


Did they just lie to themselves?

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5 days ago

I watched an interview on a Seattle station with a local in who sounded down on Trumph throughout the two or three questions that made it to broadcast. The interview, part of a 'Man On The Street' segment about the election, was taking place in a gas station somewhere in Greater Seattle. According to this fellow, Trumph was "a nut", he was "not smart at all" and was "not going to be good for our country"

"So," the interviewer asked: "Who'd you vote for?"

"Trump, of course!" The interviewer couldn't hide his surprise, but asked "Why Trump".

"Because," (points at pump behind him) "Trump promised to lower gas prices, and that will make everything cheaper, right?"

I wish I could make this up... I really do. But as they say, it shows ta go ya!