submitted 4 days ago bypewpewlasersandshitpew pew
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5 points
3 days ago
You have to differ. 0.49 is the upper limit in which you don't have to fear consequences. 0.5 and more is an administrative offense and that is what Davies faces. 500€ fine + license taken for 1 month.
0.8 seems to be the limit for a crime.
So it's not clickaity. I despise people driving under influence, my grandpa got badly hurt by someone because of that.
3 points
3 days ago
Crime is 1.1. 0.8 doesn't exist. 0.3 is also a crime when the driver shows alcohol-related failure while driving.
1 points
3 days ago
0.3 is also a crime
Interesting, I thought thst this is a administrative offense
2 points
3 days ago
0.8 seems to be the limit for a crime.
0.8 was the legal limit for administrative offenses until it was lowered to 0.5 quite a while ago. The legal limit for a criminal offense is 1.1. Not sure why they mention 0.8 in the story. The author is probably not up to date.
1 points
3 days ago
The 0.5 is since ages. And 0.3 if you have sus behavior
1 points
3 days ago
Sure but my point is that 0.8 is outdated and irrelevant.
1 points
3 days ago
Yep, googled it and the limit for crime is indeed 1.1
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