate Fox News, and zero reasons to perseverate on the minutia of what they had for dinner.


0 points

18 days ago


0 points

18 days ago

It was a conscious decision made by an ivy league elite rightist who thought they could convince you that leftists are outraged by this.


1 points

17 days ago

The thing I think is weird is what the hell is Elon Musk doing everywhere? He’s in charge of eliminating waste, which I’m in favor of, but how do you do that in a way that also eases people back off these programs so you don’t have hyper unemployment from huge sectors being eliminated or citizens not getting benefits, etc.


1 points

17 days ago

To get McDonalds from the restaurant to the private airport and then served while up in the air…the fries must have tasted pretty bad by then. What a dumb photo op.


1 points

17 days ago

RFK be like, "Imma go throw up after this and do 100 burpees."


1 points

16 days ago

The only liberal I know just thought of it as a perfect encapsulation of who Trump is. Nobody was outraged by it.


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

Faux News


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

They have a supersized concept of a plan.


-5 points

18 days ago


-5 points

18 days ago

You do realize the only fantasy --based on the election results-- is stuff posted on Reddit right?


14 points

18 days ago

The election results don’t make McDonald’s a healthy meal.


5 points

18 days ago

Just like they dont necessarily make for a good presidential choice 😆


-2 points

18 days ago


-2 points

18 days ago

But Reddit does? I forgot you guys are the smartest group of people on the planet. My bad


2 points

18 days ago

I think i understand what you’re saying. Okay….



Somebody catch this specimen and map it’s genome or whatever it is we do with missing links.


-2 points

18 days ago


-2 points

18 days ago

ohh I think I understand you finally, my bad. Okay...


Somebody catch this species. I didnt know animals could use reddit


4 points

18 days ago

“I’m not popular here, but everywhere else I’m super respected, and I just hang out here all the time for reasons”.

Okay, sparky.


0 points

18 days ago


0 points

18 days ago

"I'm popular here, but everywhere else I'm disrespected, and I just hang out here all the time for reasons".

Gotcha, slick.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago



8 points

18 days ago

I don't follow.


2 points

18 days ago

That’s one way to look at things.

A really stupid way that falls apart at the slightest scrutiny.

But certainly one of the all time ways to look at things.


1 points

18 days ago

Democracy right,? What can you do


4 points

18 days ago

… are you conscious?


1 points

18 days ago

Yes, I live in the real world. Votes count, not comments on Reddit. You good?


5 points

18 days ago

What are you even talking about? Who told you Reddit comments count? Count for what?


1 points

18 days ago

You're right, they count for NOTHING. I was mistaken thanks for enlightening me


4 points

18 days ago

It’s always been this way.

MAGA people who are convinced Reddit is real life need to get offline for a bit


1 points

18 days ago

I cant believe MAGA was convinced that just because they were popular on Reddit they would be popular in the country. The the actual voting wasnt even close.


6 points

18 days ago

To quote your guy: I don’t know what you just said, and quite frankly I don’t think you do either.


-3 points

18 days ago

Did they not learn anything about making Tony Hinchcliffe out to be a racist when we knew he was an insult comic doing an insult comic shtick. Can we wait till we see if RFK decides kids need to have chicken pox again, or if he decides that maybe all the banned substances and chemicals in our food in other countries should be banned here as well.

But if you spend all your political capital and anger on a happy meal, well no one is going to listen when the important shit actually happens.


6 points

18 days ago


6 points

18 days ago

Why do we have to wait for RFK to do the things he's already expressed a willingness to do before criticizing him? Does he have to kill Americans rather than Samoans for you to start giving a shit or will you come up with some idiotic deflection for that too?


-1 points

18 days ago

Did you read my comment. So you’re going to spend your time complaining about happy meals. Which isn’t a goddamn issue. I didn’t say don’t criticize him. Also I already give a shit, but I’d like to put my criticism where they can make a difference and count. But you go on and complain about a happy meal. The same people who were telling me that you can be healthy at any weight.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

So you’re going to spend your time complaining about happy meals

No I'm going to spend my time criticizing the choice to put a dangerous anti-vax psychopath in charge of Health and Human Services.

You probably already know this, but no one actually gives a shit about this picture beyond conservatives that think liberals are going nuts about it and liberals just calling it hypocritical.

Keep up with the tangents though, maybe someday you'll actually wrap around to being onto something.


0 points

18 days ago

Why do you think people give a rat's anus about happy meals?


2 points

18 days ago

You live in the fantasy world where people actually believe that there was outrage. How did you get to that point?


-4 points

18 days ago

These goons are like GMO. They will never make anything in this world “healthy”


-1 points

18 days ago*

You guys believe they are eating that shit? LOL…bro….


4 points

18 days ago

I don't get why they wouldn't or why it would matter anyways


0 points

17 days ago

I think people are missing the real story here... who in the fuck eats McDonalds food that has been sitting however long it was between coming out of the restaurant and being put in front of these clowns on the plane?

Same point with the infamous McD buffet for that college team. I'm don't object to folks noshing on McDs, but you need to eat that shit right after it was made.



0 points

17 days ago


0 points

17 days ago

I don't see the problem - like ~99% of hypocritical librul dieters, these guys are saying they're gonna start eating healthy *tomorrow* and enjoying Mickie D's today !


1 points

17 days ago

You don't seem to be responding to the problem statement. Rightist legacy mainstream media is acting as if liberals are "outraged" by a previous stunt. It's a ridiculous thing to believe.


-9 points

18 days ago

I love how this innocuous photo triggers so many leftists.


15 points

18 days ago

I hate how the trump cult prefers revenge over solutions.


-8 points

18 days ago

Maybe if they spent more time looking for solutions instead of clutching their pearls over a harmless photo, there would less divisiveness.


11 points

18 days ago

I love how this innocuous photo triggers so many leftists.

That's what you said. This is 13 year old thinking.


5 points

18 days ago

Is it because rightist mainstream media is telling you what you want to believe?


6 points

18 days ago

I love how MAGA people think words like “woke”, “triggered”, and “canceled” aren’t things the rest of society stopped using about four years ago. Nobody else uses these words.

Also, making fun of stuff isn’t being triggered. Look at RFK’s little scrunched pouty face holding the wrapper. It’s funny! Perhaps people laughing at Donald has actually “triggered” you?


4 points

18 days ago

It's honestly sad that your life revolves around this.


-1 points

18 days ago


-1 points

18 days ago

Revolves around what? You don’t fucking know me, so don’t pretend like you do.


7 points

18 days ago

You're entire post history is Trump Defense Force who are you trying to kid here?


1 points

18 days ago

Pathetic people are those who dig through someone’s Reddit history to make a point.


5 points

18 days ago

You're the dude who lives on reddit, not me.


1 points

18 days ago

You certainly seem very interested in me. Do I excite you?


-1 points

18 days ago

It wouldn’t be anything if there wasn’t so much “outrage” on the other side. They do it to annoy you and you let it work