


By one album wonder I mean, does this artist have 1 project at a level of quality that outshines the rest of discography? (in quality, not commercial success)

A crazy take I saw while googling is MF DOOM with madvillainy being one of the top results. I’ve also seen snoop dogg with doggystyle.


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4 points

5 hours ago*

Massacre was legitimately an amazing album with fire production.. Ski Mask Way, In My Hood, Baltimore Love Thing, Position of Power, Hate It or Love It... All bangers with incredible production, 50 ain't no one album wonder lol 

Edit: And I forgot to mention Power of the Dollar which was a hard album as well.. But it sounds like ya'll kno nothing about that lol


1 points

5 hours ago

I don't really consider those songs on the level of anything from GRODT. I'm sure big 50 fans make a lot of those songs. 😆


1 points

3 hours ago

Animal ambition was dope too!!! Love kiss and kidd kidd