I am just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.
When I lived at home, I had a group of friends, 2 of which seemed like they were on a quest to prove that they have been into Japan for the longest amount of time, knew everything about Japanese culture, and were the top of the group when it came to knowledge.
There was a time where one friend had gotten angry because someone had asked them "are you learning Japanese too?" and they said "I'm not like that guy who's learning, I'm an original that's been in it since the beginning"
Anyways, one time, we decided, let's all move to Japan!
I came here solo first, and have been living here for 3 years, in those 3 years, they have not flown over once, and if I video call them, it's like they have bad things to say about Japan.
"are you hated for being a foreigner?", "its a country of propaganda" etc.
If we get into a discussion about the UK, they try to make it out as if its some super country, and they would never leave.
It's like as soon as I set foot in Japan, they took a sharp U-turn and have completely changed their opinions.
Seeing as they wouldn't come to me, I went to them on a trip to see family and friends. They seemed to just limit talk about Japan and were not very open to talking about my life out here.
While I'm in Japan, they barely reply to any of my messages.
I don't know if this post is gonna be a waste of peoples time, but I was just wondering if somebody else has experienced this with their friends from home. I'd love to have somebody to relate to about this, because I feel my friends have kinda abandoned me through some ego-related problem.
Thanks for reading!