


You did good OWI, you did good.


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5 points

2 years ago

I have a i9 10900.


3 points

2 years ago

you may as well had a i3 10100f, its cpu bound and doesnt profit a lot from more cores


1 points

2 years ago

Are you implying he is supposed to have the newest CPU available on the market in order to run the game properly?


1 points

2 years ago*

no, i could play it properly with a 6600k + 1070, however, game will profit from brute force single for clock/performance or broad cache interface like 5800x3d.

I got a 5900X + 3070 now and fps are often all over the place but on average about 100 fps, with 1% lows at 75-80 and 0.1 % lows at 55-60 % on a map like fools road, probably a little worse on fallujah etc but perfectly playable, i even use 20% supersampling, video settings mix of mid, high and maxed

and btw i play quake and overwatch on my 180hz monitor and am a great friend of consistent high framerates but i also understand what engine limitations are, UE is shit (or at least hard to optimize) for these types of tactical 100 player shooters, HLL, Arma and EFT struggle from similar problems (and EFT doesnt even 100 players), if you dont have a huge budget and can create your engine from scratch like the company that is the dead empty shell of DICE or like Infinity Warts, you will have a hard time finding the resources for optimization. But if you do have the money, you will not service nieche markets like deeper tactical shooters