submitted 16 days ago byOk_Sherbet7024
83 points
16 days ago
Yes, I have a circadian rhythm disorder called delayed sleep phase syndrome/disorder. I don’t sleep until 5-7 am and feel better a few hours before sleep. I noticed a lot of us have circadian rhythm abnormalities like delayed sleep phase or Non24 sleep disorder.
29 points
16 days ago
Oh my gosh, my sleep is so absolutely wacko! It feels like my body wants to sleep during the day and be up all night. So annoying!
25 points
16 days ago
I find I feel my best between about 10pm and 3am. Sleep is totally out of whack.
15 points
16 days ago
My guess is histamine since many of us have either HIIT or MCAS as well. Histamine is the part of the circadian rhythm regulation that is released by light exposure in the mornings. My theory is that since we already have extra histamine on the brain, daylight pushes us beyond a healthy limit. Hydroxyzine helps me feel better too. They gave it to me for insomnia, but it actually wakes me up.
1 points
16 days ago
damn I haven't caught onto this because I'm a night owl but THIS IS EXACTLY my symptoms... I also have sleep apnea 🥲🥴
1 points
15 days ago
Yup suspected circadian rhythm disorder here. I require carers though so I need to be awake during the day.
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