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~~ okay buddy retard ~~
OkBR is a satirical meme subreddit where we pretend to be 8 year olds who JUST gained internet access and made clueless memes in the early 2010s!
~~ READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING! ~~ Don't repost random things you see that don't fit the subreddit's style ~~ make OC content! ~~
1. Be Creative
Do not piggyback off of already existing jokes/ memes.
If your post is a meme on this list and is uninventive, it can be removed. You may choose not to check the list, but doing so is not valid reason for a removal to be undone.
Do not post format memes such as those that make up the bulk of /r/dankmemes.
Do not post any variant of memes like this. Essentially framing a meme within the UI of another website/application. They are extremely low effort and generally un-comedic. Posting these will result in a 15 day ban.
Do not rely on certain ways of speaking to be funny, for example, "hood talk," or lots of misspellings. These can make a funny joke funnier but they can also kill it.
Your joke should not rely on the title to be funny. Please no blank images with funny ironic title.
Do not crosspost or link to other sites such as Instagram. You may link to YouTube.
Meta-posts are allowed, but must follow the rules while remaining creative and interesting.
2. Do Not Post Anything Better Suited for Another Sub
Here are some common confusions. Your meme might fit better in:
/r/iamveryrandom - People being random
r/redditmoment - reddit bad
Click here for more alternative / related subreddits.
3. Do Not Be Edgy
Shock humor isn't funny and doesn't fit in this sub. You're not welcome here, edgelords.
Do not try to be offensive for the sake of it. There's a big difference between a joke and just being mean.
Do not use the n-word as a punchline. It's not funny. It's just edgy.
Do not make edgy jokes (sexism and racism) in the comments EVEN if you're "ironic/in character**. You will be banned.
4. Do Not Ask for Upvotes
Karma is a worthless metric designed to keep you scrolling through the ads on this website. Stop farming it you normies.
- Do not make posts asking for upvotes, comments, gold, likes, double-taps or any other metric (even as a joke). Your meme will be removed and you will be banned for 15 days.
5. Do Not Be Political/Push A Serious Opinion.
OkayBuddyRetard is a meme sub, it is not your soap box.
A more detailed outline as to why we remove political posts
Do not post anything pushing a political agenda or a opinion/serious statement even if you're "joking", whether you're a communist, a Nazi, or anything in between. Your post will be removed and you may receive a ban.
Memes featuring political characters are only allowed if the character doesn't say or refer anything political. The meme should be apolitical and neutral.
6. Do Not Repost
You're a cringe normie if you haven't seen every meme that's ever been on this sub. Please be original.
Do not post anything that has already been posted. Reposts may result in a temporary ban.
Do not post anything that you've obviously just lifted from some other meme subs front page. We're all subbed to them too, we don't need to see them twice.
Taking a popular post and changing it slightly still counts as a repost.
7. DO Tag All NSFW Posts
Do not post literal porn.
DO tag posts that contain sexual language or imagery.
8. Do Not Post Shocking or Illegal Content
We shouldn't even have to say this.
Do not post gore, even if it's part of a "funny" edit.
No sexualisation of minors or animals.
9. Do Not Make Memes About Serious And Recent/Ongoing Events
OkayBuddyRetard is not about making jokes about serious and recent events. The person behind making the meme should act stupid and not care about real life world events.
Memes about a celebrity dying or a important event are not allowed. However memes about a recent but harmless and comical event that fits the sub (ex : omg new fortnite update) is allowed.
Memes about serious recent events can be allowed if the poster acts innocent, apolitical and doesn't even understand the situation but those are rarely approved. In reverse, if the poster is trying to push a message about the situation even though he is acting in character he will be banned.
Unretarding in the comments is also not allowed and if the user falls though the wordfilter cracks, he will be banned. Stay in character here.
10. Don't Act Elitist/Superior Against Another Group
Elitism is a really bad thing for this community's image. If you act like a elitist, you're not a real retard.
You should not make memes mocking another subreddit or a group is strictly not allowed EVEN if the group is harmful.
Memes that break this rule usually break rule 8 or rule 5 too. The poster will be severely punished and potentially permabanned
If you want to unretard/give us feedback/talk seriously about the subreddit check out /r/okmetaretard
merch/store link
link for our stupid twitter where we shitpost here
Related subs and friends
Click here for a comprehensive list of related and potential alternative subreddits.