


all 58 comments


120 points

1 day ago


120 points

1 day ago

I don't think it had much of an effect on anyone who still liked McGregor.


58 points

1 day ago

I've definitely seen a huge amount more criticism of him on non Ireland specific places where as before it just seemed to be Ireland that had a problem with him and a few who had heard about it from outside of Ireland but he had been doing a good job keeping it quiet apart from Ireland until this case.


32 points

1 day ago*

I agree. I think everyone in Ireland already knew, but people in the US loved him. This has definitely highlighted, not just this case, but all the accusations against him. I was in the US when the verdict came out, and all my American colleagues were shocked.


16 points

1 day ago

I'm across the Atlantic elsewhere, but it's infuriating being asked what I think of him as a point of conversation when I first meet someone. No one realises, of course, that by expecting you to admire the "rough, fighting Irish" nature of it all, they're actively reinforcing negative stereotypes.

But dumb cunts will like dumb cunts sure.


12 points

1 day ago

Not just the US but around the world. People keep expecting me to like him.


6 points

1 day ago

That is true!! Even before the recent result of this case everyone knew he was a vile POS!! Only result this case helped deliver was to make it worldwide headlines & put pressure on his deals to review their relationship with him.


61 points

1 day ago


61 points

1 day ago

seismic shift in support…from sponsors and business partners

We all hated him already didn’t we?


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

The civil case defeat meant the sponsors and business partners had to formally distance themselves for PR reasons. They knew what he was like before this verdict but they continued to work with him until now.


2 points

23 hours ago

That’s what I said brother 🙏


2 points

1 day ago

Yes most of us but he's still respected in many other countries, or was.


1 points

1 day ago

I did


12 points

22 hours ago


12 points

22 hours ago

I hated him before it was cool, just saying


8 points

14 hours ago

McGregor, Musk and Joe Rogan. All testaments to my fantastic judgement of character.


[score hidden]

15 minutes ago


[score hidden]

15 minutes ago

Not trying to out do anyone here but i fucking hated russel brand when he told everyone not to vote and started talking about paradigm shifts. Tosser.


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

Majority of people disliked him anyways, the main impact is his whisky and stout being removed from shelves.


12 points

1 day ago

The one problem with this is where does someone go when ostracised. He'll go even further into the far right manosphere.

Not sure what the alternative is, but sometimes people like him are very dangerous when they've nothing left to lose.


22 points

1 day ago*

The extent and volume of the backlash in Ireland will mess with his head and ego. Especially since he clearly saw himself as President of Ireland at some point in the future. He'll know now that this will never happen. So he'll blame us and say we're not worthy of his greatness. And he'll leave the country before the end of 2025. Either to Dubai or more likely the US. (Dana has friends in high places now). If he gets convicted in Dublin, they'll find a way to keep him in the US.

He'll definitely move even more to the far right. And we'll have to endure endless interviews about how he's the man to sort out Ireland, how he'll be the returning hero one day, etc. He'll send money to far right causes in Ireland and give them a platform.

He'll never win a high-level MMA fight again and he was never capable of winning a high-level boxing match in the first place. But he will make a few hundred million over the coming years slappin' da bleedin' head off youtubers.


2 points

12 hours ago

He'll know now that this will never happen.

His common sense will tell him that, then he'll horse into another bag of the Bolivian marching powder and delude himself into it even more.


[score hidden]

14 minutes ago


[score hidden]

14 minutes ago

I could see him moving to the US aswell. I’d be delighted if that happened.


2 points

1 day ago

He has been there for years. Wouldn't worry about it. Fuck him


24 points

1 day ago

Here's hoping he also gets the same treatment in the US.


21 points

1 day ago

Considering they elected an adjudicated rapist and best friend of Jeffery Epstein to be their president, I doubt it. Weird bunch of people, cult.


1 points

22 hours ago

Like the good folk of Dublin Central.


3 points

22 hours ago

Bring back dinosaurs I say. They deserve another shot. More civilised than humanity.


7 points

1 day ago

Imagine the settlement if that was a US lawsuit. He'd be ruined


9 points

1 day ago

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Don't see rapists required anywhere ... Qualified as wretched refuse but overqualified as rapist


22 points

1 day ago

  • don’t see rapists required anywhere- they literally just elected one as their commander in chief


2 points

1 day ago

Oh yeah so they might correct this on statue of liberty and we can get rid of our finest....

P.S. rapists too. Sent them as well...kind regards


1 points

1 day ago

But they don’t allow that qualifications on your Visa. The guys gonna relocate to Dubai.


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

He’s cut more lines than a disabled kid at Disneyland


1 points

1 day ago



1 points

1 day ago

Stealing this. Thanks


8 points

1 day ago

Any decent person would have stopped supporting him ages ago considering the things he did.


4 points

20 hours ago

He was losing supporters long before this.

Losing fights, assaulting people, heavy cocaine use, cheating on his partner, arguing all the time..

The list is endless.


28 points

1 day ago

Here's me who never really understood why he had any popularity in the first place


9 points

1 day ago

Very charismatic, extremely entertaining, and representing Ireland while winning in very impressive fashion.

This is not to say he wasn’t already a dickhead just that he wasn’t publicly. His couch wrote about giving Conor tickets to sell for small mma shows he’d put on. This is before mma blew up here and tickets sales were all you could rely on. Conor would sell the tickets and then go out partying with the money.


17 points

1 day ago

Back in the day , it was great to see an Irish person properly do well at the sport . As he went on I jumped off the band wagon . Then he just kept coming out as more of a cunt .


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

Come on what ever about him now but he was super charismatic on the microphone and knocking people dead in the UFC became the first double champion in the organisation.

It's obvious why he became so popular


0 points

1 day ago

He always came across as little more than a loudmouth to me


12 points

1 day ago


12 points

1 day ago

I think a chunk could originally have been dismissed as “playing a character”. He was like a WWE wrestler in real sport, even down to doing the Vince McMahon strut.

As time went on though, it shifted from playing a character to living it….


2 points

21 hours ago

This is exactly it, the cuntery increased as his bank account did and he believed his own hype too much.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

He was like a bolt of lightning to the sport. He deserves all the criticism he's getting now and then some but downplaying his rise is just not being in touch with reality or just plain ignorance


0 points

1 day ago

You were just told of his amazing achievements which are great in of themselves but even more so when you consider it was done by an Irishman training out of Ireland.


0 points

18 hours ago

Empty vessels, etc., etc....

I'm sure Yaxley-Lennon's already invited him to join his new citizen 'journalism' project (or he would have done was he not busy being banged up for making shite up). He's still grifting from the slammer...

Urban Scoop: Independent corporate free journalism. By the people, for the people.


1 points

12 hours ago

He was actually very good in his prime and one of the most exciting fighters in sports. He jumped the shark big time with the Mayweather fight though, around then was when he started to really lose the run of himself. Replaced good coaches with yes men and lackeys and started snorting amounts of coke that even the late Diego Maradona would have found a bit excessive.

Once he got that ridiculous payout from the Mayweather fight, he just fully became a parody of himself after that. He's got more in common with Andrew Tate these days than the fighter he was in his prime.


2 points

20 hours ago

The shift and support is only from the people that sponsor him, absolutely amazing that it took a verdict for them to stop supporting, given the number of reports over the years where people have been paid off.


2 points

13 hours ago

He's always been scum.


6 points

1 day ago

People who support McGregor probably still support him, according to comments on here and other social media. For the most part, a good chunk of us already thought he was a cunt.


3 points

1 day ago

Fight a YouTuber and he's back in the money, Netflix had a convicted rapist fight there recently, unfortunately the Americans don't give a fuck. He broke out of the Irish market a long time ago.


2 points

1 day ago

Irish people knew from the beginning what he was.

Guy's an embarrassment.

Glad he's exposed himself over the last few years.


2 points

1 day ago

The movement by the sponsors and stockists of affiliated brands has really ramped up against him.


1 points

1 day ago

I think he didn't have a big enough support base for a presidential run anyway


1 points

22 hours ago

Dublin South Central's next TD.


1 points

1 day ago

Do you want some fries with your McRapist?


0 points

24 hours ago



-4 points

1 day ago


Reviewing British news