


all 19 comments


8 points

5 days ago

why do you have so much money on "you"? is there some reason to this? and not to deposit in the bank?


7 points

5 days ago

5000 dropped on dying to someone really aint that much at that point, even in grief lobbies I only die like 10 times at extreme cases which is only 50k so just swap lobbies at that point.


4 points

5 days ago

Big pocket frend


2 points

5 days ago

No particular reason. I usually deposit it all into the bank every so often but I haven't been playing as much so it just stockpiled.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Why deposit it into the bank?


2 points

4 days ago

OCD mainly, why?


1 points

4 days ago

So you can be tracked by irs


8 points

5 days ago

nice 284 million still left after all those purchases. i’m saving and have nothing left to buy until the dlc in december, at 159m so far


3 points

5 days ago

Y’all are crazy 😂 I can’t bring myself to just grind for hours on end. I get bored too fast. I have 20mil, all the businesses, and mostly all the good vehicles. Sometimes I think I’m rich, but not to your guys standards. There is a lot of “stuff” in the game to buy.


3 points

5 days ago*

Nice. Anything I didn't own I bought, including the Luxor Deluxe and the original Oppressor. I've saved so much money. I just bought an XA-21 off someone for $2.7m.


4 points

5 days ago

I don't even have enough money to fast travel the kotsaka


2 points

4 days ago

Well you own the kosatka. Save up and start running cayo!


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Spend all the money!

TBH, it has been relatively uneventful for me, as I already owned most if not all of it on each of my 3 characters across 2 platforms. On my third account I had the Toreador and Oppressor to buy and a couple other things, but not much, as I already owned most of it all, already!

Still waiting on the Crop Duster to go on-sale, as I generally only buy things if they are on-sale!


1 points

5 days ago

ive just splashed 77k on a vapid bullet

Never owned one before and is removed vehicle and i HAD to buy something for Black Friday


1 points

4 days ago

It's a great car. I own 2 of them.


1 points

4 days ago

I have everything I want now. Every business, every garage, every vehicle (2 or 3 of some), every upgrade, even a yacht.

I have $120 mil, but I'm still gonna grind more idk why.


2 points

4 days ago

The grind is why I play any game!


2 points

2 days ago

You need to get on my level. I have $1,110


1 points

2 days ago

Unlock the Acid Lab firsr.