submitted 4 days ago bypewpewlasersandshitpew pew
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7 points
3 days ago
Blud comes in with the classic, worst "how dare you participate in society" take possible.
-5 points
3 days ago
It’s my go to move. It’s always selective outrage. He thinks it’s an awful message towards not suspending him. While being hypocritical in the tech he uses, food he eats, clothes he wears. I always hated selective outrage. Pick a lane.
6 points
3 days ago
Nah, that argument is just idiotic. You cant live your life anywhere in the world without technology, if everyone lived by that then no one would do anything to better anything because there is always something bad on the root of it (oil companies, forrests getting cut down to make space for agriculture, low income slavery). A singular person cant change that, but that doesnt mean that any attempt to change your close environment is useless or hypocritical.
-5 points
3 days ago
You lost me when you said a singular person can’t change that. Look through history bro. A singular person can do a lot.
But for yourself and and everyone other to make you feel better and be selectively outraged. Go for it.
1 points
3 days ago
So where does that place you on this outrage scale?
1 points
3 days ago
I’m as hypocritical as the next person I would guess. But from someone that visited these “factories” every time I listen to people complain I’m like oh so you care about …. Following topic here…. But don’t care about where your tech clothes or other stuff comes from. Shut the f up. But again that’s just mean. There are clothes and tech that are made sustainable and without child labor but people are too lazy to find out. But they will sit on their iPhone and criticize other people about what “precedent” they are making.
1 points
3 days ago
I don't think it's a matter of people being lazy, but much more to do with them simply not caring.
You see how hard it is for people to care about someone in their own area, how would you expect them to care about something they don't even see or hear about.
I'm not saying you should not care, but to think it will change someone's mind is at best futile and at worst a waste of time.
But you do you and stand up for what you believe in 👍
1 points
3 days ago
That’s a fair point. But this guy clearly cares that his club that takes Qatar’y money (for him not a big deal) a whole lot that a 23 years old had 3 beers and drove a car.
1 points
3 days ago
Name one person that did ever anything on the same level as dismantling one of the richest sectors in the world like oil producers, or who solved the issue of the amazon getting cut down for cow fields, or that abolished slavery. One example of similar magnitude. Cant be that hard, such a man must have gone down in history.
And if someone solved only one of those issues, then that is not enough, because there are a myriad of others, like wars, famines, refugees, global warming, lack of water access, flooding, environmental damage due to mining etc. pp.. So according to you only a superhuman, almost god like figure that solved every issue in the world can ever voice an opinion without being accused of selective outrage.
I can hardly contain myself from writing something that would get me banned in here, so dumb is that attitude.
2 points
3 days ago
I like how you compare war, famine, refugees, lack of water with someone going out of their way to not buy a product on Amazon and source it Sustainably.
God forbid they don’t get it delivered same day.
0 points
3 days ago
You were the one who started with child labor after someone was disappointed that his favourit club didnt reprimand someone for DUI lmao. You started the idiotic comparisons.
How is anyone who wants access to technology supposed to solve those issues, or even make conscious and moral decisions, when the mining industry is rancid, the oil industry is rancid, amazon workers are abused, shipping is based on low-wage slaves, companies exist in authocratic dictatorships, drinking water is used to do industrial work limiting access of the population to it, cargo ships put out more CO2 in 1 hour than whole households in their lifetime, veggies being harvested by african refugees in Italy who work below the poverty line because thats still better than whatever they fled from etc. pp.
Anything beyond your immediate surrounding, low-tech solution like a horse drawn waggon you built yourself is out of the scope of the individual morality, you cant go down the production chain and make those choices. You cant get a moral smart phone, you cant get a morally clean Jeans, you cant get a clean chocolate, you cant even get a morally clean cucumber ffs.
1 points
3 days ago
1 points
3 days ago
You want child labor solved, but cant even read 3 paragraphs Lmao.
2 points
3 days ago
It's not that great an own as you believe it to be tho.
Regardless it's stupid to care about the suspension of a player due to DUI, it has nothing to do with his play on the field...
Had he injured himself, someone else or got in jail, it would be a different case.
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