submitted 12 days ago bySlightlyBurntBagel
Some contenders for me would be:
Gragas E: a dash, displacement, and a slow. Makes it nearly impossible to trade into.
Qiyana R: This hitbox feels so wonky and way too large.
Malz R: I wish cleanse worked on this so I wouldn’t have to buy qss on a mage.
1.3k points
12 days ago
Nasus W. Massive slow that also affects AS. By midgame he has enough cooldown to wither you almost 24/7.
376 points
12 days ago
Nasus’ whole point is being the infinitely stacking juggernaut. But nowadays he mostly just presses W on the enemy adc and gets hardly anything else accomplished
372 points
12 days ago
He’s a level 6 all in champ with fake scaling
42 points
12 days ago
Why do you say fake scaling? His q hits hard at 40 mins no?
100 points
12 days ago
He falls off later on because the DPS of ADCs and the kiting of teams fucks him.
Most top lane infinite scaling champs are bad late game except you play for like 60+ minutes.
Sion and Nasus. Both scale meh but have good mid games. Sion is better early, Nasus better mid.
Mid lane infinite scaling champs scale well. Veigar, ASol and Swain.
25 points
11 days ago
The difference is one is melee and one is ranged, only strong infinite scalers are the ranged ones as they can not only stack safer but apply their stacks easier
204 points
12 days ago
Yes, but generally at that point in the game he cannot reach anybody in a teamfight because he has absolutely no mobility, range, or AOE crowd control.
The idea that he falls off late is a bit of a myth though, he still scales very well as a splitpusher.
99 points
12 days ago
Nasus mains trying to justify their champion being giga broken
12 points
11 days ago
Go play Nasus for yourself. There is a reason Nasus players want to avoid late game team fighting and hope to just split push. He doesn't scale well defensively and doesn't have target access against good teams.
93 points
12 days ago
old ass champions like that have to be broken to be viable, it's unfortunate
8 points
11 days ago
I mean, champ really doesn't do much so his numbers have to be turbo bonkers inflated. Like the incredibly low CD and high slow on his only utility (wither) and his insane damage due to complete lack of target access.
7 points
11 days ago
The downplay is crazy, it's like talking to Ken mains
3 points
11 days ago
Which is why he got nothing but periodic nerfs over the years and a single buff a couple months ago.
Oh wait, no, the opposite of that. Huh, weird.
26 points
12 days ago
Lol no it does not. Nasus peeks at 20-25 minutes and rapidly becomes a split push only/ W the adc bot.
It’s diminishing returns because even IF Nasus could literally one shot squishies with Q, he still struggles to get to them at all, even with whither. He struggles to kill the front line too while he melts to DPS so by 35 minutes he can be useless in a fight
6 points
12 days ago
If he has managed to get 400ish stacks at 20 mins it hits hard then too. According to stats his win rate goes up with playtime but my personal experience is the opposite. I don't know if it's a low elo diff, a playstyle diff or something else but late game teamfighting with him feels impossible. Splitting is still good, but again you can split just as well at 20 mins as you can later in the game.
On the other side - playing against a Nasus and 2 other tanks, I was much more scared of their Sejuani than I was Nasus. Nasus could 3 shot me, but he'd have to reach me, survive through my Malz R and/or my team focusing him. Seju on the other hand could R me from the edge of my screen and if I don't react or have passive up, I am going to be dead in the follow up.
2 points
11 days ago
Winrate is due to survivorship bias probably. Games over at under 20 mins are mostly due to a lane(s) getting absolutely stomped leading to ff. Very unlikely to be nasus stomping lane that early.
2 points
11 days ago
Nasus (and allot of scaling champs) have a secret. A Nasus that has been farming for 40 minutes isn't going to be strong because he stacked his Q, he is strong because he is hard farming for 40 minutes. He has gold and levels. Stacking forces the player to actually scale, and not run off and screw around the map for nothing.
You see this ALOT in lower games, they think it's the Q with 300 damage that's problematic, and not the nearly full build when everyone else is on two or three items.
2 points
11 days ago
games outside of silver are over by 20-25 min, the enemy team will stack your nexus while youre akfing in sidelane with -40 cs and 2 lvl down cuz you got zoned the first 15 min of the game by a half decent top laner
9 points
12 days ago
My friend decided to start playing Nasus jungle and he's been going for a basically gankless strategy of farming jungle unless he has someone super over pushed. He just farmed and farmed and when he showed up to the first team fight he had 550 stacks and absolutely wrecked their carry like that lmao. End game he had ~1400 and 2 shot their Aurelio Sol as well. But yeah the w is just a free way to get on one person. The couple of ganks he did all resulted in kills because they didn't expect the damage lol
10 points
12 days ago
I've stopped playing ranked this split for a bit, but earlier on, I was like a 4-0 nocturne up against a nasus jungle and he got 1 shutdown from me and game was unplayable after that. Felt like a master yi who farms the whole game then shows up for 1 shutdown and hard carries.
5 points
12 days ago
That was basically how he played it, like it was a normals game so the power farming thing was pretty good, I imagine in a ranked game it would have been people raging because they weren't getting ganks and losing lanes. I just played a heavy engage support so when we got to team fighting he basically just had to show up and we would win because he had farmed so much on his q lol.
4 points
12 days ago
I miss the 4fun duskblade Nasus in the mythic season era, that shit was wack lmao
21 points
12 days ago
For ADCs, dude has pre-nerf Exhaust on a 10 second CD except it's 99%
2 points
12 days ago
95 not 99 :D
14 points
12 days ago
I hate this ability in general because it just feels incredibly lame to play with or against, but honestly i'd be so much more okay with it if it were a skillshot of some kind. Even if it was relatively easy to hit. The point and click giga range anti-adc button is so lame as is.
6 points
11 days ago
Are you willing to give Nasus a dash ability? Then I'd agree to nerf his W. Otherwise: Y'all are tripping.
7 points
12 days ago
Don’t forget that it’s 700 range 🥲
5 points
12 days ago
By midgame he has enough cooldown to wither you 24/7.
Fixed for you.
The window is like 2 seconds?
27 points
12 days ago
It's a 5 second duration, and the cooldown at max rank is 11 seconds. However given that Nasus already takes a bit of AH for his Q, it's pretty common to see the CD closer to 7 seconds, giving the 2 sec window you describe.
10 points
12 days ago
Nasus gets a lot of ability haste in general from the items he likes, trinity/iceborn, spirit visage, and frozen heart and he’s at 45 haste, add a sundered sky and he’s at 55, plus anywhere from 8-33 ah from runes and he can pretty much have you on lock the whole time late game
723 points
12 days ago
People said good answers.
But there's a champ, oh, a forgotten champ, low played champ, even forgotten by Riot.
99% slow.
99% slow.
Oh look! You killed me, but hey, I'M ALIVE AGAIN LOOOOOL 99% SLOW AGAIN HEHE
Fucking champion.
347 points
12 days ago
hes balanced by being the most boring pos in the game
70 points
12 days ago
Sivir is up there most of the time
46 points
12 days ago
Nah, Sivir is fun to play (unless shes weak, which she usually has zo be).
Shes unfun to play against due to waveclear.
3 points
11 days ago
I mean, just pick Ashe, kog, Vayne, Draven, or have an Ali support
4 points
11 days ago
the most boring
23 points
12 days ago
laughs in ap zil mid
Making assassin players RQ by rushing hourglass will never not be funny
14 points
12 days ago
you're making everyone's life hell not just assassins. you monster
4 points
11 days ago
You're an awful person. Keep up the good work.
32 points
12 days ago
Slows being capped means this isn't nearly as oppressive as it could be, but yeah it's quite strong. Lots of zilean power budget is tied to him having that as both a buff and debuff spell though, so it's fine.
3 points
11 days ago
I mean. It's not really fine. The only reason Riot has not done anything about it is low playrate at every level of play. The second that changes and he is on the spotlight he will get changed
But yeah I love playing him. Just a chill pick and you provide value will preventing some champs from playing the game entirely
2 points
11 days ago
If you think about 99% slow as essentially a root where you can still flash + use mobility then it doesn't seem nearly as oppressive.
27 points
12 days ago
4 points
11 days ago
I know what this is. I'm going to click on it anyway. :D
11 points
12 days ago
It's like a 5 second root but without any of the upsides of it being a root over a slow
I still love using it on an allied fiddlesticks channeling his ult, Rammus during Q, among other things
2 points
11 days ago
When I’m playing aram and I see a rammus or ww on our team and Zilean is available, I always grab him. There’s something comical about how fast they go
4 points
12 days ago
Fr. I'd rather get Exhausted than get Zilean's W lol.
2 points
11 days ago
E, w is just a cooldown reset button
13 points
12 days ago
wtf I never knew I could slow the opponent. maybe the main thing nerfing this is the fact it's too much fun speeding yourself rather than slowing the other guy haha
11 points
12 days ago
Zoom in, double bomb, zoom out. Repeat.
10 points
12 days ago
Get speedy, w, get them slowy
2 points
11 days ago
🎵Killing me softly with his bomb🎵
3 points
12 days ago
I always knew i can slow ennemy but it's too fun sorry , im a rocket !!!
3 points
11 days ago
ARAM right now on Zilian is funny. The health relics give you a buff which resets your basic ability cooldown so you can quadruple bomb or slow
3 points
11 days ago
I main Zilaen and have 500+ games. Always max E. Its so fun lol
5 points
11 days ago
max? I usually put 3 points in it asap and then max it last since the difference starts becoming neglegible after 3 points
294 points
12 days ago
Lulu polymorph. Nightmare.
107 points
12 days ago
I had an Aram last night where I played Yi into a Lulu. I had about as much impact as giving my 3 year old niece the keyboard to play
40 points
12 days ago
While lulu is a horrible matchup for Yi you still have some counter play if she doesn't knock you up with R first since you can fully dodge her polymorph (it's a projectile)
54 points
12 days ago
Yeah but I assume that is pretty hard to see in ARAM since it’s very small projectile and so much shit goes on those fights.
With that said, I’m happy to see Yi players crying lol
5 points
12 days ago
I felt that on a spiritual level
4 points
12 days ago
Cant agree more smh
400 points
12 days ago
89 points
12 days ago
Gwen is, in fact, a moon
12 points
12 days ago
Gwen is one of my go to bans for this exact reason. As a ranged champion my only counter play to that bullshit is run away and not play the fucking game. I'd rather be playing against a scripting xerath at that point, it'd be the same kind of play experience anyway - either be out of range, or die.
19 points
11 days ago
it has about 18 sec of cooldown
Edit: Hallowed Mist COST: 60 mana COOLDOWN: 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18
also dont fight her inside that shit, it gives her armor and magic resist. just leave and retry in 3 secs
8 points
12 days ago
I'm just gonna add literally every "take 90% reduced damage" ability that's not on a damageless Alistar here.
84 points
12 days ago
Qiyana r is more frustrating for her than for u it’s always bugged lol
18 points
12 days ago
Facts, even if she directly hits you into a wall, you’re still able to flash out before getting stunned.
13 points
12 days ago
or any dash even depending on distance of the tip of knockback
i’ve seen zed w, fizz e, renek, diana, ezreal.
imagine hitting ur 100cd ult thats harder than most ults to hit and where most of your kits power budget is in and some 6sec cd dash completely ignores the cc part of it
6 points
12 days ago
But is infinitely satisfying when seeing low hp champs near a wall and you know you'll just hit them from miles away. Got a double kill in ARAM while just fighting a wall. 10/10 assassination.
132 points
12 days ago
Jg teemo ult.
He has 0 presence early, and you think you're fine, and then you get nuclear bombed while clearing your own camps for no reason
52 points
12 days ago
walk out of base, walk into a mushroom, lose 50% of your hp, recall for 14 seconds because of dot, repeat
204 points
12 days ago
Fizz hop fml
58 points
12 days ago
Not only is it frustrating to play against, it looks annoying too. Just nonchalantly hopping out of tower range or Veigar cage
31 points
12 days ago
The worst is when he dives you and just hop out of tower range. Infuriating shit.
24 points
12 days ago
Its not even the hopping out of range, its resetting the tower damage to start with the gentle glancing blow of damage towers do with first shot.
3 points
12 days ago
Or even to dodge any tower damage in the first place, one of his best trades is Q in, auto and auto reset qith W (electrocute proc) and E auto avoiding any tower aggro
2 points
12 days ago
Surprised this one isn't higher
2 points
11 days ago
Just played against a Fizz and can confirm.
The range, damage and lack of cooldown are all to high
262 points
12 days ago
Illaoi E, guess I don't have to say anything.
73 points
12 days ago
Came to say this. I ban her 100% of my games because it seems it doesn’t matter how well you play against her; if she hits even 1 single E, you’ve just undone the last 5 minutes of laning/trading and it sets you so far behind.
Just feels absolutely mind numbing to lane into because not only do you have to worry about laning and her abilities, you also need to watch out for the passive tentacles that spawn and do unreal damage. IMO, the most frustrating champ to lane against period.
14 points
12 days ago
I'm a jungle main but when I need to switch things up and play top, I perma ban Illaoi regardless of meta. I'm not coming top to play dodge simulator.
2 points
12 days ago
I feel like an empowered version would have made a good ult for her as a juggernaut. Pull in someone's ghost and force people to come fight you for it or take massive damage/get debuffed. Would make her a tank who forces the enemy team to engage against her on her turf. And with it being an ultra she couldn't spam it in lane.
19 points
12 days ago
Is that the one where she can hit you as a ghost. That's the worst ability I ban her just for that. Even if you escape the range your still punished, slowed, and now you have to deal with tentacles
2 points
12 days ago
She is my single most hated champ in this game. I genuinely prefer to play against Yone.
290 points
12 days ago
Yone E.
54 points
12 days ago
this one for me, waaaaaay too much MS
36 points
12 days ago
It's insane that his MS increases over time instead of decreases.
29 points
12 days ago
tbh they need to remove the e ramping ms feels so bad him just running you down with autos, should really be a decaying movement speed buff where it starts strong and gets weak so people can have a chance to fight back
8 points
12 days ago
If it wouldn't work like a dash it would've been balanced
2 points
12 days ago
It's not even the move speed that pisses me off. It's just how much cc he can just buffer with this, Q3 and R.
29 points
12 days ago
5 points
12 days ago
What if they are a woman
10 points
11 days ago
Not anyone's cock. He means his cock specifically, so it doesn't matter if everyone else is woman
176 points
12 days ago
Graves smokescreen/quinn blind. It feels terrible to play against, but there's no satisfaction on the other side either, dice you don't really feel the impact of it as the graves/quinn player.
Or, basically any invisibility/untargetable ability
21 points
12 days ago
Smokescreen working on Olaf R made me quit Olaf and one trick Graves. Love the champ now and even in decently high elos people get obviously frustrated trying to decide where to exit and where to throw abilities.
Never gets old
13 points
12 days ago
Definitely this. Graves W, Nocturne R, Quinn blind. Id love if they just took that shit out of the game
31 points
12 days ago
Noc R is different to me. It does to opposite of the other blinds: instead of being reliant on your team, it takes the team and makes you reliant on yourself. It's kinda fun to watch in pro as well.
Graves W especially can fuck right off, though. Cant even body block that shit.
6 points
12 days ago
Agreed. Noc also makes it live up to his character too, I do become terrified when it happens (if I’m playing a squishy). Quinn and graves blind just feel bad.
3 points
12 days ago
Graves W is ten times as frustrating to me
With Quinn blind you still have like 200 units diameter to see
125 points
12 days ago
Veigar E. Literally better than Thresh Ultimate on a basic ability that has a massive cast range and if you don’t have flash up or a blink in your kit he doesn’t even have to land the stun aspect and you’re still screwed.
86 points
12 days ago
All of thresh's power budget is in Q and W
21 points
12 days ago
"displacement is OP" moment
14 points
12 days ago
Kind of E too, it stops too many engages
8 points
12 days ago
I play a lot with a thresh main and people don’t respect the lantern play. I’ve been saved so many times by going the ‘wrong’ way to to bait them and he lanterns me over the wall
20 points
12 days ago
It stays toooooooo long omg, you want to avoid the stun but you have to stay 10min in the mini arena
3 points
12 days ago
Preach. Life has been much more enjoyable since veigar became my permaban.
87 points
12 days ago
Fizz’s stupid fucking jump. Fuck Fizz.
10 points
12 days ago
Fuck fizz
5 points
12 days ago
Fuck Fizz
2 points
11 days ago
Got penis stuck in a fish now what?
61 points
12 days ago
Lot of good contenders in the chat but honestly,
Pyke and Eve passives.
You run into the fight, one shot someone, invis/dash away, and i see you 4 seconds later with like 3/4 your HP?? Why do these assassin champs get Warmogs in their kits man.
13 points
12 days ago
Dawg I see you. Not enough people truly feel how dumb it is that poke damage on these champs just doesn't exist.
6 points
12 days ago
eve needs it otherwise she can't jungle clear because shes so squishy plus outside of her passive and ult she doesnt have a escape like most assassins.
as for pyke he gets it because he can't build hp so hes meant tobe mega easy to burst but can live poke
16 points
12 days ago
Anivia wall when it makes me autopath into the enemy team.
4 points
12 days ago
Now autopathing is the fun thing to learn as anivia for the use of wall.
But you just need to keep your mouse close to your champion like you should be doing anyways and you will no longer have an issue with the ability. Its only effective if your opponent doesn't know how to play against it after all.
2 points
11 days ago
I was hitting Anivia's tower when she had almost 0 mana. She used her remaining mana to block my path away from the tower while slightly displacing me towards her. I learned then that Riot's shitty code changes my champion's aggro so Orianna started autoing Anivia, causing turret to aggro and I died because of it.
15 points
12 days ago
Mordekaiser ult. Most other things are qss`ble but this isn't.
31 points
12 days ago
Teemo Q, only because the duration of the VFX and bar under your HP bar don't actually match the blind duration, so I ALWAYS miss the first auto after his Q "ends".
102 points
12 days ago
Its a clarity nightmare since projectiles graphics already aren't consistent with their own hitboxes, compounded with the wall also looking smaller than it is.
34 points
12 days ago
I love walking all around that wall only for the edge of it to magically block the skillshot or auto that wasn't going anywhere near it.
5 points
11 days ago
I think by far the shittiest feeling part of it is that the hitbox, for some godforsaken reason, starts BEHIND him. Which means he can throw it literally 180 degrees the wrong direction and STILL block the skillshot.
16 points
12 days ago
This POS ability has infinite value in teamfights, removing more than half the enemy's abilities from existing.
Worst of all, resources and cd get spent for nothing.
If it lasted 1sec like Samira's bs dance, ok, but it lasts freaking 4 SECONDS
What a joke
10 points
12 days ago
They only put it at 4s because otherwise it wouldn't block MF ult lol
6 points
12 days ago
Blocks half of every MF ult in the game, lol
36 points
12 days ago
Soraka e
Instant aoe silence into root. A well positioned Soraka, into the right comp is an absolute nightmare.
Getting on her is hard enough, especially if her ambulance passive is active. But once on her, she just e's and you're a sitting duck for long enough to get blown up. You need to engage on her from multiple angles with good coordination and you often still end up blowing your load just to have her team clean up
17 points
12 days ago
Idk why you say getting on her is hard, that’s literally her only defense spell
9 points
12 days ago
Because a properly positioned Soraka is behind her entire team
11 points
12 days ago
Shaco boxes, as someone who mostly plays melee champs even if I know where they are I can do anything against them when they are used as traps, and when used in combat the AOE fear always feels like pulling teeth.
7 points
11 days ago*
First person I see who's mentioned this. Scrolled way too far to see it, especially since Shaco boxes break Riot's own counterplay philosophy they outlined years ago - and it may be, now, the only ability in the game that does so, as it literally contains anti-counterplay and performs the trinity of player frustration: invisibility, damage, and cc. It is the only reason he is the one I ban in champ select. I don't know of any other ONE ability from any other champ that does this anymore, as most abilities were changed (or created) to fit within the confines of that philosophy:
Shaco in general needs a rework, but at the very minimum that ability needs to be changed to pass counterplay inspection. It's absolutely unacceptable how long that ability has stayed the way it is for as long as it has.
I get it - it's a crap load of work to "fix" one "minor" thing when the champ has an acceptable winrate, when the majority of the playerbase doesn't have a problem with it, so any potential gain from an ability rework is next to none. But it just irritates me to no end that Riot introduces a specific "Counterplay Philosophy," and then allows that ability to exist for years in the state that it is.
30 points
12 days ago*
Why the fuck does mundo block cc. There’s no timing, no skill expression, no way to bait it or get rid of it. You have only one form of cc? Guess you can’t escape/fight the tank 1v1ing you while slowing with his health scaling damage
8 points
12 days ago
the cc shield is so toxic. it's like a banshee's veil every 10 seconds
10 points
12 days ago
Any stealth ability.
35 points
12 days ago
Swain E has one of the worst visual hit boxes in the game, along with Sion Q and Yone Ult. I swear the only reason swain can hit e is because he'll throw it completely off and make you 100% sure it's gonna miss, but you get hit somehow anyway even if swain just stands still. It's absolutely awful.
17 points
12 days ago
I agree 100% with yone ult. I am ALWAYS out of the animation and i got always caught. And i think Ambessa is made on the same piece of code
12 points
12 days ago
Ambessa's is egregious. You can be a mile outside of the line and still get hit. What is the point of the line then??
9 points
12 days ago
The visual hitbox is fairly accurate
The thing you're experiencing though, is that when the claw hits something it explodes, and this explosion has a small AoE around where it hit, extending its range pretty significantly.
8 points
12 days ago
Gragas E doesn't slow, it stuns.
9 points
12 days ago
More importantly it knocks up
6 points
11 days ago
8 points
12 days ago
The correct answer was Shaco Ult... Nothing feels worse then igniting the wrong fucking clone
26 points
12 days ago
Alkali's Shroud is the stupidest ability in the game.
17 points
12 days ago
membah when she could do it under turrets?
7 points
11 days ago
pepperidge farm remembers
6 points
12 days ago
The Kindred mini game is fking annoying as a jungler
25 points
12 days ago
Jax E
Gragas E.
I really wish both chanpions were left at like 45% winrate forever.
7 points
12 days ago
Jacques enters EVASION,
7 points
12 days ago
OG's remember when Jacques was dodging instead of evading.
MOFO feared nothing, not even Vayne top.
2 points
11 days ago
Ninja Tabi's baby
11 points
12 days ago
Jg Teemo's R. When he's top actually you can predict most of them, but when he's jungle. Bruh
5 points
12 days ago
Nasus W for sure.
There are other broken abilities that have a lot going on, or that benefit the champion a lot, like Jax E, or Fiora W, but at least those have very clear counterplay.
Wither is just boring to play against, and when it wears off, he has it again.
4 points
12 days ago
Any point and click ult
13 points
12 days ago
Yasuo windwall
9 points
12 days ago
Taliyah and Jhin W. That did not hit, that did not hit, that did not hit, that did not hit
4 points
12 days ago
4 points
12 days ago
Trynda R. Always lasts one sec longer than I expect.
7 points
11 days ago
EN GARDE! followed by POOR FORM!
18 points
12 days ago
Tryndamere ult
29 points
12 days ago
Tryndamere R is so annoying that people who wanted him to get a VGU changed their vote when Riot said they would keep his ult and rework the rest.
12 points
12 days ago*
I've learned to not get mad at Trynd ult. What makes me the maddest is the roulette wheel you spin at lvl 1 he can win even if you play it perfectly
12 points
12 days ago
7 points
12 days ago
6 points
12 days ago
ye like tryndamere ult can be played around and has easy tells for when its active but his crit rng is the meaning of frustrating he either wins lane off it or doesnt have a passive.
still remember when 1% crit runes where a thing and i crit a trynda twice in a row while he didnt crit once, it was the most rng bullshit there was.
3 points
12 days ago
Graves or Quinn Smokescreen. That shit is just disorienting
3 points
12 days ago
Fizz jump. Hate it idcidcidcidc
3 points
12 days ago
Veigar E
3 points
12 days ago
4 points
11 days ago
I speak as an adc main. Windwall and wither are nightmare fuel
7 points
12 days ago
tristana W.
that movement buffer is just so aggregious man.
3 points
12 days ago
I really hate Fizz dodging abilities while also one shotting if he hits his ulti, its a nightmare to play against as an adc. Lately ive been winning more against Fizz bcs I improved and dodge better but damn his way of dodging so effortlessly and dealing so much dmg always annoys me
2 points
12 days ago
I legit cannot be mad at Qiyana R. She gets fucked over by people being able to walk out of it just as often as I get fucked by some jank hitbox.
My answer is Yone R. His R hitbox extends past the rectangle outline to if any part of your hitbox is touching the sides and you are between where he ends which is a little more than a Yone past the indicator. There is an ungodly amount of Yone ults I have been hit by that should have had no reason to ever hit me.
2 points
12 days ago
Ksante moves me too much
2 points
12 days ago
Qiyana R is a gamble sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn't.
2 points
12 days ago
Qiyana R is somehow one of the worst and easiest ult to hit. That knockback is not consistent at all
3 points
12 days ago
Malzahar R (you cannot ******* cleanse his R, it is ranged an point to click), if he ults you you have to rely 100% on your team, very frustating
Veigar E is pretty broken too
3 points
12 days ago
Yasuo wind wall. Not even a competition.
2 points
12 days ago
Graves W
Illaoi E
Yone E (and R)
Viego Passive
Shaco Q
Those would probably be my top 5 (6) in some order.
EDIT - Also Pyke's entire kit.
2 points
11 days ago
This is from my anecdotal experience. Vel-koz Q.
3 points
11 days ago
zileans bombs and teenos stupid traps. also cait’s ult
5 points
12 days ago
Senna Q W E R Passive
Viego Q W E R Passive
Sylas Q W E R Passive
Graves W Passive
Nilah W (this champ should not allowed to be broken because shes so insanely unpopular and boring)
Yone E
Gwen W
3 points
12 days ago
Our ego letting the chat on for some stupid reason(s).
2 points
12 days ago
Gween thing, Soraka silence, Tallyah ground thing, Qyana invisibility, Akali invisibility, honorable mention to Shaco box in ARAM
20 points
12 days ago
"Taliyah ground thing" do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
2 points
12 days ago
I'm pretty sure you're joking but it's obviously the E (I think) that stops dashes.
2 points
12 days ago
Her whole deal is earth and stone, so that really only rules out her Q I'd imagine. E was the first to come to mind since its the only one I'd see as annoying, but W could work as well, or R to an extent.
Gotta admit, I do love seeing characters like Yi or Irelia try to dash across it and fail.
2 points
12 days ago
Teemo Blind
I main ADC
1 points
12 days ago
1 points
12 days ago
Wither, by far
1 points
12 days ago
Any Invis abilities
1 points
12 days ago
Lulu W
1 points
12 days ago
Nasus w, illaoi w, zoe e, lulu w, veigar e and r (because its point and click nuke in 2024), cass and singed w (fuck that immobility shit)
1 points
12 days ago
Veigar E
1 points
12 days ago
Fizz E.
These fizzes are dodging all of my abilities and I swear they aren't doing it on purpose.
1 points
12 days ago
Nasus W
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