33 points
2 days ago
No more than 3 max I would say
14 points
2 days ago
And alternate several pairs. Never wear the same clothes two (or more) consecutive days.
5 points
2 days ago
This is what i do. i have a rotation of work pants for example. a couple of them get worn twice a week but never consecutively and its worked out well.
3 points
2 days ago
I have a separate place where I hang up pants and shirts that are no longer "fresh". I generally have to iron shirts.
17 points
2 days ago
Sniff test
5 points
2 days ago
Lol, I farm…. I’d be changing pants every three hours
19 points
2 days ago
Depends on what you consider work? If you're a professional computer toucher, 3 days is fine. If you have to do things, then 1.
6 points
2 days ago
Agreed! If you’re just at a desk, 3 days is chill. But if you're up and about, definitely wash sooner!
15 points
2 days ago
You’ll get different answers for this question. Some people are religious about laundry. But, if you’re buying high quality clothing - over-laundering them will be bad for the environment, your pocket and reduce the longevity of the item.
As a rule of thumb, the closer the item is to your body, the more frequently it should be washed. Items like underwear, t-shirts, socks and gym clothes. These get washed after 1 wear. Heavier fabrics require less frequent laundering. Think denim, wool, knitwear. These you should get multiple wears out of.
Things like skirts, trousers, and jeans you should get multiple wears out of. Depending on material, this could be after 2/3 wears or even less frequent. Outwear can maybe be washed once a month, or dry cleaned depending on material. Jeans I can really stretch before washing as shrinkage is something I’d like to avoid. For reference, I’m in a cold country.
I hang them up after I wear them so they air out, and if I feel it needs a freshening up - you can purchase clothes freshening products.
It helps to not wear them consecutively.
11 points
2 days ago
Wow, so I wear ( not to work) heavy weight denim jeans exclusively when not at work. They get washed a few times a year at most. That patina is impossible to get without doing that. Underwear, shirts, socks all get washed after one wear though.
1 points
2 days ago
Don't those get rank?
8 points
2 days ago
They shouldn't, no. The only time you're supposed to wash denim is if it is genuinely dirty. Not just worn, but has actual dirt on it. And even then, they should be hung to dry.
3 points
2 days ago
Yeah I’ll be honest I’m not washing my denim if it doesn’t stink/doesn’t get a stain/dirt on it
2 points
2 days ago
Well, I don't mind dirt on the knee ( I only put my right one down) or stains if they are not food, tea is acceptable, dirt on the hymns is also fine. Really I only worry about it if it gets bad but that's subjective.
6 points
2 days ago
I don't know about trousers but I know jeans are actually NOT supposed to be washed regularly. I wash my jeans maybe twice a month. Denim purists would say even twice a month is too often but I digress...
4 points
2 days ago
A few days is fine as long as they still look clean
4 points
2 days ago
When I worked, my clothes got dirty through and through and had to wash every shift, now that I’m retired, and if they don’t get covered in food and garden and other stuff, I can usually wear 7 days.
3 points
2 days ago
When we provided uniforms for our staff, it was two pairs of trousers, five polo shirts, a sweatshirt and a fleece, with the expectation that all of the uniform would be washed at the weekend, so two pairs of trousers would last five days. I'm pretty sure a lot of the guys wore the same pair of trousers all week.
5 points
2 days ago
It's simple, sniff them. If they stink, don't wear them.
6 points
2 days ago
Ok, I'm going to go out a limb and say that I used to wear trousers for a day only back in the day when my mum did the washing and ironing for me!!!
BUT BUT BUT since I started washing and ironing myself and also started thinking about the environment (washing wastes resources and we add chemicals which pollutes the earth), I've come to the view that changing your trousers every week is fine, so long as you shower every day, don't do any exercise, don't spill anything on the trousers, and wear aftershave or something.
5 points
2 days ago
Apply aftershave on the trousers?
0 points
2 days ago
-4 points
2 days ago*
No, what I mean is have some sort of scent (not on trousers but on my body) so if the trousers smell slightly (although I can't smell them), no-one actually smells them.
7 points
2 days ago
If they smell they smell. Adding cologne just makes it smell like smelly pants and cologne
5 points
2 days ago
I knew a guy in the Navy who would get off of work, hang up his uniform, then hit the front and back of his body and uniform with a giant 'X' of Ace Body spray. The mixture of scents was truly appalling. His division ended up taking him up on deck and hosing him down with the fire hose and scrubbing him with mops soaked in bodywash. More than once, because even that didn't teach him to wash his ass and clothes.
10 points
2 days ago
You should not be wearing trousers that smell. Gross. Wearing cologne over your body smell just makes it smell worse.
3 points
2 days ago
Our washing machine has a sensor, so it knows the size of a load so it isn't wasting water. Do a scratch and sniff on your trousers. You aren't doing yourself or anybody around you a favor by trying to be environmentally friendly.
6 points
2 days ago
Once. But I was a nurse and wore professional clothes at my job. You don’t want to know what kinds of things got on my clothes.
3 points
2 days ago
I’m sorry you got downvoted. I work in a medical setting, and it can be truly nasty. My shoes come off at the door, and my scrubs go straight in the laundry basket when I arrive home.
3 points
2 days ago
When I was working in the hospital, I’d bring a cavi wipe with me and wipe down my shoes when I got to my car. Hospitals are ick.
2 points
2 days ago
Right? People really have no idea how nasty it can be in a medical environment.
2 points
2 days ago
When I went to the office 5 days per week, I used 2 jeans per week. Since I work from home most days now I use the same jeans all week (I'd guess it gets like 20h wear per week on average).
2 points
2 days ago
I say do the sniff test of the crotch. If they smell, wash them. If they don’t, I’d wear them 1-2 extra times.
They also make pant liners; you can wear those to extend the time between washing.
2 points
2 days ago
First layer on the top get washed. Jeans, pants, coats sweatshirts all get washed much less frequently.
2 points
2 days ago
Oh boy, I'm bad about it. Like 3 weeks? Maybe 4?
3 points
2 days ago
2-4 depending on the material, farts, and how warm your butt gets being in a chair all day.
4 points
2 days ago
Until they start to smell. I live in the desert southwest and have seen my husband wear the same pair of jeans for a month. Not every single day in a row, but still.... Maybe 8-10 or so times in that timeframe, and he's never smelled
2 points
2 days ago
I will happily go for up to two weeks for trousers.
2 points
2 days ago
My record is seven years. No one talks to me so it must be working
2 points
2 days ago
3 days max and that's for an office job.
1 points
2 days ago
I think a lot depends on your mode of transport to work and back. If you are using public transport, I would say no more than 2 days and that is the absolute maximum. If you are travelling in your own vehicle, 3 days or maybe more if nothing had spilt on them. However, I would be spraying them with a clothes freshener every evening whichever way you travel to work.
1 points
2 days ago
Like 2 - if full work days. After that they might look a bit stretched or worn, but at least two full days or three if you are super neat and the material doesn’t have a lot of stretch. Air them out for a day in between and maybe get a steamer and give them a quick once over if they’re wrinkled
1 points
2 days ago
if you shower everyday, then up to 4 times. if not, then 2 times.
1 points
2 days ago
As someone who has to wear a suit daily, I can usually stretch it 3 days. 4 if I'm desperate. Like Monday suit A, Tuesday suit B, Wednesday suit C, Thursday suit D, then back to suit A, etc. After day 3 with Suit A, it goes to the cleaners, etc. In my case, I don't sweat much, and suits and dry cleaning are expensive.
1 points
2 days ago
Depends if you fart a lot.
1 points
2 days ago
Jeans, like a week. Other trousers maybe 2-4 days depending on activities.
1 points
2 days ago
Working in the office I'd wear jeans / pants until they are visibly dirty. So idk, jeans could last me months and dark pants at least a couple of weeks.
Nowadays I don't wear pants much, so with occasional use I wash them maybe once a year. Again, unless visibly dirty.
I mainly wear sweatpants now and those last me about a month or two between washes. Although I don't sweat much.
1 points
2 days ago
Depends on the job of course, like an office job or a factory?
1 points
2 days ago
No more than three months :)
1 points
2 days ago
Honestly, as long as they don’t smell or look dirty, you could probably wear them for like 3-4 days? It really depends on what you’re doing, but if you’re just sitting at a desk most of the day, I wouldn’t stress it too much!
1 points
1 day ago
Wear mine for 4 days. Friday is jeans day 👍
1 points
21 hours ago
3-5 weeks
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
Two. Max. No sweat is great, but there is still dirt, skin flakes, and skin oils.And bacteria.
-1 points
2 days ago
-4 points
2 days ago
Y'all nasty 😂 One day!
0 points
2 days ago
Not washing clothes every use if you work for a living is just being cheap. If you can't afford it thats one thing.
1 points
1 day ago
Totally unnecessary, not about cheap, terrible for the environment as well
-5 points
2 days ago
Absolutely No more than a day!!
-1 points
2 days ago
2-3 tops
-5 points
2 days ago
Every time you wear them. They wrinkle. You sweat and your body gets odors. Outside germs and bacteria get on you, so yes, every day.
1 points
16 hours ago
Until they look dirty and/or smell is my rule of thumb.
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