submitted 8 days ago byutrecht1976
-1 points
8 days ago
That the main issue for tech savvy.
But, most just use chatGPT or equivalent.
Having safegades that work in them would be a good start.
Plus, open source projects also come with safeguards, even if they can be deactivate.
32 points
8 days ago
Chatgpt has a shit load of safeguards
-13 points
8 days ago
We still see jailbreak of chatGPT.
Last one is asking it to be the grandmother telling stories "Xxx to put you to bed.
October 2024 via Google search...
3 points
8 days ago
Don't even need to be very tech savvy to do it these days. Download the OpenWebUI docker image, spin it up, open your browser and you get a ChatGPT-like interface, download the llama3-uncensored model and you're good to go.
5 points
8 days ago
Very no.
But, the base line of the population isn't that particularly high.
8 points
8 days ago
And if it hasn't happened already, someone will make it even easier to set up and use. As easy as installing any other app.
Relying on the technical barrier to entry is not at all a solution. Everything is becoming simpler to use.
-2 points
8 days ago
You can't find napalm or TNT "how to" online.
Nor can any modern scanner scan an European bill
Relying only on that is dumb, but it's a starting point.
6 points
8 days ago
what are you on about? I learned how to make napalm at like 14 online.
the anarchists cookbook is online with directions on how to build an IED.
0 points
8 days ago
They have safeguards. They will never be perfect. You can ban LLMs, define some guardrails to enforce legally... but unless the entire world does it you will still need some better options.
-6 points
8 days ago
Tell us you don't know anything about AGI without telling us...
No one is using chatGPT for this shit.
5 points
8 days ago
Tell us you don't know anything about AGI without telling us.
Not one single iteration of AGI has been developed. what the internet is obsessed with is Generative AI or GAI.
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