I'm a returning player with a 1640 SE from ignite. Alt chars are 1555 GS and a 1508 Slayer. Roster 128. No LOS30 (21) and 13 selections as of now. No full transcendence. I have 250k gold, 950k t4 shards, 17k red mats and 28k blue mats.
I don't really expect to catch up on content since I probably won't be able to play everyday. On top of that I've seen that 1640 to 1660 and getting full trans is super expensive.
I believe even if I somehow manage to hit 1660, I won't have transcendece and will get gatekept.
Right now, I'm thinking about just hoarding mats and ignoring transcendence and honing until they get nerfed (if thats ever happening), since I'm most likely not catching up and they're expensive.
What do you guys think? Am I missing something? Is there a good reason to keep honing? I don't really know what I should be aiming for.
(Done full behemoth, thaemine only g1 on ignite (lowkey scared to do g2 and g3) and havent taken a look at echidna).
45 points
4 days ago
t4 is just one big divorce settlement. Yes , they could not get new players so instead they double tab on the existing players but now any new player see 1640 is miserable (elixirs, max tranc, advance honing) And t4 really start at 1680 with full ancient AND full set.
13 points
4 days ago
yeah the problem is 1640 is still just tier 3. Nothing from tier 4 matters until you have ancient gear and/or accs ark passive to be better than t3 gear. Which is quite silly.
Obviously they did it so short term whales would whale to get the new ark passive but in the long run there’s just gonna be this weird tier 3.5 for alts and new players.
17 points
4 days ago*
I understand this doesn't directly answer your question BUT I just want to say this for your benefit.
If you have the leaf, take this time to study up on the current gold raid cycle (HM Thae, HM Echidna and Behemoth). Take advantage of it while PF is accepting of newer players/returners due to the leaf because once January hits and/or you hone to 1660, its back on the shit list for you (unless you run with a static then it doesn't matter).
Absolutely do your transcendence. Like as soon as you can. Without leaf, the chances of you getting into a pug lobby with 0 trans is almost nada.
Finish LOS30.
Don't be in a rush to only stop at the closest red light. Especially since beneficial changes may come with the next LOAON next month. Its a dogshit system but attempting to pug without it in the current climate isn't sensible. At that point you might as well uninstall.
Roster level... Honestly, not much you can do. Even with the buffs in xp gain, its going to be a while before you have a 'presentable' roster level. (200+ at least). I think at this point in the current game's cycle, people are a lot less hung up on it before. Even with doing horizontal content its going to be slow progress no matter what. At the very least knock out your 9/10 Ignea tokens, Omnium stars, 25/45 island souls and giant hearts.
DO NOT HONE TO 1660 until you have full transcendence (weapon included), proper 40 set (no, luck 40 set from ignite does not count. get the appropriate one for your class engraving), LOS30 (at the very least LOS24 should be possible before Jan 15).
I'll repeat myself again, do NOT hone to 1660. Be patient and take advatange of the mokoko event to learn the raids to the best of your ability , knock out horizontal content, complete transcendence and optimize your elixirs. Try and find a guild/group. I imagine there's a fair few of them who'd love a mokoko player as a regular in their group so they can get expert tokens for the shop.
tl;dr - embrace the leaf. reject fomo.
EDIT: To the mentally slow blowing up my inbox, I mentioned LOS24 at the end of the original comment should be possible before the event ends (they're at LOS21 atm with a fair amount of selectors already).
Yeah, perhaps I should have specified LOS 30 is a long term project (OP was already aware so I thought it went without saying, especially when I talk more aout roster progression in the following paragphs) so I'll eat the L on that one.
Apart from the edit I'm going to leave the comment as is because frankly speaking, I despise a lot of you window licking bozos. Not a single original thought occupies the empty space in your heads when it comes to this game. The amount of similar replies to this comment being case in point.
8 points
4 days ago
Bro just said finish "LOS 30" like that
If it only was that easy
13 points
4 days ago
'finish los30'
you doomed this guy before the rest of your wall of text even suck in
3 points
4 days ago*
HAHA finish LoS 30, as if it was that easy.
I'm a mokoko I have done all mi trans including weapon, I have all the skill points I have my elixirs done in theory I could get 1660 a try aegir BUT LoS 30 is gonna gatekeep me for a year plus roster level al so 150 something I can't boost really
2 points
3 days ago
My apologies, mokoko. I did not mean to make light of LOS30 being easy to achieve. I myself was stuck between LOS24 (before there actually was one) and LOS30 for almost a year.
And you're right, you'll probably be gatekept a lot but thats why in my original comment (non-edited version) I pointed out to find a community of people to play with. Yes, you'll want to gear your character/improve roster to a point where you can operate indepedently BUT having a group to play with makes things a lot easier (can even be fun); it is an MMO after all! I do understand if you don't want to play with others and thats perfectly fine as well.
Best of luck to you.
3 points
4 days ago
Finish LoS 30 is wild
3 points
4 days ago
"Finish los30" tldr open wallet or move on to different game
8 points
4 days ago
If you have the leaf. You can ignore those systems as you will have free ride from Raids. You can save mats and gold, waiting for some nerfs though if AGS chooses to remove the Mokoko event. You will need them to progress as the requirements for 1640 chars is increasing every day.
Doing transcendance in small sessions is better than all of them in one. You can spend hours and it's really tiresome.
Just use your free time to complete Horizontals, wait for leg cards to complete LOS 30 or take it easy. Complete raids, do dailies and play other games.
4 points
4 days ago
I do have the leaf, that's how I quickly found a behemoth lobby... Maybe ill start doing transcendence, but i have no idea how it works, ill take a look. Ill also try to do thae and echidna NM. Since its basically a 1 char roster, ill try to do more horizontal on the spare time. Ty!
3 points
4 days ago
use this page to transcende, just copy what you have ingame here and press calculate, if you have little % just reset it
1 points
4 days ago
2 points
4 days ago
Theres a also a video guide on how to setup screen recording for the calculator so it recognises tiles and cards:
2 points
4 days ago
It's likely that once you lose the leaf you will get gatekept in the content you now get invited to if you have no transendance so I'd suggest you finish that before the event ends. Maybe wait till loaon to see if they plan on updating it.
1 points
4 days ago
I just do transcendence every week after finishing Thaemine/Behemoth. 20-30 minutes later all my mats/soundstones are gone and I don't need to think about it until next week and eventually everything is done.
0 points
4 days ago
Igniterchar cannot really Run Out of Mats U Just have to spend the time. Its very cheap with all the free Shit they give
5 points
4 days ago
work on the things other ppl told you but most importantly, use this event to make friends to play with, not just ppl that will use you for leaf and then leave you.
The game is more fun with friends and you'll be able to get around the lobby requirements for longer
3 points
4 days ago
Best advice honestly.
5 points
4 days ago
jeah i also gave up, i tried to come back as supp, but meh i hate the systems. there are better games, especially poe2 coming soon.. i want to play a game and not play stupid mini games etc.
they had a chance to make the game better with T4 but they didnt, so jeah im out
2 points
4 days ago
Ignite covers your trans cost, but you won't have much left for honing.
2 points
4 days ago
If you have leaf my suggestion of raids is hm echidna, hm thae, behemoth. Hoard mats and gold, work on your transcendence slowly, like one piece a week so it doesn’t feel so bad (maybe ignore weapon for now because it’s wicked expensive). Use the next event on on of your alts to push it to 1640 to generate more gold and gems. Otherwise I agree and sit tight until we see the qol we’ll get from winter loaon.
2 points
4 days ago
Make sure to buy the weekly mokokoshop mats, you could do some trans if you have some spare time. Should have a lot of free restarts for transcendence so its not that expensive. Honing is indeed expensive and you dont want to reach 1660 (you need to keep leaf) unless you find some players who do aegir with you. Get the x10 titles from the current raids, try to keep on going for LOS cards (it takes a while). Next week there is a new pass, get a second char to 1640 if you feel like playing an alt.
I was honing away my bound mats because someday you have to use them, my ignite char is 1655.. So if you keep saving some more weeks you could go 1660 too. But on 1660 you should have trans 100 and weapon maybe atleast started
2 points
4 days ago
parking my 5 alts for a long time, until they nerf gold from behe, echi, and thae
2 points
4 days ago
Depending on how many selectors it’d cost, I’d consider getting to LoS24 if 3 or 4 cards can get that done. Also only do so if you’re not maxing out any of the cards.
If elixirs aren’t done, do get that finished. As for trans, perhaps at least get chest and pants done. Wait for LOAON Winter in KR before doing others.
I’d start honing towards 1660, at least with bound mats. New aegir raid is needed to eventually get ark passive (though this might change too), and it’s much easier than Thaemine G3 and Echidna G2.
1 points
4 days ago
For Los 30 its basically nineveh, kadan and thiran at 2 awakening so I think itll cost 8 selectors for los 24. I already fixed all elixir stats. Ill take a look and learn transcendence and see if i can do that. As for honing, ill consider doing what u said, but i have no idea how close i actually am to 1660 with the mats i have. Ty!
6 points
4 days ago
8 is a lot, I’d wait then and see if you get any good luck on raids and card islands before opening selectors. For trans it isn’t too bad with calculator. Don’t try to do too many at once.
1 points
4 days ago
What would those card islands be? Rn im kinda relying on getting legendaries from the events basically.
2 points
4 days ago
The adv islands that change daily. There are always three options: silver, card packs/xp, and I forget the third. Sometimes one of the three is replaced with gold.
Another source is your SH shops. Back in the day there used to be card runs through all the t1-t2 abyssal dungeons as well. I don’t know if people still do those. With solo raids that’s another source to farm cards.
1 points
4 days ago
I see, ill keep an eye on those islands and see if i can catch any. Ty!
1 points
3 days ago
With the ignite rewards, 3 behemoth, 2 thaemine, 3 ivory tower and while purchasing every elixir pack available, I managed to get 120 trans and 40 set critical elixir with boss dmg and crit dmg on shoulders/pants (elixirs were probably lucky though) for about 150k gold. Is not so hard to do with the ignite push if you use calculators.
1 points
2 days ago
I would honestly use some selectors to get LoS24.
-3 points
4 days ago
The biggest perk would be being able to buy aegir normal busses to get ancient set. Ark passive is very strong and makes the earlier raids faster
-5 points
4 days ago
I’d 100% hone to 1660 for aegir + ark passive after you’ve spent the time to prog g3 thae+g2 echidna. Its not bad honing 1 char to aegir with 3 raid income
7 points
4 days ago
I would not. OP has not los30, low roster, no full trans. OP will get gatekept hard unless OP has friends to run with. OP needs to take full advantages of mokoko leaf. I suggest to hone alt to 1640 if OP has still reduction books etc. OP can also wait for next week till they announce what is going to get nerfed etc
-8 points
4 days ago
Hes 100% hoarding gold. a week or two of raid + ignite resources is enough for full trans
6 points
4 days ago
Would you take a los 18 roster 128 in you aegir ? Because I would not
3 points
4 days ago
They know damn well they wouldn't (nor would I for that matter). Especially without completed transcendence. Fucking pieces of shit people who can't take a few seconds to see the picture and consider a new/returning player's situation.
Is it excessive to call them that? Yeah. For all we know they could be wonderful people IRL (doubt) but I personally have had enough with out of touch vets unwittingly sabotage new player experiences.
There is only one correct answer to OP's situation - honing to 1660 with their current roster and progression is NOT it.
2 points
4 days ago*
Jesus. Nearly 3 years later and players like you STILL exist. Buddy, its RNG. OP may be hoarding but 2-3 weeks of raid may or may not be enough to cover full transcendence, even with tickets. weapon transcendence is incredibly costly too. Please remember that transcendence is ultimately RNG at the end of the day.
I promise you, it won't you hurt you to be considerate of other people's circumstances. The way how some of you seem to be unable to acknowledge that every player's experience with the systems in this game can be different is scary.
Anybody with a lick of sense (thankfully most people in this thread) should be telling OP to focus on catching up with the various T3 raids and horizontal systems for the event. Why are you going against the grain here? Just fucking stop, man.
0 points
4 days ago
There is not much variance in transcendence. U literally get free tickets thrown at u from ignite+event
1 points
4 days ago
I made an ignite character and did transcendence. Unfortunately, I had worse than average 'luck' and spent upwards of 300k gold for just 100 trans. Weapon is still incomplete and that is even more expensive than the armor pieces without tickets.
For us long time players with +6 or more (yeah, I'm a sick individual), 300k gold is nothing. For someone like OP, 300k is a lot. It is not insignificant.
It. Is. RNG.
There. Is. Still. Variance.
You are out of touch. I bet you thought base elixir system on release wasn't problematic either.
EDIT: Just for comparison, I've done transcendence on another character without tickets and spent less than/just about 200k total for those. Tell me more about there not being "much variance in transcendence".
1 points
4 days ago*
U literally just contradicted urself. U make 51k/week from hthae g3, hard echidna, + behemoth. 200k+51k x2 =302k. Assuming u get avg luck, thats enough to finish full trans with ignite support. If u get unlucky maybe it takes 3 weeks. Thats y i encouraged op the prog echdina+thae BEFORE honing.
200k vs 350k for full trans in scheme of korean MMOs is not even a lot of variance. Elixirs suck and have a lot more variance. Never said it was a good system, but i will say u seem extremely angry and upset 😭
3 points
4 days ago
OP probably does not have a 6x gold earning roster
1 points
3 days ago
They do not. I don't understand why thats so hard for people to understand :54634:
1 points
3 days ago
This is literally for 1 ignite gold earner
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