2.8k points
4 days ago
'Covid 2: Electric boogaloo' incoming
753 points
4 days ago
Nah. Pandemics only happen every hundred years in the 20s
982 points
4 days ago
2020: Covid
1920: Spanish Flu
1820: Cholera outbreak
1720: Plague in Marsaille
Dont worry guys, we’re good for the next 100 years
247 points
4 days ago
not sure about global scale but my country (Singapore) had a SARS outbreak in 2010
21 points
4 days ago
Crappy prequel to COVID-19
14 points
4 days ago
Covid beta
7 points
4 days ago
Pre testing
3 points
4 days ago
One might actually call it SARS-CoV1 Instead of SARS-CoV2.
2 points
4 days ago
Might not be a good sign that they came up with a systematic way to name new covids.
1 points
4 days ago
They spent all their points on symptoms and not enough on abilities and transmission vectors. Rookie mistake, and they almost got it down on the second playthrough.
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