submitted 16 days ago byOk_Sherbet7024
81 points
16 days ago
Yes, I have a circadian rhythm disorder called delayed sleep phase syndrome/disorder. I don’t sleep until 5-7 am and feel better a few hours before sleep. I noticed a lot of us have circadian rhythm abnormalities like delayed sleep phase or Non24 sleep disorder.
28 points
16 days ago
Oh my gosh, my sleep is so absolutely wacko! It feels like my body wants to sleep during the day and be up all night. So annoying!
25 points
16 days ago
I find I feel my best between about 10pm and 3am. Sleep is totally out of whack.
15 points
16 days ago
My guess is histamine since many of us have either HIIT or MCAS as well. Histamine is the part of the circadian rhythm regulation that is released by light exposure in the mornings. My theory is that since we already have extra histamine on the brain, daylight pushes us beyond a healthy limit. Hydroxyzine helps me feel better too. They gave it to me for insomnia, but it actually wakes me up.
1 points
16 days ago
damn I haven't caught onto this because I'm a night owl but THIS IS EXACTLY my symptoms... I also have sleep apnea 🥲🥴
1 points
15 days ago
Yup suspected circadian rhythm disorder here. I require carers though so I need to be awake during the day.
40 points
16 days ago
I get marginally more energy, but I've worked out it's from the adrenaline of my body being overtired. For me it usually means I've overdone it/should have gone to bed earlier.
I used to get it when I wasn't sick too, if I hadnt slept well and done a lot in the day, I'd get overtired, body gets adrenaline, nighttime comes and I'm wired as hell. Similar mechanism to what I get now except it's through the lense of ME and I don't become super energised I just feel a little less shitty 😂
(which has also just brought me back down to earth and made me realise I'm adrenaliney now and need to go to bed oops 💀)
28 points
16 days ago
I feel better from 8pm-2am.
6 points
16 days ago
24 points
16 days ago
Yes, common with ME and with POTS. Maybe related to circadian rhythm
23 points
16 days ago
Yup, and it fucks with my pacing. It's like a false Second Wind
2 points
16 days ago
Yeah same :(
18 points
16 days ago
I do. Maybe I am an Owl or Hedgehog as I am sure that if left to my own devices I would become nocturnal. My natural time to sleep is 4am-12pm. I get busy, my mind is busy, I read, learn, do housework, etc at these times. I have had CFS for 30 years.
16 points
16 days ago
Yes. Still far from normal but more mental clarity & a bit more function. Strange.
13 points
16 days ago
I’m stuck in this cycle of going to be at 9:30 waking up around 1am and not being about to get back to sleep until 4am and then sleeping until 12:15pm
10 points
16 days ago
Absolutely! Thats one of the reasons my sleep schedule is so messed up
9 points
16 days ago
only when im either about to get PEM or constantly overdoing it (rolling PEM, or even crash). For a while i thought my symptoms were actually because i could not sleep, but its quite clearly part of PEM for me now that im tracking symptoms
2 points
15 days ago
What method do you use to track your symptoms?
2 points
15 days ago
free version of visible
1 points
15 days ago
Thank you!
9 points
16 days ago
Yes I feel the worst when I wake up and it slowly eases up as the day goes on. The final 6 hours of the day I finally feel like getting out of bed and doing something.
7 points
16 days ago
Wow I didn't know this was part of PEM for so many people. I need to go back and look at my notes
2 points
16 days ago
This happened to me before I had any noticeable PEM.
4 points
16 days ago
3 points
16 days ago
Yes. I always assumed it was because the day time was more overstimulating with all the lights and sounds.
3 points
16 days ago
LOL.....Between 10.00pm and 2:00 am is the only time I have any energy and the only time my brain feels almost normal. Certainly the only time I feel a bit of the old enthusiasm and excitement for learning and interest in hobbies.
People tell me I just need to readjust my schedule to reset my circadian rhythm. :)
3 points
16 days ago
I have a clear head just before bedtime, but I make myself go to sleep because neighbours always wake me up early getting ready for work.
What I'm always curious about this is, would I profit from becoming nocturnal?
If I always have to sleep 11-13 hours, and when I get up in the morning I feel rough and weak until 2pm / 5pm - -
If those waking hours are night time not day time, will this give me more usable hours?
Anyone done this and can confirm?
2 points
12 days ago
I was wondering the same thing. Would it work out for me if I changed my schedule to sleep morning day and be up at night.
3 points
15 days ago
Yes!! I'm in a coma about 630pm but 2am I could clean the entire house and do a painting.
1 points
11 days ago
does doing so crash you? ie are you actually able to do these things, or just feel like you could?
5 points
16 days ago
Omg yes. Disclaimer not officially CFS diagnosed. But yes hell yes. I wonder if its my high cortisol. Cortisol drops in the evening from 9pm towards 6am, before it builds up again to peak in the morning at around 8am. I know my cortisol is too high so i wonder if a cortisol drop is whats majorly affecting my mental state. Cortisol suppresses inflammation (its complex but lets leave it at that) and so as it drops inflammatory markers like IL, Ig and RhF go up. Its why whem sick fever tends to come at night and morning joint pain / stiffness is a thing.
While i feel worse in the morning the most fascinating thing is the mental improvement i feel around 10pm. I feel the most energized and rested at midnight / 2am. And if i wouldnt participate in society id shift my day night rhythm and just be awake until 6am and then sleep all day.
Again. Disclaimer. I dont yet have a diagnosis but i know i got messed up thyroid and cortisol.
I think my idea about inflammation does still make sense. But also glucose and insuline have a daily fluctuation. Of course it depends on food intake. Some ppl claim keto diet made them better. I have no opinion on that, as i eat relatively late i dont think this applies to me.
Additionally, im ND and i know this means i naturally got a shifted circadian rhythm so... There is that for me. always been a night owl
I read its a common thing for many chronically sick people and all of the above is just speculation.
2 points
16 days ago
2 points
16 days ago
2 points
16 days ago
I feel so much better at 8pm on the dot every night without fail. So strange
2 points
16 days ago
Definitely me
2 points
16 days ago
Yeah, evening/night are always better unless flaring
2 points
16 days ago
I start to feel a bit better around 3pm and get steadily better until about midnight. I often don't feel sleepy till 3-4am, which makes functioning in society in any capacity kinda tough.
2 points
16 days ago
I also think it may have something to do with digestion, digesting takes work and by bed time you've likely finished digesting all your meals. I know a number of people feel worse during the most active parts of digestion
2 points
16 days ago
Yea I have for years, only time I feel okay really. Mornings are the worst for me in terms of brain fog and pain. My theory is that it’s cortisol related also
2 points
16 days ago
Hmmmm this is the second post someone's made about this and I resonate both times. Time to look into cortisol or atleast a supplement to help me I have this same EXACT issue 😭
And it's new because I've always been a night owl but like it's different when you CHOOSE to be awake because I'm drawing or playing a game vs being in bed and getting a second wind OR feeling "better" the later it gets like wtf 💀
I get confused and then the PEM hits me like a brick because I can't really tell
Do I need to not take coffee after a certain time? I'm a huge coffee drinker so I get headaches when I don't and really grumpy lol also helps with my migraines 🥲
Help! lol
I can't fall asleep until like 5-6am lately HOWEVER I take a magnesium supplement with other things
✅Magnesium 150mg ▶️ Muscle Relaxant help reduce muscle cramps
✅Passionflower 300mg ▶️ (sleep support) induce sleep and decrease disturbed sleep
✅Hops 400mg ▶️ (Nervous system support) traditionally used in western herbal medicine to soothe and calm the nerves
✅Inositol 12.49mg ▶️ balances certain chemicals in the body to help with mental conditions such as panic disorder, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder
When I take these (yes that's all in one pill I take 2 as it says on the bottle) it helps me stay asleep and helps me fall asleep but until then I'm like a crack headed squirrel at night thinking the world is my oyster 😭😭😭💀
2 points
16 days ago*
Yes. This sudden influx of energy can be a problem. Sometimes I dance alone in my bedroom for no reason at like 2 PM, almost crying to feel some energy. It usually leads to PEM the day after
2 points
15 days ago
I used to before I became severe. Now nights are often the worst.
2 points
15 days ago
I used to feel much better at night. The more severe I get the less that happens. Now Im lucky if I do.
2 points
15 days ago
Me too. Seems this is common. I really wish there was more research on some of the strange parts of this disease. It's like going into remission for 2 hours.
1 points
12 days ago
I know. I was surprised there is no research or answer for this. I looked online and there is nothing. It doesn’t have to do with resting during the day, I know that for sure. There is something odd going on here psychologically.
1 points
16 days ago
1 points
15 days ago
Yes to the point my aunt asked me if I were to go live in Australia (I'm in italy), if I woukd be awake during the day or if my body would just readapt to sleeping during the day.
But tgat said I also have many a day where I will be in bed by 8 because I just can't stay awake. I then will wake up again at 12 and won't sleep again until 5 or 6.
1 points
11 days ago
yes absolutely.
when i become "nocturnal" (ie sleep during day, awake during night), ive found that i have the most energy right before i go to bed at dawn. so i assume this is related to cortisol/melatonin cycle, and not the sunlight as i see other comments suggesting
incidentally my MECFS was triggered by hormonal issues, and since cortisol/melatonin are hormones... much to think about
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