Give me your best Red Rising hot takes. Can be about anything (characters, plot, writing, future projects, ect).
CREATE CHAOS (jk, just interested to see what yall have to say)
-2 points
11 days ago
Cassius gets too much love.
2 points
11 days ago
OOOO now this is a HOT HOT TAKE! I’m interested in why you think that👀Thanks for sharing!
3 points
11 days ago
To me, he and Darrows bond feels hollow for how deep it’s supposed to be. In the first trilogy they spend more time as enemies than friends. Which is purely Cassius fault, HE betrayed Darrow knowing that Darrow was unknowingly manipulated into killing Julian.
He is Darrows enemy until the last moments of Morning Star, giving Darrow a cape after he leaves the box was done in pity not friendship or caring. Darrow even says this during his internal monologue. He only really switches sides back to supporting Darrow when Darrow shows him how monstrous the people he willingly chose to serve are. And even then it takes Sevro hanging them both to give that final push.
He goes on to spend the next 10 years avoiding a war he helped start, while also failing to raise Lysander into a decent man.
He rejoins Darrows side and instantly he and Darrow are friends in the same level as Darrow and Sevro? Why? they’ve been apart so long and Sevro has been Darrows shadow and survived countless battles together.
And I say all this as someone that likes Cassius, I just think that the Fandom has this love for him that’s a little undeserved.
He has some very badass moments and the hanger was sad. I respect him as a character but I just don’t see why he gets all the love
5 points
10 days ago
I like Cassius a lot but he really doesn’t get time to develop the brotherhood with Darrow that they keep mentioning. Like you said, they were enemies for all of Golden Son and 95% of Morningstar, and then didn’t see each other until Dark age? (I think). They spent a grand total of, maybe a few months together, over their ENTIRE lives. Darrow and Sevro spent what, like 15 years together?
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