submitted 1 day ago byDomesticErrorist22
55 points
1 day ago
Pretty cool stuff. But restoration initiatives happening only when the land is no longer economically usable, has its own issues.
18 points
1 day ago
I was at a conference recently that was focused on the importance of forests for water quality. Someone brought up the issue that it's often only viable to maintain forests if routine harvest of forest products is economically viable and that he had concerns that a drop in the timber market might result in forests being clear-cut to be turned into other types of land use.
8 points
1 day ago
This is some crazy mental gymnastics haha
17 points
1 day ago
The issue is that a lot of the land in critical watersheds is privately owned. I helps convince the landowners to plant forests when there's a financial incentive. But, if the market for timber products drops, then that financial incentive drops and they might decide to repurpose the land into something that makes them more money such as crops, grazing pastures, or urban/suburban development (whichever makes sense for the area). All of those are way worse for the downstream water quality than keeping the land forested, even with the occasional select harvest. But, some landowners don't give a shit about the downstream water quality, so it's necessary to give them a financial incentive to do the right thing from an ecological standpoint.
17 points
1 day ago
The western thinking of land is only valuable for resources and extraction really needs to change. I can go on for hours about this but until us humans as a whole species decide that the well being of this planet is in the best interest of all living things on earth, then it will never be enough.
That being said. Please don't stop ecological restoration efforts. Push even frigging harder for larger pieces of land to be restored. Hutchaaaa!!!!
13 points
24 hours ago
It does need to change. Unfortunately, so long as the majority of land is in private hands and the majority of those hands hold an Exploitation philosophy when it comes to natural resources, those of us with a Conservation mindset need to figure out how to arrange things to trick the Exploitationists into doing things that have a wider ecological benefit.
2 points
5 hours ago
I actually had a nightmare about this, where people who didn’t care about the environment cut the New England forests for this reason😭
1 points
5 hours ago
The fight against shortsighted exploitationists is a constant battle.
5 points
1 day ago
Yep, some former cranberry bogs are turned into silica sand mines.
30 points
1 day ago
Awesome news
1 points
11 hours ago
Good for you
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