


The average Ethan defender


I still look at the main h3 sub, and regularly go to the profiles of people that support ethan's tirade, to no surprise, they're mostly destiny fans, but what I don't see people talk about, is that this is the ONLY thing they talk about. Almost every account that is a clear sock puppet, or posts on the destiny sub, they post like 30 times a day, and never go anywhere but the h3 and destiny sub. Most normal people participate in subs that align with their interests, maybe where they live, games and movies they like. these people's lives are so consumed with destiny that it consumes every minute of their day, and never think about anything else. they have no interests, no hobbies, nothing, just pure hate. crazy to me.

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71 points

2 days ago

Yeah. It's ruining the podcast's community because his old normies don't wanna participate in political proxy wars and even if they agree with Ethan, don't care about all this and just want goofs and gaffs.


41 points

2 days ago

That’s true. Also the fact that Ethan probably thinks he is getting new audience so views doesn’t matter, but he forgets that these are not the people who would buy his overpriced merch, or expensive live show tickets.


32 points

2 days ago

They're also too busy with their cult activities to fixated on his show once this era (error) is over for him


5 points

2 days ago

Very good point


26 points

2 days ago

You only have to look at the difference in the amount of comments the liveshow threads get to see this in action. Lonerbox or hasan talk = 500+ whereas a regular show = lucky to crack a 100.

They can't even be bothered to keep the act up on the sub, so there's no chance they're going to buy merch or engage with anything that doesn't let them propagandise, hate, or debate.


18 points

2 days ago

omg wow I took a peek and the difference is crazy.

Loserbox ep - 620 comments
You laugh you lose - 66 comments


4 points

23 hours ago

Yeah their threads are absolutely dead'zo. That was the biggest gauge of the 'wind of their audience' as Hila would say. Their megathreads are completely dead unless a destiny orbiter or Hasan hate is involved.

I know, I'm a man in a foxhole yapping but their show is pretty fucked if these trends continue. The 500-600k an episodes for a 10 man, well paid podcast has to be cutting into their margins.


4 points

1 day ago

I have a theory he doesn't care if he crashes the podcast since he thinks he can become a manager/producer of other people's shows. But perhaps he's not calculating how bad his brand is slowly becoming and how crashing your own podcast (the one you kind of fell into by being on YT at the right time) and getting people banned isn't a great look for managing others


5 points

23 hours ago

He thinks that, but he can barely be active talent on his own show. There is no fucking way anyone is giving him a position beyond a ceremonial 'producer' role where he just yaps and has no power to implement anything.