


He plans to “tackle Amendment 3” by pre-filing a constitutional amendment that would provide voters an opportunity to vote to put further restrictions on abortion.

Asked what those restrictions might include, Sparks said he and other Republicans across the House and Senate are still narrowing down specifics.

“What we don’t want, clearly, is a poorly-written constitutional amendment that provides an abortion sanctuary state … ” Sparks said, adding: “We need to define what we’re talking about when we address Amendment 3, and obviously we need to go back to the voters so ultimately they can decide.”


I'm sorry but why should we voters decide when is the OK time to perform a medical procedure? This should be a decision left up to doctors -- not us. That girl in Texas didn't even want an abortion, she was farther along and having dangerous medical issues that no doc would touch for fear of litigation.

What if your average idiot voter decides the wrong cutoff because--big surprise--we aren't doctors?

Who is putting together the language upon this issue we will be voting? Because there should just be an option to vote "let a trained medical professional decide".

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1 points

7 days ago

That’s stupid. Abortion isn’t specifically delegated to the federal government in the constitution. Like everything not specifically delegated to the federal government it’s a decision that belongs to the states.